Politik - Tumblr Posts

5 months ago

”Jag är så ledsen över alla som mördas, och har medlidande för de som drabbats” - massmördare om sina offer

Jag R S Ledsen Ver Alla Som Mrdas, Och Har Medlidande Fr De Som Drabbats - Massmrdare Om Sina Offer
Jag R S Ledsen Ver Alla Som Mrdas, Och Har Medlidande Fr De Som Drabbats - Massmrdare Om Sina Offer

Jag blir så trött och arg på denna regering som saboterar samhället och säger sig vara ledsna över vad de gör!

Är ju absolut inte så att mental ohälsa är en av vår tids största problem, och att obehandlad mental ohälsa tenderar att behöva behandlas av andra delar av sjukvården till större kostnad. Hade jag varit mer paranoid hade man nästan kunnat känna att målet är att medvetet överbelasta sjukvården så att andra alternativ blir ett ”nödvändigt ont”

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5 months ago

Finds schön, wie die Brandmauer zu den Grünen fester steht, als die Brandmauer zur AfD. Richtig supi :) Danke CDU :)) ich fühl mich richtig versichert :)))

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3 years ago

Okay no one on Tumblr that I've seen has been talking about the wine and cheese thing, but that means no one is reflecting on the absolute weapons-grade hilarity of Boris Johnson trying to inchworm his way out of trouble by claiming that he didn't know about it

Like... that wine and cheese party was the Downing Street works Christmas do. Not just any old social, the Christmas social. There were invitations. There was music. Every single worker in Downing Street was invited, even Debbie from accounts. People who didn't work there but were important to the government got invited.

And Boris is therefore claiming that all his mates got together and had a party and DIDN'T INVITE HIM.

Not only that, but they deliberately kept it a secret from him, because no one wanted him there to ruin the party because no one likes him, and I just...

The key difference between Johnson and Trump always came down to this: Johnson wants to be liked. He genuinely does. Trump wanted to be respected and feared and obeyed, he wanted to be seen as powerful and suave and cool. But he didn't care about how liked he was. Johnson, though, really fucking does. He's a deeply pathetic little twat, and he wants people to like him.

So, his choices currently are

Tell everyone in the country that his own friends and coworkers actually cannot stand him, to the point that they arranged an entire Christmas party without him

Admit that he was there and immediately be hated by literally every single human being in the country, including his own voters (hello North Shropshire), because while the rest of us spent Christmas 2020 in a lockdown and unable to see each other and in many cases literally alone, him and his mates held an illegal Christmas party that the police are refusing to investigate

His popularity is now nosediving in the polls, and it really cannot be stated how much that will be burning him.

Also, pro-Brexit Tories are even pissed off with him now. Which is a bit like someone buying a cake called a pus cake with pictures of pus all over the box and a warning sign that says This Cake Contains Pus and Other Bodily Fluids, and then crying because when they tried to eat the pus cake they found it was filled with pus. But also really funny.

Anyway, I'm placing the bet now: we will see a vote of no confidence, OR he'll jump before he has to experience that (because it would kill him), and our next PM will be Rishi Sunak

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6 months ago

Ich frage mich wirklich wie Leute in einem Land großgezogen wurden, in welchem uns Toleranz gepredigt wurde, in welchem uns Interviews mit Überlebenden des Holocaust gezeigt wurde, in welchem uns so oft gesagt wurde: „Das darf nicht noch einmal geschehen!" Und nun trotzdem die AFD wählen. Wie kann man sich dafür nicht in Grund und Boden schämen?

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2 years ago

Guarda "Coldplay - Politik (Live 2003)" su YouTube

And give me love over

Love over, love over this, ahh

Give me love over

Love over, love over this, ahh...

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4 years ago
Small Poll, Please Participate And Share If Possible.
Small Poll, Please Participate And Share If Possible.
Small Poll, Please Participate And Share If Possible.
Small Poll, Please Participate And Share If Possible.
Small Poll, Please Participate And Share If Possible.
Small Poll, Please Participate And Share If Possible.
Small Poll, Please Participate And Share If Possible.
Small Poll, Please Participate And Share If Possible.
Small Poll, Please Participate And Share If Possible.

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