Peter My Beloved - Tumblr Posts
peter pettigrew headcanons because he was relevant
his favourite colour was orange
had a lot of orange hats, scarves, coats, gloves - because his friends knew that colour and they ran with it for ten years
big denim guy
always points out that denim would stop a zombie from biting you and everyone groans in unison
geology nerd
he wasn't the kindest marauder, but he was the nicest. said hello and thank you and please to everyone he met, always smiled and called his friends' parents "sir" and "ma'am"
had pollen allergies
he had a few jokes he keeps circling back to, because he knows they'll get laughs and he's quite insecure about his sense of humour (as you would be, hanging out with the marauders)
studied his arse off for the OWLs and got mostly E's, and two A's.
grew a beard after school
remus hated it and begged him to shave it off (he did)
his dad did believe in pretty traditional masculine values, so he was raised pretty harsh
never went without in terms of material stuff
was incredibly disappointed that he was a rat
he thinks crocheting is just a copy of knitting and will yell about it if you get him drunk enough
he knitted stuff in first and second year before his dad found out and stopped him from doing it
half-blood, his dad was a muggle and his mum a half-blood witch
in his later hogwarts years he genuinely thought he was being brave for joining the Order, but he was just joining because everyone else was doing it

I’ve been seeing the Army Dreamer’s trend going around in the Marauders fandom right now, and though I love it, y’all just ditched Peter. So I’m gonna share some of my headcanons about him. I think that he is just really good at board games, like never go against this man in a game of candy land, he will destroy you. I think that he has a rabbit’s foot keychain and swears up and down that it gives him good luck. (Why do you think he’s so good at board games? Duh) I think that he was the one to come up with the idea for the boys to turn into animagi. I think that one day he just asked Remus ‘hey so if you bite a human, that human will turn into a werewolf, but what happens if you bite an animal? Do you get a werebunny or something?’ I think that every single haircut he gets is a bad one. Like without fail, he will go to the barber with a picture and detailed instructions and then get his hair absolutely butchered. This made him afraid to go to the barber but he still went every time just thinking ‘this’ll be the time! I know it will!’ I think he went through a phase in like 3rd year where he wore suspenders. I think he’s always the one who distracts people while the marauders are pulling a prank, and he always comes up with the worst lies because he panics. Just like ‘oh no, you can’t go down this corridor. Yeah, someone let loose a barrel of aggressive hamsters and they’re wrecking havoc. Vicious little things. I’m lucky to even be standing here to warn you.’ Lastly, I think that the first ever death eater meeting he went to he saw regulus there and panicked, so the next meeting he showed up with like a trench coat, fedora and Groucho glasses. Go show Peter some love!!
(This is all in good fun)