Poor Elia!! - Tumblr Posts

transcript below.
(trees rustling, ocean waves crash in the distance)
(Poppy walks quickly towards the flower field)
Poppy: Elia?
Elia: Look at you! You’ve grown along so nicely, little friend.
Poppy: (in distance) Elia?! Where are you?
(Elia rises from flowers)
Elia: Poppy? I didn’t know you were —
Poppy: There you are! Why don’t you answer your phone?!
Elia: Hello to you too?
(Poppy paces nervously)
Poppy: I have news.
Elia: Okay.
Poppy: Bad news!
(Elia reaches for flower, then abruptly stops)
Elia: Uh oh.. What’s wrong?
Poppy: Well. (sharp exhales) God.
Elia: Go on.
(Poppy walks ahead, Elia follows)
Poppy: Maybe you should sit down first.
Elia: Huh? Is someone hurt?
Poppy: Worse.
Elia: Poppy?!
Poppy: It’s the wedding venue!
Elia: That’s it?! You scared m—
Poppy:They.. They canceled on us. It fell through!
Elia: (confused) What?
Poppy: Apparently they double booked. “A new employee mix up.” Can you believe?! The next date isn’t available until like, two years from now!
Elia: But..
Poppy: I know. I know! I’m scrambling, it’s all fucked! The flights, the hotel, the catering, the everything!
Elia: So.. I’m not getting married where my parents did?
(Poppy looks down, defeated)
Poppy: No.
Elia: I-I don’t know what to say. (attempts to hide the sadness in her voice) That.. Really sucks.
Poppy: I tried everything, I even offered more money! They wouldn’t budge. I’m so sorry, Elia.
Elia: I know you must;ve. It’s not your fault.
Poppy: Look at you, you’re heart broken! (groans) Those assholes. Screw you Windenburg Chalet Gardens!
Elia: Hey, no.. It’s—
Poppy: Don’t say it’s fine. It’s not fine. Any other bride would be freaking out right now. I’m more upset than you are!
Elia: What, do you expect me to yell at you? Throw a fit? It won’t change a thing.
Poppy: It’d at least be better than the sadness I see now.
Elia: It is what it is.
(Poppy sighs)
Elia: Well.. What do we do? Do I call it off and elope?
Poppy: No! No way.
Elia: Hard to believe we can do anything now. We’re at square one.
Poppy: Give me a few days and I’ll fix this. We can still have a wedding, a damn good one at that!
Elia: (doubtful) How?