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Waiting for them to come home
Just imagining you are waiting for them to come home, for the love of your life, your hubby, your boyfriend, your best bud and mate to come home again after a mission. And he is way overdue, like, the date he had given you is gone by now, two days, three days over and you wait. You barely leave the house, you have a warm meal ready to be served, a slowcooked meal that you only need to warm up to have ready, the bed is freshly made and clean, the house cleaned (even those pesky corners underneath the table). And you wait.
You fall asleep on the Couch every night, listening for the frontdoor to squeak, or a key to slink into the hole.
You fall asleep as he finally comes home, too exhausted from worrying to wake up.
Price would smile at you, shaking his head as he tries to be silent, footfalls heavy on the carpet as he toes of his boots and sets down his gear, before coming closer to the couch. He would stroke over your hair gently, thumb tracing along your cheek. When you do not wake, he will so very carefully pull you into his arms, blanket and all, and carry you up the stairs into your shared bed. He will take a shower first though before joining you in bed, holding you close through the night.
Ghost, is as silent as his namesake, footsteps making no noise as he closes in on your still form on the couch. He stares at you for minutes, drinking in your sleeping and relaxed form before leaning down to press his forehead to yours for a second, waiting to see if you wake up. But you dont, so he lifts you into his arms and carries you upstairs. Will not take a shower, just wants to be with you, so he lays you on top of his chest, arms crossed over your back as you sleep on, your forehead against his neck. He can feel your heartbeat, your warmth seeping into his bones as he relaxes slowly.
Gaz will gently set down his gear and kneel in front of the couch, observing your sleeping form with tenderness for a few minutes. He will reach out, gently shaking your shoulder to wake you up. 'Darling, wake up. Come on, couch will give you a bad ache in your neck, come on get up'. Is persistent to wake you until you are blinking blearily at him. Will help you up the stairs towards the bedroom and slide underneath the covers with you, as he had already showered at base so he could keep you in his arms right from the start. Will be asleep in minutes with you, curled along your back as a big spoon, his face pressed into your hair.
Soap, is not as silent as he wants as he enters the apartment, gear thunking to the floor as he curses out the corner of the doorframe he always bumps into. Finds you asleep on the couch and doesnt think much about carrying you up the stairs or waking you up. He will simply flop right on top/beside you, cuddling close, kissing your forehead as he shimmies and shifts with you, until you are both wedged over, against and into the couch in a knot of human limbs and cozy blankets. Will be asleep in seconds, snoring softly into your ear. You will both wake up with aching limbs but warm.