Projectionist - Tumblr Posts
I don’t know if anyone pointed this out yet, but something has more than two limbs.
It could be its feet, but I doubt anyone would climb up a hatch with two of their hands, and then one of their feet without their head up first. This brings me to a completely random thought/theory I had.
While binge watching Steven Universe.
Could ink monsters fuse!? I mean, technically, they’re ink. Liquid. Even Alice had to use swollen ink for herself in batim chapter 3. Here’s what I think next, it’s a really, really minor detail, but one of the hands, if you look SUPER closely, had a cuff and a wire similar to that of Projectionist’s. It could just be an ink drip, it could just be an extra swollen wrist. It could just be someone else, but here’s this.
Wild, crazy, thought I had. Could Sammy possibly.. fuse with the projectionist?
That crucified lost one at the beginning.. the message next to it. The lost one wasn’t dead, it simply was immobilized, it was twitching. Could it be that Sammy (he’s the main suspect because of symbolism) put Norman temporarily up like that so he could figure out how to enhance his own strength?
BATDR/BATIM void theater
I remember Super Danganronpa Another 2 had this thing called a void theatre where when certain characters oof they’ll end up there as the last forms they oofed and just basically become one very evil yet wholesome and chaotic family dynamic. So I drew up one for some bendy enemies and monsters.
Excited Projectionist aesthetic for @blus-kinning-palace !