Pokemon Trainer Juliana - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

wip friday for yet another au that’s possessed my brain. how fun :D

( this au takes place abt 3~4 months after the events of the scarvio post game! i have a few hcs about the timeline of events so this takes place roughly in july while the main game events are in march~april )

all was quiet.

well, not quiet, but calm enough that penny didn’t mind the walk to her dorm room door, the ring for her keys looped over her finger.

…yea, keys. for a while, it had just been the key to her own dorm, but now there were at least nine.

florian, juliana, nemona, arven; giacomo, mela, atticus, ortega, and eri.

ten, counting her own key.

trading spare dorm room keys with friends was a common act among academy students. kids always crashed over each other’s rooms like it was a sleepover; mostly during the summer, for the kids who didn’t go home and stayed on campus.

she wasn’t exactly used to so many keys, now, but it wasn’t a bad thing.

nor was actually getting outside. as much as a bummer most kids would find community service for the league of all things over the summer, it gave her something to do. she got to be in her element and fix things, which was a win-win.

fiddling with the ring to find her own key once she got to the door and twisting the doorknob, penny was only mildly surprised to find juliana and nemona attempting to sprawl across the rather small rug on her floor, clearly chattering back and forth.

both attempted to crane their heads to the door, quickly chiming out greetings from their spot on the floor. penny’s response was that of an amused hum as she closed the door behind her, putting her bag and zip-over jacket on her desk chair.

“ i’m assuming your ‘paradox sweeping’ has gone well today? ”

right. paradox sweeps, as they liked to call them.

unfortunately, just because the time machine had been shut down didn’t mean all the paradox pokemon disappeared. they were still active in area zero; restless, at that.

the league didn’t seem too keen on letting the public in on what lurked in the crater in the center of the region; fortunately for them, juliana and nemona always seemed to be itching for a battle challenge, and didn’t seem to mind wrangling in any stragglers that got too close to any cities to be dangerous.

there were probably better ways to deal with passive crises like this other than dishing out teenagers to solve their problems, but hey, the league wasn’t exactly the most effective running system.

but juli and nemona were having fun, so penny found no point in trying to nip at them just yet.

nemona rolled off the rug with an exaggerated inhale, as if she had been waiting for someone to ask her that question since noon. juliana seemed to echo that thought with a quiet giggle, though the girl made no effort to cut nemona off until the point was right.

“ dios mío; penny, you should’ve seen what happened today! ”

“ well it already happened, so just tell me about it. ”

despite the almost snarky response, the two girls could tell penny’s interest was still present regardless, seeing as while she was already looking to make a quick evening snack, ( likely something microwaved, ) she still kept glancing over her shoulder, awaiting a continuation.

juliana squinted for a few moments, a smile slowly crossing the brunette’s face. turning to nemona, the two nodded with silent laughter, before turning to penny.

“ we’ll tell you if you come down to the lunch hall with us. ”

“ it’s seven at night! nobody’s out there until at least eight or nine during summer hours, it’ll be nice and quiet, just how you like it. ”

seeing as the two were both sharing that dopey, mischievous grin they constantly wore, penny eventually complied with a huff. it was like their secret little version of baby doll eyes- hell, she’d seen them get it to work on arven more than once. ..then again, arven wasn’t exactly the toughest out there, so maybe she shouldn’t have been surprised by that.

“ alright, alright. just let me get my pajamas on first. ”

waving in dismissal with a sigh in defeat, penny picked up the half folded porygon themed t-shirt and shorts, retreating to the bathroom for a few moments to switch her clothes, while nemona and juliana finally got up from their tangle of limbs and rug.

when the blue-and-red-haired girl did finally reappear, tossing her outfit from before into a hamper, nemona was quick to gently, yet enthusiastically, grab the other’s wrist, tugging her to the door with a grin.

“ c’mon! i think they have grilled cheese and soup today! ”

..grilled cheese didn’t sound awful.

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