Photographer Yoongi Model Oc - Tumblr Posts
This is good.
This is soo good that I am tempted to forget Yoongi is not exactly doing good . It is soo good that I can see the lines inside Reina's head getting blurred , her mind collapsing into the black hole of her attraction that is for Yoongi.
Yoongi is tactful , very persuasive , and I'd not go on a limb to say kinda manupulative ?! or not ?! Either way , he's really riding a wrecking ball to crumble oc's heart. And when he does , he's going to have the defence of ' I told you so' and ' I'm engaged ' . He has really laid out all his weapons and OC is still going to injure her heart because he's giving her the illusion of his desire , his need. She will crash down hard when this illusion ends ...
This is bad.
Really bad for my heart.
But I'm going to read because I love @sunshyngal 💜 this fic is truly like watching a car crash , and after soo many years I am able to read good types of tragedies and angst - the kind of tragedy's like maybe old Grey's Anatomy episodes had. Can't wait to know what happens next.

Photographer Yoongi x Model Oc
Werewolf au !!!
I turned the shower off, grabbing the fluffy white robe and slipping it on before moving to the small linen closet near the sink. I grabbed a small towel, running it through the damp strands of my hair before opening the bathroom and stepping out into the bedroom.
"Jesus Christ!!!" I screamed, stumbling back a little in shock , my eyes locking on the figure sitting by the window, guitar balanced on his lap and fingers thrumming a few chords with ease.
"Hey." Yoongi didn't even look up at me, continuing to play on the instrument and I swallowed, nervous and worried.
" What are you doing here?" I asked nervously and he gave me a small smile. I didn't miss the way his gaze flitted to my bare thighs and legs before sweeping back up to the V of the neckline, lingering where the fabric parted over my cleavage. I swallowed, instinctively crossing my arms over my chest, turning sideways to look away from him.
" Shouldn't I be asking you that? Last I knew, you didn't live here. Hoseok hyung did. " He said casually, going back to pluck at the strings.
I groaned in disbelief.
"He's staying with his wife in the penthouse and he offered to let me use the apartment.... For a while." I moved to grab the long silk negligee on the bed, hastily shedding the bathrobe and slipping the night dress on. Changing in front of people was nothing new and just knowing that Yoongi had zero interest in my body made it easier to ignore him.
"So basically you give him the pleasure of your company and he is letting you live here?"
He didn't look judgmental, but there was a hint of distaste in his tone.
I ignored it.
There's not a lot of options, for an unemployed omega to survive. There were some things we weren't allowed to have, by virtue of our natures. Like our own property .
Omegas couldn't own property, operate businesses or make investments. We weren't allowed to visit public hospitals or ride public transport unless we had an employee permit from wherever we worked.
We couldn't buy certain things and people didn't rent out spaces to us. All cities had their residential areas sectioned of into pack houses for different packs and that was how it worked. You belonged to a pack and then wherever you went you stayed with your pack members.
Strangers weren't welcomed there. Omegas could only stay in these apartments or condominiums when they were allowed to by whomever owned the building. And no one was charitable enough to do that for nothing.
With my contract ending, I had to find someone to live with. There was no way out of that. I'd lived for twelve years in a suite in my agency , out of sight and only interacting with stylists and trainers and dieticians. I walked runways, modeled for brands , attended after parties but always held myself aloof, separate from the other models who had their own packmates , their own little cliques.
Omegas weren't rare per se, but it was rare for an omega to excel in a field, enough to gain recognition. If it weren't for my face and genetics, I wouldn't be half as successful as I was. But if I hadn't been an omega I'd be twice as successful as I was.
But all that was over now. I was no longer a model and when Hoseok had sent me an invite to dinner with a not so subtle invitation to sleep with him, I'd agreed to the former but subtly turned down the offer to sleep with him . I knew his wife, Haneul. They had an open relationship , married but not officially mated . But I still didn't like crossing that line.
And Hoseok was handsome and young. Thirty nine to my thirty. But I wasn't going to waste time explaining that to yoongi. He was free to think whatever he wanted.
" Its either him or some fifty year old bastard with a limp dick. If I'm going to be someone's mistress I'd rather it be a friend. " I said sharply. He frowned at that.
" A sponsor then? Thought you weren't going to do that ....isn't that why you quit?" He questioned softly.
I rolled my eyes.
" You sound like you miss me . " I laughed without mirth and he shrugged.
" I'm not hiding it. I do miss you."
I stared at him. Nothing much I could say to that.
" Its been three weeks. Perhaps, you should move on. " I pointed out and he shook his head.
" Not until you agree to work with me on the Colors of fall exhibit this November." He said softly.
I felt my jaw dropping in disbelief.
" You... ... Ask your girlfriend. She signed a contract last week didn't she ? Tell the management you want her.... I'm not available." I snapped.
He gave me a look.
" How did she get that contract? Shes hardly good enough to sign up with an agency like ours. I know you probably put in a good word for her.. " He smiled a bit.
I looked away quickly.
" She told me she wanted to start modelling seriously. Its just on probation...she's still going to have to work hard to keep up...." I wasn't even sure what I was trying to say.
yoongi chuckled a little, shaking his head.
" I feel like you need to learn how to be a little selfish sometimes, noona. Its easier for me if you're selfish. " He stared right at me, " How am I supposed to remember all the reasons I shouldn't like you, if you keep making it so difficult for me."
I ignored the last bit of his little speech. It was meaningless. He would flirt sometimes, hint sometimes, come close to me sometimes but when I pushed for something substantial he moved back and away. Recoiled like I was some snake looking to sink my fangs into him and I didn't enjoy that. At all.
He refused dinner invites from me nd gave courting gifts to the girl his parents picked out for him and I couldn't forget that he was going to marry her someday.
And I felt like I wasn't the only one who needed to remember that.
" Does Eunhye know you talk shit about her behind her back?" I asked .
He shrugged.
" I'm just a honest guy , noona. I don't play games. Which is why I want you to tell me the truth. Will you be okay with Eunhye being in my exhibit ? It won't hurt you if I ask her to do it instead of you? Is that what you want?"
He stared at me evenly and I could feel my pulse begin to pound a little. I could lie, of course but I was too tired to.
"it doesn't matter what I want. " I said finally.
He gave me a thoughtful smile and nodded.
" Thought so. Well, just so you know...I'm not renewing my contract with the agency either. " He said casually.
I blinked, completely thrown. Yoongi needed that contract. He was far from successful, dependant entirely on the money he made from the little photoshoots he did throughout the month.
"What?" I croaked.
He grinned, going back to strumming.
" No point sticking around when my favourite model isn't there anymore." He shrugged before giving me a look, " This isn't a love confession by the way. I just think you're a phenomenal model. And I can't work with anyone as well as I can with you.... Besides you and I both know they only kept me around because you liked me....." He laughed a little and I bit my lips.
" Yoongi....." I began desperately but he quickly held a hand up. I found myself momentarily distracted by the veiny forearm and thick digits, gulping at the sight of the silver ring on his middle finger, sterling silver enforced with platinum. It looked expensive and it was. I knew exactly how much it cost, seeing as I'd bought it for him, three years ago for his birthday. And it felt terrible to be this person for him , this someone who wasn't really anyone ......
" Do you know Im Jaebum ? He has an advertising agency in Itaewon.... He's looking to hire an in-house model and photographer is what I heard..... " Yoongi said casually.
I frowned, vaguely remembering a man with wandering hands and leering eyes. I but my lips , shaking my head. They were all the same. But he was also rich and influential.
" So you want me to talk to him?"
He shrugged.
" He'll jump at the chance of hiring you and if you tell him im you're personal photographer, he'll definitely consider hiring us.".
I groaned.
" You're trying to bribe me aren't you? You know that if you offer to come with me , I'll be tempted to agree..." I accused and he grinned, completely unrepentant.
" I'm not a nice guy, noona. Letting me know you're in love with me is the worse thing you ever did. I'm going to keep using that to get my way..."
I shook my head, turning away to move to the dresser. I grabbed the blowdryer And plugged it in, reaching for the small vial of hair product on the counter. I sighed, unscrewing the lid and pouring a generous amount of the liquid into my palm before sinking my fingers into my hair.
I felt hands on my shoulders , and glanced up to catch my reflection, Yoongis face next to mine, chin resting on my shoulder . He smiled softly.
" We're friends, right noona? " He asked seriously and I resisted the urge to turn around and wrap my hands around his waist.
I hesitated. It was an overly simple way of describing an overly complicated relationship.
" Yes." I said finally.
He hummed and I startled when he gently pressed his lips to my neck.
"I was so stunned when you told me what they tried to get you to do. Its terrible. ". He said firmly.
" Yes. " I whispered quietly. " it is."
Yoongi growled a little.
" Well, you know me know I could never stay in a place that treats you like that, yeah? I couldn't live with myself. "
And the tell tale pounding of my heart inside me was so familiar and painful that I had to close my eyes. Lines blurred when we were together and this was why I couldn't move on.
" Then think about it. I know you love being in front of the camera. And I love being the one behind it. I want to work with you till we're both old and grey. So think about it. "
I shuddered a little when he casually wrapped a strand of hair around his finger and tugged lightly.
" Okay " I said sofly. He grinned again and stepped away, leaving me cold nd bereft. I clenched my fists, fingers digging into my palm to stop myself from chasing the warmth of his body against my back.
Yoongi moved away fully and then caught my eye through the mirror again.
" Beautiful." He whispered" The most beautiful woman I've ever seen."
I choked.
" You have a fiancee. " I snapped and he shrugged.
"You're still number one." He said casually and I felt my face flame red. I stayed perfectly still as I watched him gather his guitar and the case before moving away to the living space.
I stared at myself in the mirror, puffing my cheeks out before rubbing moisturizer into my face.
The idea of being in front of the camera again was so tempting. And even more was the idea of being in front of Yoongi. The floodlights made me bold and shameless and I had to trouble meeting his eyes and pouring my heart into every gaze and gesture when I looked into the viewfinder, knowing he was behind the expensive lens. It was the only time I could have him to myself.
All his attention on me. No distractions.
I'd have to be a saint to refuse an offer like that.
And I was far from one.