Plushykin - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

still very happy to help you find your xenogender identity :3 💙

Still Very Happy To Help You Find Your Xenogender Identity :3
Still Very Happy To Help You Find Your Xenogender Identity :3
Still Very Happy To Help You Find Your Xenogender Identity :3

i feel like more people would realize they might be xenogender and/or alterhuman if "cringe culture" and the concept of whats "socially acceptable" didnt exist.

because i was talking to someone and they were describing how their behaviors relate to vampires and how connected they feel to them and its like. DUDE.. CMON. OTHERKIN. ITS RIGHT THERE. YOU **ARE** A VAMPIRE.

it took me forEVER to realize im zombiekin, zombiepupkin, plushyzombiepupkin, and sharkpupkin and i literally could not be happier.

(i literally realized im the aformentioned kins like a week ago)

anyway. cringe culture isnt real. societal expectations/standards arent real. we shouldnt let either be defining factors of how we live our lives or how we identify. each person is unique; with their own beautifully unique identity. why should we place limits on identity when its such a beautiful and limitless thing? normalize being yourself and unapologetically expressing your identity because no one deserves any less than that if our identities arent harmful and they make us happy.

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