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6 months ago

Friendly reminder that August Diehl is going to play Josef Mengele in the movie called The Disappearance.

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3 years ago

Nose Rings in Paradise

Rating: MA

Warnings: This is Smut, well not entirely, but there are sexually elements, and Hyde (the cowboy/American) and Heydrich's (ex-German officer) relationship is slightly toxic and not an ideal relationship. Just a forewarning.

The sun shone brightly on the small, coastal town that Hyde and Heydrich had hunkered down in. The salty breeze that filtered from the ocean flowed down the main street of the town. It was a tourist town, so most people didn’t think twice about a German and an American walking down the street. Said street was full of people milling around looking through windows at the expensive items. 

    Heydrich adjusted his sunglasses as he walked next to Hyde. The cut off jeans that Hyde wore were just a hair too short and it made Heydrich’s eyes darted to the plump American’s ass. Heydrich cleared his throat as he straightened up a bit. His tank top hung loosely from his upper body, his pale skin almost blinding in the bright sun. He was bound to get sunburnt at some point, but at least he was comfortable, unlike Hyde was in that unbuttoned wool flannel. 

    “You keep swinging your ass around like that, Hyde, people might think you're a slut,” Heydrich rumbled, making Hyde pause and glance over his shoulder at the older man. The American smirked and wiggled his eyebrow from under the brim of his hat. 

    “I would of thought ya’d like it, sir,” Hyde chirped, his hands planting themselves on his hips while he gave them a shake. Heydrich growled in the back of his throat before he firmly brought his hand down on Hyde’s ass. Hyde yipped but instantly leaned back into Heydrich’s hand as it firmly groped. 

    “I never said I didn’t like.. It.. Oh~?” Heydrich trailed off, his eyes having spotted something in the distance. Hyde gulped and looked back at Heydrich before following his eyes to a tattoo shop. Hyde made a confused humming noise that turned into a moan as Heydrich soothed over his ass then in between his cheeks. 

    “You know what would make your Commander so very happy, Hyde?” Heydrich whispered into his ear. Hyde shivered and arched his back, pushing so that Heydrich’s fingers rubbed over his entrance through his jeans. 

    “W-what?” Hyde paused, his cheeks burning a bright red, “poppa?” Heydrich tilted his head and patted his ass.

    “Poppa? Hmmm,” Heydrich rumbled huskily before putting his hand on Hyde’s lower back, “I want you to get a nose ring, boy.”

    Hyde blinked and looked at the tattoo parlor. A nose ring? How would that make Heydrich hot and bothered? Hyde gave Heydrich a confused look that quickly succumbed to yet another moan as Heydrich slipped his hand around Hyde’s front to flick one of his bared nipples. 

    “Hmm, what do you say?” Heydrich whispered, shamelessly abusing the nipple as people walked by them, hardly sparing them a glance. Hyde bit his lower lip before nodding his hips bucking with each tug on his nipple. “Good boy,” Heydrich mumbled, giving Hyde’s cheek a kiss before pulling back. 

    Heydrich wrapped his arm around Hyde’s waist and started to walk him towards the parlor. Hyde started to get antsy and squirmy as they neared the door. The door squeaked as Heydrich opened it, revealing an unbusy looking shop. A fan lazily spun on the ceiling, hardly giving any sort of ventilation in the shop.

    A man at the desk, heavily tattooed and pierced, looked the pair up and down before shrugging and leaning on the counter separating the ‘waiting room’ from the tattoo chairs. “What can I do for you two?” He asked while glancing back at one other person in the shop, a colleague of his. 

    Heydrich gently pushed Hyde towards the counter, giving his ass one last squeeze before crossing his arms and waiting for Hyde to explain. 

    “Oh uh, Howdy, sir, I was uhm,” Hyde glanced back at Heydrich who gave him a nod to continue. “I’d like tah get a nose piercing.” He finally stated making the man at the counter nod and push a part of the counter up to let the cowboy through. 

    “Sure thing, bud, would you like the middle pierced, or one of the sides?” He asked while gesturing for his colleague to come forward. 

    “Oh uh, I’d like a nose ring, right through the middle, please,” Hyde said politely while sitting down in the leather chair, his hands going to his lap and fingers interlocking. Heydrich mentally noted how polite the westerner was being, he’d have to reward the boy for that later. 

    “Alright, my coworker will be performing the procedure, she’s still in training, but she’s great. And I assume you are paying?” The man said pointing at Heydrich who nodded and pulled out a wallet from one of his pockets. While the transaction was being paid for the said coworker the man was talking about came forward, a cleaning solution and a cloth in hand.

    “This will hurt quite a bit, and make sure to clean the wound every day okay?” She said while putting some of the cleaning solution on the cloth. “Tilt your head back please, I need to clean the area.” 

    Hyde gulped and tilted his head back exhaling hard before closing his eyes. The woman cleaning his nose spoke soothingly to him, but Hyde tuned it out more focused on how Heydrich was going to like the nose ring. 

    After paying the man Heydrich leaned on the counter to watch the woman grab a piercing gun and hold it to Hyde’s nose. With some instructions from the more experienced man, the woman got ready to pierce the nose. Heydrich perked up as Hyde stiffened and clenched his hands. He let out a loud hiss as the needle jabbed through the skin of his nose. 

    The pained hissed made Heydrich’s cock jump to attention, but more so when traces of blood smeared out of Hyde’s nose. A nose ring was soon put through the wound and set into place. The woman cleaned up the blood and patted Hyde’s arm telling him he could open his eyes now. Hyde blinked his eyes and wrinkled his nose instantly mewing in pain when the action sent a stabbing pain through his face.

    Heydrich’s eyes turned predatory as Hyde slowly got up, listening to a few instructions about taking care of the piercing. Hyde glanced at Heydrich and noticed his gaze, making him press his thighs together and absently nod at the man and woman’s instructions. 

    When the woman was done explaining the man let him through to the lobby area where Heydrich put an arm around his shoulders and drew him close. Heydrich thanked the people while leading Hyde out of the shop. Hyde tipped his head down so his hat would block the sun as they entered the street once more. 

    Heydrich moved his hand from Hyde’s shoulder to his neck pulling him closer, Heydrich’s lips brushing against his slightly sweaty neck. “You look absolutely delectable, my little cowboy,” Heydrich whispered, making Hyde exhale loudly and his thighs pressed together. Heydrich smirked and gave his ear lobe a bite before pulling back. “We’re going home now, Hyde,” He stated and steered the younger man towards the way to their small house sandwiched between two identical looking houses. 

    Their house was a creamy yellow with a grey-blue roof, a small fenced yard with a garden full of bright flowers. Heydrich liked to garden, which Hyde thought was the most hilarious thing ever, but he knew never to mess with the man’s prized plants. The house in question wasn’t very large. It had only two bedrooms, a single bathroom, a modest kitchen/dining room, and a living room. There were several windows, and at the height of summer, they were always open, letting the wind flow through the house. 

    Heydrich and Hyde walked down the sidewalk to the neighborhood area of the beach town, Heydrich waving at their neighbors, while Hyde tried to keep his dick from being visible through his short jeans. When they reached their front gate, Hyde shoved it open rushing up the cobblestone path to their front door. Heydrich smirked as he watched him hurry to the house. He shut the gate slowly and strolled up the walkway, his hands clasped behind his back. Hyde was waiting just inside the door, nervously but excitedly shifting his weight from foot to foot, his toes wiggling in his cowboy boots. Heydrich stopped at the outside of the door to increase Hyde’s anticipation, before slowly opening the door. 

    Hyde bit his lower lip as he looked Heydrich up and down. Heydrich slowly approached, his hand raising up to grab Hyde by his chin, tilting his head back so he could observe the nose ring. His blue eyes trailed down Hyde’s face, past his pouty lips and down his bobbing Adam's apple to his pert nipples. 

    “You know Hyde, I think your tits would look cute with two little rings through each nipple. Hmm? Wouldn’t you say?” Heydrich asked while bringing his other hand up to roughly pinch one of his nipple. Hyde yelped and arched his back, his chin pushing more into Heydrich's other hand. Heydrich hummed and pushed Hyde back against the wall near the door, Hyde’s boots clopping awkwardly on the floor. 

    Heydrich let go of Hyde’s chin and nipple before spinning him around and pinning him to the wall with a hand on his neck. Hyde instinctively arched his back, his ass perked out and hands laid flat against the wall. His hat tilted back off his head and fluttered to the ground showing off his messy blonde hat hair. 

    Heydrich’s other hand came around and grabbed Hyde by his belt pulling him back into his groin, which he pushed forwards and rubbed. “You’ve pleased me very much today, boy,” Heydrich said smoothly, his german accent growing stronger as he became more and more aroused. Hyde moaned and nodded his cheek pressed firmly against the wall.

    “Th-thank you, poppa,” Hyde said huskily. Heydrich hummed and pressed forwards, his front coming to lay against the curve of Hyde’s back. 

    “You were so polite for that young lady, didn’t protest or anything,” Heydrich mumbled, leaning towards his ear and breathing hotly on it. Hyde panted and moved one and down his front to grope at his groin. 

    “Y-yes sir,” Hyde choked out, only for Heydrich to turn the hand that was on his neck around to his throat pulling him off the wall to lean his head onto Heydrich’s shoulder. Hyde wheezed and brought his teasing hand up to grab Heydrich’s wrist. 

    “Ah ah ah I was just complimenting you don’t make me take that back,” Heydrich tutted while giving Hyde’s throat a squeeze. Hyde moaned heatedly and ground his ass backwards into Heydrich’s groin, feeling his hard cock against it. 

    Hyde blushed and licked his lips, “Sorry sir.” Heydrich chuckled huskily, making Hyde shiver. 

    “Oh I’m sure,” Heydrich whispered before letting go of Hyde’s throat. Hyde whined as Heydrich stepped back from him completely. “Now how about some lunch, I am hungry,” Heydrich announced, clasping his hands together. 

    Hyde’s mouth dropped as he turned and looked at Heydrich. How could the man always do that? Just ignore his boner like that? Heydrich smirked and pushed his sunglasses up to rest on his forehead, “What? Keep your mouth agape like that, you might catch a bug.” 

    Hyde snapped his jaw shut and crouched down to pick up his hat, his lips pursing into a pout. Heydrich hummed a tune as he sauntered into the kitchen. Hyde rolled his eyes and shrugged off his flannel completely, hanging it on a coat hook by the door. 

    Heydrich was a code that Hyde could not crack, and he was okay with never being able to crack it. But damn was his dick throbbing in his pants. 

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