Pleasure Hypnosis - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

My First Induction!! <3

I've never written one before so don't judge too hard pls !!

CW: LOTS of hypnotic visuals, spirals, pleasure induction (non-specific gendered subject), optional wakener(-ish)

Induction begins under the break!

Look here.

My First Induction!!

and just relax for me.

Sink down for me.

As if your body was just a sack of flour.

Keep your eyes open and on the spiral

My First Induction!!

You want to be hypnotized don't you?

That's why you're still reading this post

To be hypnotized

My First Induction!!

To fall

To sink

To relax

To enjoy

To unwind

My First Induction!!




Sinking deeper into relaxation.

My First Induction!!

So peaceful and calm

So happy and relaxed

So quiet and focused

On my mesmerizing words

My First Induction!!

As you read them

You feel calmer

You feel enraptured

Like you're glued to a good TV show and can't look away

So excited to know what comes next

and how wonderful you will feel

My First Induction!!

As you focus you feel more relaxed

As you focus every other thought leaves

So you can bring your full attention to my little show

My First Induction!!

Those stressors and worries

Those knots of negativity

Are swirling and spiraling out of your mind

So you can fully enjoy the swirling and spiraling of my spiral

My First Induction!!

So you can DROP deeply for me

PLUMMET, SINK and FALL into trance.

Completely and totally relaxed

My First Induction!!

At this point you're so immersed in that show

So immersed in its world

That it's now your reality

All of the words on screen

Every word I say is the truth

Every word I say is real

My First Induction!!

This truth sinks deeper into your mind as your stare deeper into the spiral

You can feel it

The truth is warm, like a heated blanket

So you can feel your head become all warm and fuzzy understanding that what I say is real

My First Induction!!

And you love this feeling!

The feeling of letting go, the feeling of obeying

It feels so good

The warm and tingly feeling that overtakes your body when you obey and stare into my spiral

And the deeper you stare the warmer, the hotter you get

My First Induction!!

You start to feel especially hot down there, and everywhere else your body craves

Because you do crave, you're so needy right now

So horny and desperate for pleasure

The best part about that is that since whatever I say is the truth, I can give you that pleasure

All you need to do is stare into the spiral, all you need to do is obey

And that pleasure will come rushing into your body and make you feel so good

My First Induction!!

The pleasure taking you deeper and making you feel even better

Complete bliss as you squirm and twitch from my spiral

And you can sit in this pleasure as long as you want, you may even help yourself along if you'd like.

If you wish to wake up, simply just close your eyes and imagine a calming winter forest, where the chilly breeze moves across your skin, leaving you refreshed and energized, awake and alert.

Otherwise, you can stay here and keep staring for as long as you'd like.

Happy trancing!

My First Induction!!

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