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People who listen to altogether too many podcasts: what are the arbitrary rules you make up for yourself? DO you make up rules about what you're "allowed" to listen to and when, or is that just me?
Rules like:
Podcasts are divided into Current (ones I'm caught up with), Catching up (ones where I'm working through the back catalogue), and Replay (ones I've heard all of but am listening to again because of love)
Current shows are for home, Catching up and Replay are for out and about
BUT if I have 10 or more unlistened Current episodes then I have to get that number under 10 before switching to Catching up or Replay, even if out and about
Only one Replay and one Catching up show can be active at any given time, I have to finish a whole season before making a different one active
It sounds like I'm forcing myself to eat my veggies here but honestly making up rules like this is the only way to not get overwhelmed and lost – if I didn't do this I'd constantly be starting shows and forgetting about them and then fretting that I'm 2 episodes into 15 different things