People Need To Check Their Sources More Instead Of Just Assuming Everyone On The Internet Is Telling The Truth - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Y'all need to calm down (not a rant post)

I didn't want to get involved in this, but I'm getting a little fed up. I didn't know what was going on beyond the crew APPARENTLY supporting incest art, but I saw no evidence here, so I looked into it myself. So the person in question is a Twitter user named Leslie Hung. A friend of hers drew incest art for another series, and she liked the drawing. She didn't know it was incest because she was not familiar with the series. But people who did know about it started giving her flack for "helping make the drawing" and "supporting incest." She got frustrated and snippy because people were in her business, but later apologized for her attitude while maintaining that she did NOT know about the incest. It seems like the "problematic" crew members were just supporting her because it sucks to be accused of something that isn't true. So yeah, it was just a misunderstanding that got blown way out of proportion and put an innocent person under a lot of undue stress. So please, stop harassing the crew (if you're someone who has been), and stop jumping to conclusions just because a few people cried wolf online. If you don't believe what I've said here, feel free to go to her Twitter and see for yourself, but please leave her alone. It's a done issue for her.

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