People Need To Read CLAMP - Tumblr Posts
OMIGOD HELLO HI I Love you too Bumblebee!!! 🫵 You 🫵yes you 🫵
absolutely beautiful brain, manically giggling and cackling
like dude what the heck why haven't your theories shown up for me until NOW?!?!?! (Sorry i will be stalking your blog for your theories etc. hope you're ok with that 😂)
💖Tsubasa propaganda hour💖
If you've never read/watched 'Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicles', if you ever have a free weekend you NEED to check it out. It's written by CLAMP a female group of artists/authors in Japan who basically PIONEERED doomed yaoi and tragic yuri. They also made one of the most iconic magical girl series of all time (they made cardcaptor sakura and magic knight rayearth). It only takes a weekend to really read the entire series and if you like TSAMS and FNAF you will totally enjoy Tsubasa. Tsubasa is also a series to be read side by side with "xxxHolic" (it's pronounce Holic, the x's were added to look cool, they didn't know xxx means something else in the US). "xxxHolic" is a story about a boy who can see Ghosts and meets a wish granting Witch and "Tsubasa" is about a found family ragtag group going on a journey across the multiverse to help one girl get her memories back.
✨done with propaganda hour, back to TSAMS brainrot✨
You've opened my eye, thank you for your brilliance.
I am very enamored with the idea of Sun taking care of Witherstorms and protecting dimensions by 'appeasing the beast' and just IDK giving a voice to the voiceless? Seeing past the exterior to the interior? It would be so ironic if Sun manages to love and change the thing even Old Moon feared.
I love OP characters but never really vibed with power fantasy. I've always been so in love with nurturing character and characters that are defined by their kindness and acts of love and just IDK. Like sometimes a character can be OP as a treat, but I like power with a price narrative and some of my favorite characters of all time are pacifists or something similar that usually trade away pieces of themself over time just to help and I think it's so sad and so moving.
Media kind of tends to always make people who lean towards a kind nature and just shuts them in a particular box and that box is typical "They are kind but also so stupid and dumb you can walk all over them" or "they're kind and the world is cruel so they're doomed to die" It just...happens...ALL...the time. Kind characters either just DIE or everyone else looks down on them and I get really sick of it.
I still to this day crave the sauce of Sun just actually truly opening up. He hides so much from his family and I know it comes from the fact he's trying to not burden them or make things about himself but you can even see he's opening up to Earth and Jack in his "therapy sessions" but it's still like...candy coated truth. He omits so much.
I never truly understood Old Moon was abusive until the episode we went into his mind and he had to face the things he's done in his 5+ years of existing and it's brutal. Sun never once really speaks about it. He doesn't complain or just ask point blank why he was so awful to him. The only thing I only thing that kind of tipped me off that Sun was being actually abused (I was very willfully ignorant about the wacking stick, I thought it was just a joke) was when he made the statement "Sometimes, I thought you liked torturing me" IT BROKE MY HEART CAUSE OLD MOON WENT SILENT. BRO DIDn'T REFUTE
Also Sun sacrificing his soul? Tearing off pieces of it to help? Doesn't that sound familiar? He had someone help him by doing that EXACT thing. To him, ripping his soul might almost be normalized. That's such a cool theory and has so much show canon to back it!!! I love the idea of the celestial family having to get his soul back! It gives me a STRONG need!!!
The Angst there is so real too. I can imagine he breaks more and more parts of himself to the point he forgets important things and people. He's there but not really there. The entire family is just scrambing because suddenly Sun has no idea who any of them are. (amnesia arc?) Sun you are loved!!! You know that tik tok edit song that's been going around like "I would let the world burn" that's DEF the celestial family when it comes to helping and protecting one another.
(back on my madoka-ifying Sun agenda)
ALSO HELLO!?! I never thought of Sun being a filter but I SEE IT. I totally SEE IT!!! Like...that might be why the Astrals are just ignoring him. (could be wrong here, again still behind on Lore) He's not generating Star Power or generating Negative Star Power but instead absorbing it and filtering it? I wonder if there's ever really been a case of it before? That's kind of what the Stitchwraith core with FC was I think? (Stitchwraith also explicitly told FC to stay away from Sun, in particular) It explains why he's so unique to these two energies and also why they don't seem to corrupt him. Star power is such an interesting power source in the over all lore of all the shows I like seeing Sun doing something different/unique to the established set rules.
Never forget, when Sun used Star Power near Earth it didn't harm Earth at all. It only pushed Eclipse through the ball pit but when New Moon/Nexus did a blast of Star Power that Puppet herself blocked with magic the radiation STILL burned Earth who apparently wasn't even in the crossfire. Earth was standing RIGHT NEXT TO SUN when he blasted Eclipse. So much food for thought. I wonder how Star Power reacted to KC too, because he taught Sun how to harness it.
Also Sun becoming the commander to Witherstorms...that would be SO COOL. It would also make sense why the Astrals so far seem way more ok with threatening Moon and not Sun, they just sense those Witherstorm vibes from Sun. He has that AURA. Him being unintentionally associated with a being more power then Astrals is SO SEXY. Everything you've mentioned sounds awesome and cool and I want to know more.
Although I'm just a Sun simp and will literal eat crumbs of Sun content off the floor like a rat. In the words of Brittany Broski, "I'm just a baby possum lying at the floor of a dumpster located near a 1 star restaurant surviving off of half eaten snicker bars, styrofoam cups, and the restaurant's food scraps."
(ALSO AURORA LISTENER IN THE WILD, I kin assign the Blade and the Seed to Sun)
Sun with the kids REAL. I love seeing just like fun little slice of life eps of him babysitting and just hanging out with kids. (I especially love when Lunar is hanging out too cause you can tell he's learned a lot about child care from Sun and Earth.) The ep Jack hugged him actually sent me it was the cutest thing ever. The first person Jack's hugged is Sun! Like sun being badass? Real and based. Sun having a normal day and just hanging out with his family? MY HEART.
Thanks for being a REAL ONE I hope I matched your energy with this.
Random Idea but with what I know about current spoilers I have two ideas. One is that Sun will somehow becomes the Witherstorm (I AM BANKING ON THIS) or he's going to be relevant to the Witherstorm of their dimension and be scattered through dimensions.
One of my most favorite series of all time is "Tsubasa: Reservoir Chronicles" and the crux of that series is they need to put someone back together and to do so, they have to travel to various dimensions to find the missing pieces of the person's soul. I totally see that happening to our Sun? I don't know why.
Even to this day, Sun still hasn't quite opened up about himself. Not to Old Moon, New Moon, Solar, Earth, Lunar, etc etc. I think the most he's been open towards thus far is probably Dazzle ironically?
I'm still getting caught up but I can tell Dazzle actually wants to get to know him so she's asking about him and he's honestly telling her. (also loving how Sun is spending more and more time with the kids in the show, He spends so much time with FC, Dazzle, Jack, etc. It's so wholesome) I'd say Earth and Lunar are in second place of knowing him best but they also still sometimes are kept an arm's length away.
Solution to this? Scatter parts of his 'soul' into the multiverse and make it the family's responsibility to find him! Heck he could even be in a coma the entire time they do this! When they find a Sun fragment they get to see his memories or feel and hear his thoughts.
In Tsubasa the fragments are called 'feathers' and they can warp reality, break time and space, or even gain sentience. I think it'd be so neat if one of the fragments of Sun became Dark Sun but I know it's not likely.
"I am doing this for Sun, Because I am Sun" vibes
Just an Idea but it'd be so cool if it happens!
My second Idea, has to do with a sketch I did a bit ago (still working on more sketches for it) but basically I know Sun's currently gathering power. He's a fighter and wants to help! His family is still keeping him away from the action though. It's not malicious and comes from them wanting to protect him but it's going to ultimately leave him more vulnerable and a target.
Dark Sun I know is tampering with dark energies, he's raising a dragon? He's associating more and more with Witherstorm energy and he still hasn't quite confessed what his motive/plan is besides the fact this is "all for Sun"
So wouldn't this mean Sun is going to ultimately becomes a Witherstorm? It's what the creator studies and the one of the main dimension is different from others so who's to say our Sun and Moon aren't also built different with different fates?
Creator created something specifically just to torture and wear Sun down but when you think of it, that's also what Old Moon was until they split. I don't think that was the intention but the fact Old Moon just decided to point blank torture Sun? Sus, like it was meant to happen.
Dark Sun I think needs Sun to be his pet Witherstorm, and he's maybe planning to use Nexus to make that happen? I just got to the point in the series where he just picked up New Moon from space and took a chip out of his brain. Bruh...he needs him but won't say for what.
I love it. Dark Sun my beloved what are you evil little plans <3
Hoping Sun doesn't fall into a Coma but it'd be so sexy of him aha~
I really like when Sun spends time with Earth and Lunar too it'd be so cool if they have an adventure to save him.
BTW I've been listening to Aurora's song "The Seed" and it literally gave me a big brain AU idea for tsams but idk if I should try to write it.
I really hope Sun ascends to some kind of God-hood like being especially involving destructive energy like Witherstorm stuff. It'd be so neat and sad if one of the nicest people ever became the ultimate judge, jury, and executioner-like being. It's especially ironic since Nexus/New Moon can't decide what's real anymore and just decided to frick off and become God so it'd be realllyyyy funny if Sun was the one to become a reality altering being.
I'm just Madoka-ifying Sun at this point