Phinks X Reader - Tumblr Posts
I love all things Feitan and though Phinks isn’t my favorite I do love the dynamic. You say ur not confident in it but I like it a lot regardless lol, if you made this a story I’d read tf outta it.
Common Interest
Yandere Feitan x Reader x Yandere Phinks
Synopsis: Feitan and Phinks talk about one of their common interests, you.
Warnings: Murder mentions, yandere content, reader is a troupe member, fem reader
idk how many words this is its 12 am and I’m just trying to get this blurb out of my drafts… not very confident in this but I just wanted to post something while I work on other stuff 🥲

Feitan isn't sure what to do with you.
People have piqued his interest before, for any number of reasons. If they were lucky, he got bored after a day or two. If he decided to see what the fuss was about, it usually sealed that person's fate. They'd be dead in a matter of days to weeks and tossed to the woods behind his house for the wolves to feed on. Feitan can't do that with you, he isn't ready to drag you by your ankles to his home and kill you with an assortment of torture techniques, nor does he want to.
After all, the other Spiders probably wouldn't take it too well if Feitan caused one of their members to disappear.
For once, everyone was all together at the base to celebrate a mission well done.
Feitan eyed you, only half pretending to read his book. He wasn't big on reading, but a book on medieval torture practices was sure to have some fun information. You were talking with Shizuku about something, sitting next to her in the hideout sharing a takeout box of food. The moonlight shined through the windows, illuminating you against the others. He sits further away, preferring to be at a distance while he ruminates on his feelings. Feitan's ears strain to pick up on what you two discuss, trying to ignore everyone else.
"Okay, you first, what does yours say?" You ask, stabbing a piece of chicken with your fork and eating it. Shizuku eyed the strip of paper, chewing on the fortune cookie as she did. Once she finished, she read out what was written. "Want to learn Mandarin? Leave us a review? Visit ou-" "Wrong side, Shizuku." She lets out an "oh" before turning the paper over to see what her fortune was. "A light heart carries you through tough times." She recites, blinking a few times. "What about you, what does yours say?"
You look at the rectangle of paper, having only skimmed it briefly before. You hold it up, reading it out loud to her. "Good business opportunities will come to you." You stab another piece of chicken with your fork. The conversation soon shifts focus as the two of you share your meal.
Why were you talking to her? She was going to forget whatever you said as soon as you left. It's one ear and out the other with Shizuku. Feitan wouldn't forget, he never has. Everything you've told to him he's remembered, anytime you addressed him directly or called him by his name. He's kept all of your mementos too: your hair ties, the old press-on nails Pakunoda encouraged you to get, and the cards you hid in your bra during a game of Uno (those were his favorite).
Feitan's fixation for you has gone on for so long he isn't sure how or when it started. Perhaps it was always there, and only now was rising to the surface. He wasn't sure of the reason for it, not that he needed one. Feitan didn't need to justify his attachment to you, especially not since you and him are one in the same; thieves. Oh, but he is hyper-aware of his own growing animosity toward the other Spiders. He's been meaning to put a stop to it, realizing how out of hand it had been getting when he grew resentful towards Kortopi for taking your attention when you should have been focused on him.
The common denominator had been you; so it was only right that Feitan deals with you. The others can't bother him if they can't interact with you, and if they can't interact with you then Feitan could have you all to himself. His thoughts drift to how he would even pull something like that off; if he should even try it.
Just as he was trying to tune back into you and Shizuku’s conversation, Phinks came to sit with him on the concrete he was using as a resting place. Feitan smelled him before he saw him, the distinct scent of his cologne was unmistakable. A warm musky fragrance, and if you really focused on it, it was almost floral.
"What you want?" It came out as an almost hiss, but that was just Feitan's normal tone of voice these days. "You're staring again." He points out. Again. Again? Feitan stares at Phinks, closer to eye level now that he's sitting down on the concrete. Behind the cowl, Feitan's mouth tightens to a thin line, and his gaze returns to you.
Well, if Phinks' picked up on Feitan's proclivity to admire you from afar, surely Chrollo has as well. The idea of that is enough to send an unpleasant shiver through him. Feitan is surprised Phinks would have picked onto something like this, he wonders if his interest in you wasn’t more obvious than he initially thought.
(Honestly, between the two of them- Phinks wasn’t exactly the perceptive one).
"You stare too." Feitan says, in an almost challenging tone. It isn't any of Phinks' business what Feitan does, really. "Could be doing a lot more than just staring." Phinks' says it like he's offering something, and Feitan peels his eyes away once more to look at Phinks. There’s that look on his face, one Feitan is familiar with. The cogs running through his head, deciding to do it, to take what’s right in front of you and to make it yours.
Feitan has noticed it; the fleeting glances and constant need to hear your opinion on things Phinks had. Sometimes, Feitan worries Phinks has become incapable to form his own thoughts on a matter without your input. Phinks was the only person (other than Chrollo, of course), that Feitan could tolerate you speaking to for more than a few minutes.
“She leaving after tonight, gone till next mission.” Feitan says, having picked it up from your earlier conversation with Shizuku. He wonders if she’s even remembered you told her that. “We could just keep her,” Phinks starts, leaning in so nobody else could hear. “My place is nice enough, yeah?” Feitan nods slightly, giving Phinks his approval for the idea. Hardly any words past that have to be said, evidently, they're on the same page.
If it had been anyone else, any other troupe member, to say Feitan would be irritated is an understatement. He'd make quick of killing them for even daring to breach the topic, but Phinks is an exception; he might as well be his brother.
He and Phinks killed people together, robbed the innocent and took joy rides in stolen cars, even shared a bed when they had to. Surely they can split you between themselves. It wouldn’t be hard, even if the two men could get insanely jealous and possessive. They’d be working together, not against each other. Two heads are always better than one; especially when Feitan knows you'd put up a serious fight should they go through with this.
The thought of it amuses him, Feitan, at your imagined struggle, begins to feel some pity for you. As valuable of a member to the Troupe you were, he doubts you’d do well against two spiders. Maybe you won’t even get the chance to get some good hits in, depending on whatever Phinks’ has in mind.
“So? What do you say?” Phinks asks, turning to face Feitan with crossed arms. There's a long pause, Feitan thinking the offer over and all of the ways it could go wrong. All of the ways it could go right.
"Let's do it."