Piercer Jungkook - Tumblr Posts
Trick. (m)
pairing: jeon jeongguk x reader
genre: smut, probably some crack
word count: 4.4k (this was not supposed to be this long)
warnings: piercer!jk, tattooartist!jk, some taehyung in the beginning because i do what i want, oral (f receiving), degradation, dirty talk, pulling jk’s hair, manbun!jk, etc.
summary: you did not come to the tattoo shop that taehyung works at for a clit piercing, but you left with one.
notes: for anon ;)

You hum a tune as you pull open the door to the shop, a small smile on your face as you spot that familiar head of red hair peeking up from behind the front desk.
“Yet again, you always find a way to manage to be unprepared for my appointments.” You playfully scold him, making your way over to the desk and propping your elbows up on top of it.
“Taehyung?” You question, standing on your toes to get a better view of whatever it was that he was doing, when he suddenly shoots up off of the ground with a few different tattoo instruments in hand that you couldn’t even be bothered to try and recognize.
“You’re early, doll.” He does that signature side smirk of his and tosses the tools aside clumsily on the desk. He leans in to place a quick kiss to your forehead, as usual.
“You told me to come at six, right?” You question, eyebrows furrowed in confusion as Taehyung strides over to the other side of the shop, grabbing his backpack and his keys.
“I did. Is it six yet?” You tilt your head to the side as you pull your phone out of your back pocket, quickly scanning the screen with your eyes.
“It’s almost 6:30, kid.” You tell him, shaking your head in disbelief as you tuck your phone back into your pocket.
“Oh, well, you’re late.” He shrugs, spinning his keys around his pointer finger as he walks toward you. You stand where you are, arms crossed as your eyes trail up his body toward his face.
“You know how I feel about my time being thrown to waste.” He whispers as he stands in front of you, snaking his arm around your waist to pull you into his chest.
“You also know that I take a strong dislike to you calling me a kid, ________.” You place your hands on his chest and lightly push him away. Though the two of you were just friends, he had a tendency to mess with you like this.
“I demand respect.” He says, struggling to maintain a serious expression. You laugh at this, and take a seat in the chair at his station.
“Are you about to put your stuff in your car?” You ask, wondering why he gathered all of his things up.
“Yes, and I’m about to leave, too.” You furrow your eyebrows in confusion.
“How are you about to leave if I have an appointment-“
“Consider this your punishment for being late.” He shrugs nonchalantly, giving you a half assed wave before heading towards the door.
“What? Is Yoongi here?” If Taehyung was about to leave, then that meant Yoongi was still here. He owned the shop, but he usually left before Tae.
You’d grown quite fond of him as a result of all of the time you’d spent at the shop, so if Taehyung was leaving, then you had no problem going to pay Yoongi a visit instead.
“Nope!” Taehyung calls out over his shoulder, the door already open as he sticks one of his long legs outside.
You stand up, preparing to follow Taehyung out.
“Someone’s there to do your tattoo, doll. He’s in the back.” This was news to you. For the many years that you had known Taehyung, he was the only person to have worked here alongside Yoongi.
“You got a new guy? Who is he?” Taehyung hums, carefully considering how he should introduce the newcomer to you.
“His name is Jungkook. He’s a sweet kid. Doesn’t talk much, but he’s good at what he does. I trust him, because he’s got plenty of experience. You’ll be fine.”
“You know that I only trust—“
“Bye!” Taehyung closes the shop door, the little bell above it ringing a few times afterward.
You huff and make your way to exit as well.
‘Punishment my ass.’ You thought.
“You must be Taehyung’s six o’clock.” You heard a gentle voice from behind you. You quickly turned around after hearing his first few words. Taehyung said he was in the back, but you didn’t expect him to show up so suddenly.
“Did I startle you?” He asks, with a curious tilt of his head. You didn’t trust yourself to speak at the moment, so you nodded instead.
This man was sex on legs.
He had a slim build with a cinched waist to balance his wide shoulders, buff arms that were littered in a few random tattoos, and by the way his shirt clung to his chest, you were safe to assume that he had a chiseled torso as well.
“I heard the bell, so I came out to check if Taehyung left or not. I apologize, ________. It’s ________, right?” You nod again.
“I know that I’m likely not your first choice, but I can promise you that you’ll leave fully satisfied. I’m good at what I do.” He flaunts, somewhat of a cocky smirk on his face.
It looked good on him.
“I’m Jungkook, by the way.”
“So I’ve heard.” You respond, walking a bit closer to him to avoid having to continue talking past an awkwardly large gap.
He discreetly swipes his eyes over your figure as you approach him.
“You’re here for a piercing, yeah?” You hum in confirmation. Jungkook smiles.
“It’s a good thing Taehyung left anyway, then. I’m much better at those than he is.” You raise both of your eyebrows in surprise, immediately taken aback by his bold demeanor.
You could’ve sworn Taehyung said that he doesn’t talk much.
“I’ll take you to the back, unless you’d like to get your piercing done out here.” You shake your head, and insist that Jungkook lead you to the back room.
The walk is uncomfortably silent. You aren’t sure whether you should be looking straight at the manbun resting atop his head, the way his arms flex as he walks, or the way he moved with such confidence with every step he took.
Damn, you were being a creep.
You almost bumped into him as he abruptly stopped in front of a closed door with a sign that read ‘Knock before Entering’ on it.
He opened the door, stepping aside to let you take the lead.
“Hop up on that chair and make yourself comfortable. I’ve got to get a few things together before we get started. Is this your first piercing? You know, aside from your ears?” You plop down stiffly onto the chair, holding your elbows to your sides as you watch him carefully.
“Yeah.” You respond dryly. He enters the room and closes the door behind himself.
“You chose a clit piercing for your first time? Shit, you’re a trooper.” Your eyeballs bulge out of your skull.
“I chose a what?” You lean forward, as if that were going to help you better understand the bullshit that just came out of his mouth.
“Yeah?” Jungkook is confused at your reaction. “Taehyung said that’s what you asked for.” You wildly shake your head in disagreement.
How in the hell did he mistake a belly button piercing for a clit piercing?
“No, no no. That’s definitely not what I asked for.” You are completely alert now.
“Oh, hm.” Jungkook shrugs as he sits down on a stool, which was placed to the right of the chair you were on. He continues to prepare his tools, as if you didn’t say that you were not here for a clit piercing.
“Why are you still messing with that stuff, then?” You question, completely on edge. Jungkook shoots you a bewildered gaze.
“Even if you aren’t getting your clit pierced, any other piercing will require the same materials.” He states, staring blankly at you. You clear your throat and lean back in the chair.
Now you felt like a dumbass.
Jungkook turns back around, shaking his head with a small smirk on his face as he continues to prepare his work station.
You took this time to stare at his hands.
He had finger tattoos.
“You should definitely get a clit piercing though.” He comments nonchalantly, opening up a drawer and pulling some pointy object out of it.
“Excuse me?” You were baffled. Jungkook ignores your outburst, and nods as he slips on a pair of latex gloves.
“I’ve heard that it makes sex much more pleasurable, for both you and your partner.” You scrunch your face up, wondering where this was relevant to the conversation.
“Even if you decide to take your pleasure into your own hands, it’ll feel much better than your regular orgasms.”
“It’s just a suggestion, though.” He shrugs, turning to face you with his tattooed hands neatly tucked away in the gloves.
You kind of wished they were off.
“Alright, where’d you want that piercing?” After his little speech, you were certain that he had unintentionally swayed you into forgetting what you originally came for.
A belly button piercing, right?
“How...painful would it be to get my—would it hurt, is my question.” You asked. Jungkook raised both of his eyebrows, surprised at your sudden interest in the topic when you were ready to lose your shit over it just a few moments ago.
He leans his elbow against the counter, propping his head up on his hand as he thinks about it.
“I’ve only given a few, since people don’t really come in for them, but it’s a slight pinch. It’s a needle going through your most sensitive area, so it’s not going to feel nice.” He comments.
“Unless you’re into that, I mean. In that case—“
“Nope, nah, not into that.” You quickly shut the idea down, causing him to laugh.
“Why’d you say people don’t come in for them? Are they not common?”
“They’re more common than you’d think, actually. Clit piercings are only confirmed by appointments, so you can’t just walk in like you would for a tattoo. Most women come in for the consultation, and then they don’t come back.” His fingers fidget inside of the gloves.
“Why’s that?” You would have to apologize to him later for asking all of these questions.
“They probably think that the actual clitoris is getting pierced.” You open your mouth to ask him another question, but he beats you to the chase.
“It’s not.” Oh.
“It’s the clitoral hood.” You hum. That sounded much less painful.
“Literal clit piercings are a thing, but it’s too much of a risk. We don’t offer those here.” You felt a bit better about the idea of it now.
You were literally about to sit here and change your entire plan because of a cute tattooed man.
Then again, you were already here. You know for a fact that you would never come back purposefully to get a clit piercing.
Er, a clitoral hood piercing.
On the bright side, if you didn’t like it, you could take it out. So, was there really any harm in it?
There was one thing you didn’t know, though.
“How long is the healing period?” You ask. Jungkook purses his lips.
“About eight weeks, give or take a few.” Damn, well, there was that.
“Let’s do it.” You smile.
What the hell is wrong with you?
“Really?” Jungkook smiles lazily, and you nod, still a bit unsure, but ready to go for it regardless.
“I do have to give you an unofficial check up before I can determine if this piercing is right for you, though. Slide your pants off for me. Panties too, please.” He pulls the gloves down his wrist. You were frozen in shock.
For what, though? Did you think he was going to pierce you through your fucking pants?
Jungkook waves his hand in front of your face to try and catch your attention. Nothing.
“Would you rather me do it?”
“I got it, I got it.” You hurriedly say, your fingers rushing to the button on your jeans.
You pop it open, and Jungkook respectfully turns away to give you your privacy.
You get down to your zipper, and everything runs smoothly until it gets caught.
‘No, not now. Not right now.’ You tell yourself, trying every possible method to get it free. You try to zip it up and zip it back down, see if any material is caught on it, but nothing works.
Jungkook sees you flailing around out of the corner of his eye and slowly turns his head toward you, stifling a laugh at your frustration.
“Would you like some help?” He offers. You turn to face him, like a deer caught in headlights. A faint blush rises to your cheeks.
“If you wouldn’t mind.” You respond quietly.
He rolls over to you in the small stool he’s sat on, placing his hands on the top part of your pants to have something to hold onto as he grips the zipper between his fingers.
He tries to simply pull it down, but when that fails, he applies a bit more pressure, yanking the zipper so hard that you jolt a bit in the chair.
“Shit, I’m sorry, but it’s really caught in there….” He tries once more to simply pull the zipper, but he too grows frustrated and grips your thigh, his large hand clamped around it as he jerks the zipper with so much force that it breaks.
Your jeans pop open, your black lace panties staring Jungkook right in his face.
You were so thankful that you finally folded your laundry.
“Oh, fuck.” He immediately says, holding the thing between his fingers as he shoots you an unreadable look.
You, on the other hand, were trying to make up any valid excuse to determine why his hand was still on your thigh.
“Oh, uh,” He removes his hands from you and throws the zipper away. You have to stop yourself from making any noise that would show your disappointment at the lack of touch.
“Let’s just—get your pants off and toss them aside.” He grumbles, his voice considerably lower than it was a few minutes ago.
You oblige, sliding your jeans and underwear down in one go, allowing them to pool at your ankles before you take a glance over at Jungkook.
“Is this okay?” You ask, your hands covering your womanhood. Jungkook shakes his head.
“Off, completely.” You gulp, shakily kicking the fabric off of your feet and letting it fall. He catches your jeans before they hit the ground, folding them neatly and sitting them on a table in the corner of the room.
Jungkook rolls his chair around to face you, resting his hands gently on your bare legs. You shiver as he makes contact with your skin through the gloves.
“I’ll make this as quick as possible so it’s a comfortable process for you.” He eyes your hands as you use them to cover yourself, trying to decide what the best method is for you to loosen up a bit.
He taps the side of your leg with his hand twice, somewhat of a knowing smile on his face as he senses your weariness.
“Relax, ________. You have nothing to be afraid of.” You lift your head up to make eye contact with him, slowly lifting your hands as your legs open the smallest bit.
Jungkook gently spreads them further with his own hands, eyeing you intently as he does so.
It looked sexual to you, but you knew that he was probably looking at you like that just in case you decided to stop him.
You allowed Jungkook to spread your legs as wide as he needed in order to successfully complete his study of your anatomy.
You were spread wide in front of this gorgeous man, and you couldn’t have been more nervous. Any other stressful moment in your life didn’t compare to what was happening right now.
“Pull your legs up to your chest for me.” He orders carefully, his hands on your knees as he gently coaxes you to pull your legs up further.
“Shit.” He catches a glimpse of your folds through his peripheral vision, although he covers up his little slip up with a fake coughing fit.
“What was that?” You asked, worried that he might’ve needed you to do something different.
Jungkook shakes his head and waves his hand in a frenzy, as if to silently dismiss your question.
“Nothing, it’s perfect—I, you’re perfect. Stay just like that.” He swallows, and you watch his Adam's apple bulge. It makes your legs twitch, and Jungkook takes notes of this.
“I’m going to start now, okay?” He warns you, bringing himself closer to you as his hands slowly slip between your legs.
You bite down on your tongue as he lightly runs his fingers between your folds. You almost catch yourself sliding your hips towards his hand before you come to your senses.
He was barely even touching you, just ghosting his fingers over your folds as he inspected whatever he needed to.
“Yeah, you’re perfectly okay to get this piercing.” Jungkook asks, shifting around in his chair as his pants had gotten uncomfortably tight.
“When was the last time you saw a gynecologist?” He asks, as he continues to examine your glistening folds. He knew that it wasn’t necessary, and all he had to do was take a quick look to see if you were eligible to receive the piercing, but he couldn’t help himself.
Jungkook thought your pussy was perfect on its own, but to imagine it with a piercing through it? He could cum in his pants.
God, you just looked so good.
“Last month.” You comment, breaking him out of his trance, watching the way his face changes as he continues to stare between your legs.
He licks his lips, and you immediately clench in response, Jungkook’s gaze shifting to you in an instant as his fingers stutter over your mound.
“Last month what?” He says, letting his fingers linger a little too long around your clit.
“You asked me when I last went to go see a gynecologist.” You say, your voice caught in your throat as Jungkook quickly retreats his hand back to his side.
“I did?” Jungkook was swooning. You nod confusedly.
“I’ve got to get this thing done now.” He tells you, although he was talking mostly to himself. He gathers his tools in his hands, your eyes widening at the size of the needle in his fingers.
You instinctively close your legs as he circles closer to you once more, and he places his arm between them to cut your movement short.
“You want this piercing, don’t you?” He asks, voice low and gravelly. You nod, and he nudges your legs open.
“Keep yourself spread, and don’t wiggle around like that. It’ll hurt more if you do.” You close your eyes and toss your head backward against the chair as you feel his fingers dancing along your clitoral hood.
“Slight pinch, okay?” Jungkook grabs the needle, and even though your eyes aren’t open, you can almost feel it hovering over your body.
“Take a deep breath, and we’ll go on three.” You inhale slowly, your chest rising, as Jungkook begins his countdown.
“1…” He grazes the needle over your skin, and you twitch in the chair, your hands gripping the armrests for dear life.
“2!” He says, pressing the needle through your skin. Your eyes shoot open on contact and you squeal. Your legs do close against Jungkook’s warnings, but he forces his upper body between them to stop you from shutting them completely.
He slides the piece of jewelry through the small hole he’d just created, and you bite back a cry as he twists it around to make it sit more pleasantly.
“There, see?” He cleans up the small mess he’s created and disposes of his materials, the gloves following suit.
He instantly pulls his hair out of its bun, sliding the hair tie onto his wrists as he runs his fingers through his scalp.
“Where the fuck was three?” You scold him, as he reaches for a mirror off of the desk to hand to you.
“I never count to three. Take a look.” You grab the mirror from him and position it between your legs. This had to be one of the most awkward things you’d ever done in your life, but the piercing looked amazing.
You shifted a bit in the chair, the cool metal of it rubbing right against your clit.
You choke out a moan, regretting it as soon as you do.
“I’m so sorry, I just didn’t expect that to feel—feel the way it did.” You force the mirror back into his hands and hurry to get out of the chair, but a strike or soreness hits you right between your legs, and you’re right back on that chair where you started.
“I should’ve told you about the side effects, I suppose.” He watches in amusement as you struggle to even close your legs due to the new pressure applied to your clit.
Jungkook tilts his head to the side, his jaw clenched as he examines your lower half while you try to contemplate whether or not you should get up again.
“That bad, huh?” He leans forward, his hair falling in front of his eyes as he places his elbows on his knees.
You shoot him a quick glance. God, he looked so good.
“Yeah, that bad.” You groan, deciding to just ask him if he would go grab your clothes for you.
“I know a trick or two that could get rid of the soreness.” You quirk an eyebrow.
“Really?” He nods slowly, standing and tucking his hands into his pockets.
What? Tell me, and I’ll really owe you one.”
“The first is taking pain killers, and going without underwear whenever you can.” You nod, taking note of his words.
He leans over to whisper into your ear, and you jolt at the close proximity.
“The second is letting me fuck you with my tongue.” He whispers, smirking at your cute little gasp in reaction to his words.
“I don’t get it.”
Oh, you definitely got it.
You understood him loud and clear, but you weren’t sure if you could handle an orgasm right now. The overstimulation would send you through the roof.
“Consider it an apology for breaking your zipper, and your appointment will be free of charge since I was a bit underprepared.” He walks to stand in front of you, and you quickly close your legs, ignoring the burn it takes to do so.
“What’s the catch?” You definitely weren’t going to say no to this offer. How could you?
“This is a bit of an informal setting, so, how about you let me take you out sometime? You know, properly.” You smile.
Today had taken a weird turn of events, but it worked in your favor.
“Sure, sounds nice.” You chuckle.
“Good. Now show me what I want to see, ________.” He retaliates, roughly tugging at your hips to pull you onto the edge of the chair, your ass hanging off of it as he holds you firmly in both of his hands.
”You have such a pretty pussy, sweetheart.” He pushes your legs apart, and you mistakenly spread yourself wider for him.
Jungkook immediately lands three harsh slaps onto your freshly pierced clit. You cry out, clawing at the chair. You could feel the material ripping under your nails.
Tears pool in your eyes. Sure, it was painful, but it felt so good.
“Holy shit.” You blurt, your legs already shaking. He rolls his eyes.
“You didn't think it would be easy, would you?” You can sense Jungkook’s resentment, as a sadistic smile toys on his face. You laugh nervously.
“I didn’t—fuck!” He lightly rubs his fingers over your clit. He was barely applying any pressure, yet you were thrashing around wildly. Your legs threatened to close around his head, but Jungkook had much more strength than you, so it was easy for him to position you how he wanted.
“Is your little pussy sensitive?” He feigned caring for you, widening his doe eyes as he noticed the tears in yours.
“Very, please.” You whine, and Jungkook rolls his eyes.
“That’s too fucking bad. You’re vulnerable, and you’re mine, baby.” He hooks your leg over his shoulder, gripping your hands off of the chair and slinging them into his hair.
“Pull my fucking hair.” He orders, lowering his face down to your cunt. You gather his locks in your hands and yank them, a bit harsher than you intended to, but this only seemed to spur Jungkook on.
“Fuck, it feels so good when you do that.” He growls against you as he takes your clit into his mouth, the piercing pressing against his tongue lightly. You moan weakly, your eyes screwed shut as he wraps his lips around the sensitive nub and flicks his tongue ferociously against it.
“That’s so good, Jungkook.” You praise him, one of your hands coming up to tangle in your own hair as he mumbles and moans against your pussy.
“I knew I could turn you into a desperate whore for me. Look at you, chasing my tongue with your hips.” He tsks, although he takes pride in degrading you like this. He enjoyed the way your body trembled after every word he spoke.
“Ask me if you can cum.” He throws one of his arms over your stomach, the other pushing your thighs apart as he slips his tongue inside of your warmth, aiming right for the spot that made you twitch in ecstasy.
“Please, shit, I’m so close. Please don’t make me wait.” You beg.
Jungkook is relentless with his tongue.
He slides it right underneath your clit and begins to flick upward, pushing the metal against the bud with every twist of his tongue.
“Cum, then.” He says, as he grazes his teeth across your clit with the lightest touch.
This was the last straw for you, and your back shoots off of the chair as you pull Jungkook’s head further between your legs, wanting to savor every moment of your orgasm before letting go.
He pulls away from you first, leaning over to thread his fingers through your hair. He presses his lips against yours, forcing you to taste yourself on his tongue. This sends a shiver down your spine.
Jungkook lets you go, before throwing his hair back up into a messy bun.
“I don’t care that I broke your zipper, actually. Your pants have a button.”
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