Polish Memes - Tumblr Posts
O cholera, czy to Freddy Fazbear???
Oł oł oł oł oł oł oł oł oł oł
,,Zboże płaci"
,,Zboże nie płaci"
Grafiki przedstawiające różne sytuacje ekonomiczne w RON, autorstwa anonimowego polskiego artysty. Obie pochodzą z XVII wieku... Ot i prosty dowód na to, że memy były znane już naszym przodkom z czasów sarmackich! 😉
"Grain pays"
"Grain doesn't pay"
Pictures showing different economical situations in RON [Rzeczpispolita Obojga Narodów - Republic of Both Nations], by anonymus Polish artist. Both are from 17th century... So it's just a simple proof that memes were known even for our ancestors from Sarmatian times! 😉
Extremely polish meme xd My bro and I are both playing LoP and he hates these four so much. He called them the names of some supermarket's mascots that were a meme a couple years ago and I had do this shit.
Królik na GMO- Rabbit fed GMO Usiądź na Dupie- Sit on your ass
i saw this meme with american psycho and thought i had to make one with fight club