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Some Roman Headcanons
♔ Roman totally calls Remy 'Remington'. Based off the app, he believes they were meant to be 'twinsies'. All of the people of his kingdom call them "Prince Roman and Prince Remington". Remy visits often because he likes taking naps on Roman's throne and partying at all of the balls Roman throws. When they're out on the battlefield, they have become famous as 'The Shining Knights Romulus and Remus'.
♕ Roman did one of those things where you buy a star, name it after someone, and receive a certificate. Logan thinks it's bogus and a bit insensitive towards astronomy, but secretly appreciates the gift a lot. He has the certificate framed and hanging with his PhDs, Doctorates, and other educational awards on one of the walls in his Room.
♔ Roman realizes all the sides are stressed one week and decides that they all need a spa/salon day! He starts off with their hair, giving them all a hot oil treatment. He dies his bangs rainbow, Patton's hair pink and blue (cotton candy!) and Virgil's black with Purple tips. Logan just helped the others die their hair since he didn't want any in his. They finish with some leave in conditioner. Next they move on to nails. Roman and Logan give everyone a manicure before they paint their nails. Roman paints each nail a different color, Virgil's paints all of his nails black, Patton does all pastel colors for his and Logan paints his black with dark blue tips. They end the spa/salon day with giving each other pedicures and foot messages. They then curl up together on the couch to watch TV.
A/N: Ahhh this is really really late and I’ve had this written forever and a day now but once again haven’t gotten around to editing it so yyyeeeaaahhhhh….sorry XD Also I wanna do more of kid Virgil and maybe Roman trying to fix his past mistakes with V??? So if you guys want that let me know!!
Part one:
WC: 4,033
ships: Platonic Moxiety
warnings: Mentions of Abuse, Panic Attack, Implied Child Abuse, mentions of Deceit, Deaged Character, Mentions of violence, Crying, Abusive Deceit
Tag List: @punsterterry @stormcrawler75 @frostedlover @mutechild @mycatshuman @panicattheeverywhere15 @thewinterbookqueen @analogical-mess @saddestlittlebabe
@thefightisntoverme @uwillbeefoundtonight @shiphole-river @atseipl @max-is-tired @fiive-second-cookies @aroundofapplesauce @sanderssidestrash27
The young boys’ purple eyes slowly blinked open as he woke up. The first thing he noticed was that he was holding something. He blinked down to see a purple cat stuffed animal against his chest, it was almost the size of his entire torso if you count the tail. Then he blinked at it more confusion clear across his young face.
To his knowledge, he doesn’t remember having one of these in his room. The only stuffed animal being that black cat face that he snuggles up to when he’s nervous. But not this??
Then he heard movement behind him and he sucked in his breath. The yellow man got him, didn’t he? He’s going to get hurt he’s going to die, he’s going to-
“Virge? You up sweetie?”
Wait… That didn’t sound like him…
Memories of what happened last night came rushing to him. The hug. The nice blue man what’s his name… Morality right? And falling asleep in his arms…
That made the child blush in embarrassment. And maybe anger of himself. He shouldn’t have done that. Now he properly owns him a favor for taking that comfort from him. Or now he’s trapped here. Will he let him leave? No, that’ll be impossible why would he just let him walk out of this without any bleeding or bruising? He’s only kidding himself.
“I can see your eyes moving kiddo. It’s okay. I’m here. I promised I won’t leave right?”
Virgil’s body tensed up and he closed his eyes. Stupid stupid stupid.
“Come here, my sweetie pie I’ve got you.”
He heard more movement from behind him and tensed up even more. His body hugged the pillow tighter as he curled up into a ball expecting a blow. When he didn’t get any pain for a bit he opened his eyes and looked over his shoulder to see…the man had his arms open and had a wobbly smile.
Wait… This is what he did last night right? He is asking for a hug…right?
That actually sounds great right now…
But should he? He might have to do another favor and he properly has a million stacked up by now…
But his heart ached for this so-called ‘hug’ he wanted that warmth back. He wanted that comfort back.
So with a very shaky breath and limbs, he slowly inched his way forward keeping a very close eye to the man’s arms and eyes in case he suddenly attacks him. When his face got up against the other’s shirt, feeling the calm cool fabric of the other’s onesie against his cheek, he smiled faintly. This does feel nice…
His body jerked in surprise when he felt the other arms wrap around him. He’s trapped now. He’s going to get hurt. His breath started picking up as he tried to get out. His lips parted open as whines came up from his throat.
“Shshs it’s okay it’s okay. There no arms see? I won’t hurt you, sweetheart. There you go keep breathing it’s all going to be okay.”
The arms left his frame and his breath shuttered in relief. His body slumped up against the others and he smiled lightly as he calmed down. This really did feel nice though the back of his mind screamed at him to run and get away from him as fast as he could.
“Would you like me to rub your back, kiddo?”
Rub? Rub his back? What will that do? That didn’t sound painful… He couldn’t say no though right? Well, he’s been okay so far…
Slowly he nodded though he sucked in a breath and clenched his hands on his shirt as if expecting something to happen. When the hand landed on his back he started shaking slightly.
That was until the hand applied slight pressure on his back, it started going in faint circles. And it made him feel…safe? Happy? Comforted? He’s not sure what the word is, to be honest.
All he knew was that it felt divine. His body leaned into the touch and he even found himself purring slightly as he cuddled harder into the chest.
“There you go, Virge. I’ll protect you I promise.” He felt…something lightly graces his forehead. It was soft and…cold? His eyes blinked open and he looked up to the other to see him smiling down at him. He looked happy, delighted even, though there were tears in his eyes?
Why was the man crying?
He’s never seen anybody else cry before… He didn’t know what to do…When he cries around others it normally ends in pain why would somebody dare cry in front of him?
The man blinked as if in shock then chuckled, “Why, kiddo, I’m just glad you trust me enough to hold you is all. You are such adorable kiddo has anyone ever told you that?”
Adorable?…. Wha??
He shook his head.
The man leaned forward and pressed his lips against his nose then pulled back, “Well I’m going to keep telling you that then! You are the cutest thing ever sweetie pie!”
Virgil blinked than looked down at his nose. What did he just do to him? It wasn’t painful that he was certain he felt a certain…happiness in his chest at that touch? He looked up to the other in confusion.
“What’s wrong? You’ve never been kissed before?”
“K-Kissed…? What’s… What’s that?”
The tears came back in the man’s eyes and even a few dropped down his cheeks.
“Oh… O-Oh… Virge…”
Before he knew what was happening the man leaned forward again but his head stayed this time in his hair and he sounded like he was crying again.
“I-I’m so sorry… I- We should have been there… You must…have been so scared all those years… W-We only made it worse… I’m so so sorry…”
Virgil could only freeze as the man cried into his hair. Was there something wrong with him? He wasn’t in pain not that Virgil could see anyways. What was he talking about?
After a few minutes of him crying and mumbling some sentences, he finally drew away his eyes now blotchy and bright red with some tears still coming down his cheeks. But he smiled yet again, does he ever stop smiling?
“I-I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have cried on you like that.” He took a deep breath and whipped his eyes, “How about we get breakfast? How does that sound? Is my little guy hungry?”
He couldn’t read this guy at all one second he was crying the next he was smiling? You don’t smile through pain, right? But he didn’t seem in pain at all…?
Virgil’s brain hurt trying to solve this man out so instead, he shrugged. Sure he was hungry but that resulted in another favor right? Though his stomach had other plans as in that moment it grumbled loudly so loudly he was fairly certain it echoed off the walls. His cheeks flushed as he hid his gaze away from the man he hoped he won’t get in trouble for lying now…
Instead, the man laughed loudly his entire body vibrating with the laughs, “Okay kiddo! I can make my special chocolate chip pancakes how does that sound?”
Virgil smiled back and nodded faintly. Yeah, that sounds good…
“But first do you want to change? It must be hard walking around with your big hoodie. I can dig around to find something smaller if you like?”
He gulped he rather not separate from this hoodie. It wasn’t the same that he wore before, honestly, he has no idea where he got it from, but it was comfy. He felt protected in it. He felt safe…Safer than his old black hoodie that’s for sure.
But he knew he was right, there is no way he can walk around like this. Even the shirt under it was too big… Maybe he can keep the hoodie though? Would he let him do that?
Hesitantly he looked back up and gulped again once he saw their gazes met trying not to blink or tear it away.
“C-Can… Can… I um…” He paused uncertainty and slight fear coursed through him but the man only smiled, “Can I…keep the hoodie…?”
“Of course you can sweetie! I know that’s your special hoodie I won’t let you take it off if you don’t want to. Now I’ll go see what I can find.”
Slowly the man got off the bed taking the blankets off of him and moving his hands so Virgil can keep track of them at all times as if he’s done this before…
Then he went to his closet and the second he opened it a wave of clothes and what looked like young kids toys fell through and practically engulfed the man in it. Virgil shot up out of bed thinking he got hurt but he got up a second later and was giggling. “Whoops! I shouldn’t have so much stuff in there now huh kiddo? It’s going to be a whale of a time picking this up!”
With relief, he laid back down clutching the plush tight to his chest, though he smiled faintly and even chuckled under his breath from the pun. The man beamed at him and then started digging around.
Virgil’s eyes opened in awe though as the man stepped in the closet and all but practically disappeared! The closet didn’t look that big right? Where did he go??
When he got out of bed still clutching the cat to his chest he breathed. Then breathed out in relief when he saw the man’s grey onesie stick out of the side. So it just looked smaller but was bigger on the inside.
Morality seemed to notice that he was out of bed though once he came back with a thick bright purple long sleeve and had stitched purple cat on the front, “Now this might be big on you but I think you’ll like it.” He froze, “What ya doing out of bed kiddo? Something wrong?”
Virgil shrugged, “Couldn’t see you…”
“Aw don’t worry! I’m fine. Now the bathroom is right there. I’ll find you some jeans while you change to that shirt how does that sound?”
He nodded and grabbed the shirt he was offering him.
While he changed he had a smile on his face. Well, he hasn’t got hurt yet maybe he can trust this person? He seems nice enough… Though he knew he shouldn’t grow too attached after all this could be one of the yellow man’s tricks. Though again this is a super long and elaborate one but he won’t put it against him.
He heard a knock on the door and hummed in question, “I have your pants kiddo! I found one that I know you’ll love!”
He slowly opened the door but just a bit and poked his head out. Okay yeah, he did like those pants. They were darker purple than the huge shirt but they had holes along the knees.
The man smiled at his reaction, “I thought so! They were from when Thomas was a kid! Poor things have been through a lot but I knew you would love them! Here ya go!”
He set the pants in his arms and he slowly closed the door again smiling faintly as a silent ‘thank you’. It didn’t take long before he walked out of the bathroom his old clothes stacked high on his arms.
“Aawww!!!! Kiddo!!!!! You look so ccuuttteeee!!!! My little purple angel!!!” He blushed deeply at the comment smiling as he gave the man his clothes. Morality though had his hands up to his chin as if he couldn’t contain his excitement. Okay… Now he felt slightly uncomfortable…
He looked to the ground his hair blocking his eyes and he rubbed his arm. Now he felt…pitied? Little? He didn’t know the correct term but he didn’t feel good that’s all he knew. And the man picked up on it. He felt the clothes leave his arms and he was about to walk to the door before the man spoke up, “Kiddo what’s wrong?”
“I… I don’t like that….”
“Like what? Are you okay?” He felt him move forward but he didn’t dare look up. He closed his eyes, “Your…pity? Your…whatever that was…” He waved his hand a bit that was gripped on to his arm.
“The compliment? Or the nickname?”
Virgil gulped, “N-Nick… Nickname…”
“Oh, that’s fine sweetie. Whatever makes you comfortable okay? Is sweetie-pie okay?”
“Uhhhh… I don’t know…”
“That’s fine kiddo. That’s perfectly fine. Can you look at me.”
He didn’t sound upset so he looked up at him, Morality moved some of his purple bangs that got into his eyes when he did see him he could tell he meant it. He wasn’t lying to him or angry.
“Tell me if I ever make you uncomfortable okay? I wanna make sure you feel comfortable here. Since this is your family.”
“F-Family? I-I don’t…”
“That’s okay that you don’t know. But I want to show you what it means. Do you trust me?”
He lay out a hand in front of Virgil and his purple eyes looked at it then up to Morality. Sure he was still fearful. Sure he knew he shouldn’t trust him. Sure he knew that he could turn around and hurt him. But despite everything he found himself nodding and grabbing that hand.
“I love you kiddo.” Morality smiled.
“Uuhh… L-Love? Love is…?”
“When you feel an intense feeling of affection for that person. It could mean family love or platonic love, when you have a deep desire you protect that person and when that person makes you feel safe. Or romantic love when you want to love that person forever.”
“Oh… Oh… Then uh…” Did he like this person that way? He did make him feel safe…
“You don’t have to say it back kiddo I just want you to know I love you. Do you want to go eat now?”
He nodded then opened his mouth but closed it quickly, no he’s being too needy… He won’t…
“What do you want kiddo?”
He made grabby hands to him his eyes silently pleading, he wanted to be picked up. The man smiled and opened his arms, “Of course you can!”
He wrapped his arms around him than yet again went, “One, two, three! There we go!” Virgil giggled slightly as he was bounced on his hip, one hand gripping hard into his shirt while the other still holding on to the cat plushie. He didn’t want to let go of either.
“Okay! Let’s get this train rolling!”
Virgil giggled even more as he made more jokes and puns as they went through the hallway and downstairs. The entire way he had a smile on his face. That was until he saw who was waiting for them downstairs. At first, he saw…. L… Logic? He looked…different than before… His tie was a different color and he had something on his shirt?
But he didn’t seem to notice them at first being too consumed with his book in his hands though he did look up once they made it halfway to the kitchen.
“Morning, Pat. Virgil. How are you-”
He paused in his tracks as he finally looked up and caught sight of Virgil the boy wiggled in the others arms whimpering slightly. Logic wasn’t mean to him per se but he faintly remembers that they did bicker sometimes… And it wasn’t pretty.
Wait Logic didn’t like him did he? Would he throw him back to the yellow man? Would this ‘Pat’ allow that? Even Logic knew his name now and that terrified him.
“Oh yeah, Logan! Virgil regressed last night I guess? I found him last night and he slept in my room. Do you know why?”
Logan….? Why is his name different?
'Logan’ looked bewildered for a moment then cleared his throat and messed with his glasses a moment, “Well when we regress that means our purpose is being suppressed or of not as much use. Or at least that’s how it is for us I’m not sure what it could mean for anxiety. I’ll go talk to Thomas and see if he has any ideas.”
“Alright! Be back in a few I’m making breakfast!”
“No need I had leftovers.”
“Oh okay, that’s fine. See you in a bit then!”
Logan’s dark blue eyes glanced at Pat then back at Virgil which caused him to squirm in place some more. His intense gaze felt like he was searching his very soul for…something. And Virgil was afraid of what it could be.
Finally, he stood up and sank down without a word.
Patton looked down to Virgil with a smile, “See kiddo, he’s going to help you get big again! Cause he loves you and wants to make sure you’re alright.”
“I-It…didn’t look like…love…”
Patton chuckled a bit, “It might not look it but trust me Logan does love you. He has a hard time expressing his emotions is all. He’s getting better at it though. So! Let’s start breakfast shall we!”
Then they started heading towards the kitchen. Pat sat Virgil down on the counter while he brought out all the ingredients and laid it out. Virgil kept a close eye on what he was doing in awe. He’s never really seen something be made like this normally he just sticks stuff in the microwave for himself. This was fascinating for him!
Pat giggled at the boy as he kept getting closer and closer his eyes widening at every movement he makes.
“You want to stir kiddo?”
Virgil whipped up blinking hard as he was addressed. Then shyly asked, “Can… Can I?”
“Of course! I’ll tell you when you’ve stirred enough.”
He gave him the bowl and spoon placing it next to him and Virge set the stuffed animal down so he could grip the bowl with both of his hands, “Just like this?” He stirred it as close as he could to how Pat was doing it and he beamed.
“Yep! Just like that! You’re a natural!”
A faint blush appeared on his cheeks yet again as he smiled though he tried to hide his smile with his turtleneck hoping it was hidden enough.
They continued on like this for a bit Pat started humming under his breath, even dancing a bit as he hopped around the kitchen. Virgil chuckled at the sight and even giggled when Pat kept making puns. They weren’t very funny at all really but he couldn’t help but enjoy them.
Sudden loud footsteps came thundering down the stairs making Virgil jump hard, so hard he almost fell off the counter completely along with the bowl.
“Why hello my fellow sides! What a great morning this is! Why the birds are chirping the grass is singing the-”
Virgil didn’t hear the rest.
That’s Creativity.
He can recognize that cheery booming voice anywhere.
All color drained from his face in a snap of fingers. His body started shaking so hard he felt the spoon fall from his fingers and he couldn’t move to grab it. His entire body was frozen he couldn’t move a single limb no matter how badly his mind screamed to run. His chest was throbbing in pain as he tried to suck in air but nothing came in. All he could hear was his thundering heartbeat drumming in his ears. He couldn’t breathe. Every attempt resulted in more pain through his chest and lungs. He felt ice cold seep into his very bones.
He couldn’t breathe.
He couldn’t breathe…
Distantly he heard something beside him but it felt like he was underwater. He couldn’t understand a single word the sound was producing.
Then he heard a sound piercing scream shatter through the silence. Though he didn’t know where the sound came from one thing was certain, his throat now was killing him. Did he make that noise? He must of.
He was backing up, his body finally decided to work! But as he did he suddenly felt nothing below his hand. Then his arm. Then his entire body went back with it.
He went down and he screamed loudly in fear. The yellow man’s going to come. Creativity will definitely give him to the yellow man without question. Pat properly won’t, Logan maybe not, but this side will definitely be glad to do it. Or if he doesn’t he would love to torture him himself most likely. He thought he could trust this Pat. He thought he won’t get hurt. Guess he was wrong. It’s what he gets for being trusting, for letting down his guard.
Just as he was about to hit the tile he felt strong arms and that he landed on something warm rather than the cold hard tile. A chest… A warm comforting chest.
“Virge! Virgil hey hey you’re safe. It’s okay. Pat’s got you. Dad’s here. Dad’s got you. It’s going to be okay. Breathe. In for 4. Come on kiddo let’s count okay? 1…2…3…4… Can you hear me?”
He couldn’t shake his head or really even move it all he could do was curl into a ball and expect pain to come his way. He didn’t want this. He didn’t want pain again. He didn’t want-
“Kiddo. Shshs… Roman’s not here now. You’re safe. Can you breathe along with me?”
“Yes yes, dad’s here. Dad’s not going anywhere. You’re safe. I promise you, you are safe. Can you open your eyes for me? Keep breathing kiddo. Keep breathing in for 4.”
He tried to follow his instructions he really did. But his eyes for some reason didn’t want to open. With a tremendous effort he finally managed to open them up a little bit the lights from the kitchen making him wince at the brightness, then he breathed in for as long as he said though as soon as he did he coughed and hacked. His lungs were burning up in his chest. They left like they were collapsing in onto itself.
“There you go kiddo. I’m so proud of you. Can you look at dad?”
Every movement sent pain going through his body, it took so much effort from him but he managed to slowly itch his head towards Pat’s. Morality had tears coming down his cheeks yet again but he ignored them this time.
“There’s my sweet kiddo. Can I touch you?”
He nodded and a second later he felt a hand on his shoulder, “Keep looking at me okay? Can you follow me?”
He nodded again.
“Okay breathe in for 4. There you go. 1,2,3,4. I’m so proud of you! Okay, hold for 7. You’re doing fantastic.”
He couldn’t do it for the entire time his throat burned halfway through resulting in him hacking and coughing even worse than last time.
“It’s okay. You’re doing beautifully. Let’s start over okay?”
They had to do it quite a number of times, so long that if he left on the stove top the pancakes would be burned to a crisp by now.
When he could finally breathe okay by himself and his tears have dried up all he was left doing was hiccuping.
“You’re okay now?”
He nodded.
“I’m so glad to hear that. Want a hug?”
Another nod and he smiled when Pat opened his arms this time all but practically throwing himself into them. That warmth and comfort engulfing him once again letting the last bit of the tension in his shoulders relax.
“I’m here kiddo. I’m here. There’s nothing to be afraid of. I’ve got you.” They started rocking side to side as he lay curled in his chest.
“Do you want your cat back?”
He didn’t trust his voice quite yet so he nodded.
“Gotcha. Hold on onnneeee second,” He kept one arm around him as he slightly stood up and grabbed the plushie. The second Virgil saw it he instantly grabbed for it whimpering as he hugged it close.
He felt another kiss in his hair, “I’ve got you. I love you so much.”
Virgil’s eyes looked up to the other and smiled. Yeah… He feels this…love now.