Prompto Argentum - Tumblr Posts

8 years ago

Awwww look at themmmmmmm

Ayyy I Finished It LolHappy Valentines Day To Everyone!Especially To My Dearest Friends Whom I Love With

Ayyy I finished it lol Happy Valentine’s day to everyone! Especially to my dearest friends whom I love with all my heart~ ♡ (*´∀`*)

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7 years ago

I need these promptly. They Noct me out with their cuteness. Gladly get these for me before I set something on fire. *snort* SORRY FOR THIS I HAD TO– But seriously these are too damn cute.

 Ive Come Up With A New Recipe! () FINAL FANTASY XV Keycharms Designed By Me! You Can Find Them In My
 Ive Come Up With A New Recipe! () FINAL FANTASY XV Keycharms Designed By Me! You Can Find Them In My
 Ive Come Up With A New Recipe! () FINAL FANTASY XV Keycharms Designed By Me! You Can Find Them In My

★ I’ve come up with a new recipe! (๑˃́ꇴ˂̀๑) FINAL FANTASY XV keycharms designed by me! You can find them in my ETSY SHOP!

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9 months ago
What It Costs Hold On To Me, Carry Me Through Our Story Needs The Pain That We Outgrew Yeah, You Can't
What It Costs Hold On To Me, Carry Me Through Our Story Needs The Pain That We Outgrew Yeah, You Can't

What It Costs Hold on to me, carry me through Our story needs the pain that we outgrew Yeah, you can't call it love until you've lost If you love someone this is what it cost - Gifset requested by: anonymous

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8 years ago
 Ive Made A New Friend! I Wonder Where Hes Connecting Me To
 Ive Made A New Friend! I Wonder Where Hes Connecting Me To

     “I’ve made a new friend! I wonder where he’s connecting me to…”

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7 years ago
Final Fantasy Xv + The Song Of Achilles.
Final Fantasy Xv + The Song Of Achilles.
Final Fantasy Xv + The Song Of Achilles.
Final Fantasy Xv + The Song Of Achilles.
Final Fantasy Xv + The Song Of Achilles.
Final Fantasy Xv + The Song Of Achilles.

final fantasy xv + the song of achilles.

“tears came, and fell. above us, the constellations spun and the moon paced her weary course. we lay stricken and sleepless as the hours passed.”

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6 months ago

Surprise fanfic for Noctis’ birthday! After all I put him through, he deserves to get railed by his best friend/crush.
An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Rating: E

Summary: Prompto has been struggling to sleep lately. This is not made any easier by the sudden feeling of a sleeping Noctis suddenly wrapping his arms around him, making some very scandalous sounds…

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1 year ago

I know this is completely different then what I normally post but I've been getting in the game and I need suggestions

Noctis x prompto x Ignis x Gladiolus

Prompto, ignis, and Gladiolus end up having more free time and going out on small dates while noctis is busy to the point they start making memories and inside jokes without noctis which makes noctis feeling neglected and pushed to the side.

I need a fic with this idea please

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1 year ago

☆ obvious

prompto argentum x male reader [he / him]

sypnosis: prompto has a massive crush on [name] and thinks he's doing well at hiding it. alas, [name] already knows about prompto's crush when he confesses. (meant to be viewed as romantic)

the lowercase is intentional !


prompto had a massive crush on you. he thought he made sure it was a secret, but alas he didn't. he was so obvious about his feelings towards you. from the way he spoke to you, the way he looked at you and the way he tried subtly flirting. they all added up and made it so, so obvious that he was in love with you.

"hey dude." prompto smirked as he came over to you, wrapping an arm around your shoulder. "hey." you greet back with a smile. it was like he was an open book - prompto's intentions were so obvious.

prompto hummed at you before speaking up again. "how's my favourite man doing?" he asked, holding onto you tighter. the blush on his face was prominent, you wanted to tell him how you knew what he was trying to do, but you wanted to see how he would confess too.

"i'm doing alright. better now that you're here though." you decide to flirt back. you loved prompto's reactions when he was flustered. he looked so adorable. you wanted to keep him in your pocket forever, so he could be safe from the harm of the world.

prompto's brain short circuits as he hears your reply. the poor man didn't expect to hear those words coming from you of all people! he just tries to act cool and brush off your compliment / pick-up line. "aha.. well that's good. i'm glad i could make you feel that way." he chuckles nervously, still blushing furiously at your comment.

you look at him and smile again before ruffling his hair. you are not helping the poor man and his crush on you at all. he feels as if he's going to melt into a pile of mush and be fed to chocobos. gosh, he's so in love with you.

prompto can't handle this anymore. he thinks all of your words and touches are on purpose. technically, they are. but he just doesn't know that you know that he likes you. he ends up pouting because of you ruffling his luxurious chocobo butt hair.

"what's with the long face, prompto?" you chuckle, nudging his side with a grin on your face. the blonde just huffs, looking away from you and dropping his arm back down to his side.

it's not fair.. it's so not fair. prompto thought to himself. you were making him feel all giddy inside and he seriously couldn't take it anymore. he just wanted to kiss you right there and then, but that would make his feelings obvious. as if they weren't already.

prompto continues to look away, not meeting your gaze as you speak up again. "seriously, what's wrong man?" you lean in closer to him, poking his sides. you hope that'll get a reaction out of him. however, the only reaction you get out of him is him being even more flustered.

"it's not fair!" prompto huffs out, crossing his arms over his chest as he pouted at you. "stop teasing me!" you look at him and chuckle still. "what?! i haven't done anything!" you tease, laughing at prompto's reactions. "why are you so worked up anyway?" you knew the reason why, but you wanted to egg prompto on and see if he'd actually confess to you.

"because i like you!" prompto exclaimed. he felt relieved to finally have admitted how he felt towards you after bottling it up for so long. "and you tease me like you know how i feel." the blonde is still pouting as he speaks. you think he's so adorable.

you pinch one of his cheeks and smile at him. "that's because i did know how you feel. you're not very secretive about your feelings, you know?" you move your hand from prompto's cheek before ruffling his hair again.

"aw man.. i thought i was doing a good job at hiding it!" prompto sighed before slumping into you, hoping that you'd catch him into a hug. which you did. without hurting him, you hugged him as tightly as you could. the pout from his lips was now replaced by a smile.

"i like you too, by the way." you hum before leaning in a little closer to his face. "glad we got that sorted out then." you smile before kissing him.

prompto is taken aback. his eyes widen in shock as he feels your lips touch his. but he doesn't mind, of course. he likes you too after all. he just never imagined that you liked him the same way that he liked you.

perhaps it was a good thing that he was so obvious about his feelings..

☆ author's note: prompto is my favourite of all time. i love him so much 😩 please request! i wanna write more for final fantasy characters so please request for 7, 15 & 16 and bsd + jjk ofc.

☆ requests ▪︎ masterlist

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1 year ago

☆ 'friendly' practice

prompto argentum x male reader [he / him]

sypnosis: prompto asks [name] if they could practice kissing to learn for when they have future partners. many feelings get shared in the process. (meant to be viewed as romantic)

the lowercase is intentional !

 'friendly' Practice

prompto and [name] were inseperable.

the two had known eachother for the longest time - even longer than prompto knew noctis, or gladio, or ignis. it was always just prompto and [name], the way it always was and will be.

the two, being best friends and all, had a lot in common. they shared the same taste in music, games and practically everything else that a person could think of.

surprisingly, the men both also had never had a romantic partner before. they'd never felt the romantic touch of another, or even been kissed before. they definitely had a lot in common for that reason too. yet, it was completely normal to [name] and prompto having no romantic partners.

[name] didn't mind not having a partner, as he actually had a crush on someone. of course, that someone was none other than his best friend. prompto.

on the other hand, prompto always moped, and moaned, and whined about not having a partner. he'd always dream about having someone to love, but he was always scared of making a move on anyone. [name] thought it was funny, and quite cute too.

[name] always felt that prompto was oblivious to his feelings, even if he tried to subtly hint at them. prompto never asked [name] out, and [name] always thought it was because prompto was straight. however, [name] was far off. he just didn't know how prompto actually felt himself.

it was a usual friday evening, the two men were hanging out at [name]'s place. they were doing the usual things - playing games on the console, eating snacks and talking about stuff. it was the usual bro things they did. yet, something seemed quite unusual about this night. prompto was sitting there silent, as if he was internally debating something. of course, [name] was curious.

"what're you thinking so much for?" [name] asked as he paused the game that they were playing, placing his console down on the nearby table. "you seem to be in deep thought about something." [name] hummed, narrowing his eyes at his best friend.

prompto sighed before he put his own controller down on the table. he then pouted as he looked over at [name]. [name] couldn't tell where this conversation was headed.

"you know how we've.. never had any partners before right?" prompto asked, still seemingly deep in thought. [name] nodded in response to prompto's question, confused as to where this conversation was headed. "so we've both never been kissed before, right?" prompto continued asking, getting another nod from [name].

[name] didn't hope this conversation was headed where he thought it was. however, he had to admit, he wouldn't really mind.. kissing prompto. it was something he thought about practically all the time because he had such a huge crush on his best friend.

prompto then hummed and he leaned forward, his pout changing from a pout to a smirk. "well, why don't we kiss then?" prompto asked, his voice sort of smug and confident, a side of prompto not many got to see.

suddenly, prompto realised the weight of his words and he backed away. his eyes widened slightly and he looked away from [name], a blush forming on his cheeks as he did so.

"uhm.. as friends of course. so we can practice for our future partners.." prompto chuckled nervously, scratching the back of his neck. he then looked at [name] and grinned nervously, hoping that his best friend didn't think of this idea as weird or anything.

[name] stared at prompto in shock for a few seconds. his eyes were slightly wide and his mouth was agape. of course prompto had to say something that [name] was thinking about.. they were best friends and they could practically read eachothers minds.

then, [name] let out a breath that he didn't know he was holding. he closed his mouth and he face shrunk back to how it was normally. the whole room felt hot now. [name] couldn't believe that prompto had suggested such a thing, but he wasn't entirely opposed to it.

"sure." [name] nodded and he gulped before speaking once again. "i mean, if it's to practice for our future partners then sure, i don't see why not." [name] continued, his voice practically sounding like a mouse squeaking.

in reality, [name] was really hoping that this was practice for when he had prompto would become an item. yet, he'd never have the guts to admit that to his best friend. ever.

"great." prompto chuckled, still looking at [name] with a grin. he was so happy, ecstatic even that [name] accepted his offer. "i thought you were going to say no or something.." prompto admitted, still chuckling nervously.

"i'd never say no to you, prompto. you're my best friend after all." [name] whispered, leaning in closer to prompto and not leaving that much space between them.

the room was now feeling hot for both men, and their was an air of romance in the room too that none of them were going to mention. this was definitely something more than just friends practising. there was obviously hidden, harboured feelings from both parties.

"that's.. really good to know." prompto gulped, his eyes meeting [name]'s as the two of them leaned forward. they were closer than ever. they had never been this face to face before - it was something entirely new for them.

the two then finally closed the minimal gap that was left between them. their lips met in a kiss, the kiss that was the first for the both of them.

it felt like pure heaven. it felt like the greatest thing that either had experienced throughout their years on earth. it was truly the best feeling ever, and the two never wanted it to end. they wanted to share this feeling with eachother for as long as they could.

[name] then suddenly pushed prompto down onto the couch so he'd lay down on his back. the two were then making out, barely even just kissing at this point. it was like a battle, it was as if this make out session was the last thing that the two men were going to share before dying. it definitely wasn't something just between two friends now. it was something more. it was romantic.

prompto gasped and he pulled away for air, coughing slightly as he did so. he couldn't believe what he had just done with [name], and [name] couldn't fully believe it either.

"wow.." prompto mumbled to himself, breathing in and out heavily to relax himself from what had just happened. he then smiled before he looked up at [name]. "that was amazing.. and definitely worth practising with you. we should do this more often-"

prompto was then cut off by [name] pressing his lips against the blonde's yet again. [name] didn't even hesitate, he just swooped in and kissed prompto again. this was something he had wanted for years, and he wasn't going to waste his opportunity at all.

"i want to do this more.." [name] then muttered against prompto's lips. his eyes were closed as he drank in the taste of his best friend's lips. "but as a couple. not as a friend. i don't want to dance around my feelings any longer."

the blonde couldn't believe what he was hearing. yeah, he had liked [name] but he never thought that [name] liked him back. he had only offered the kissing practice to see if [name] truly did have feelings for him, and everything now confirmed it.

prompto nodded and he pulled away from [name] yet again, holding onto his shoulder. he couldn't believe what had just happened, it was all so quick, but he wasn't complaining. he had wanted this to happen for so long after all.

"of course.. i'd love for us to be a couple." prompto replied, pulling [name] into a hug. "i've always wanted us to be a couple, but i guess i was just too much of a coward to say anything that's why i moaned about being single so much." prompto laughed at himself as he recalled all of the times he probably ended up annoying [name] with his constant whines.

"it's official then. we're boyfriends." [name] hummed as he hugged prompto back, never wanting to let go of his boyfriend. ever. he wanted to stay like this, with prompto in his arms, for as long as he could - which was preferably forever.

prompto hummed in agreement and he nodded. he felt so glad that their unknown feelings had now become known. it was the best feeling in the world, better than all the kissing he and [name] had just done.

"yep, we're boyfriends now." prompto whispered, grinning to himself as he got held by [name]. this was officially the best day ever.

"now then.." [name] cleared his throat, pulling away from the hug slightly. "shall we get back to practising?" [name] smirked.

it was going to be a long night for prompto…

 'friendly' Practice

☆ author's note: hope you enjoy! i'll try get requests out soon, but please keep requests coming too!

☆ requests ▪︎ masterlist

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11 months ago

hey-hey! i hope you're doing well, love your writing <3

if you can, could i ask for the ffxv boys (prompto, noctis, ignis, gladio) with a male reader who's in a band? preferably implied to be a poly romantic thing with them (unless you don't do poly, platonic is good!) you can pick whatever format you feel like! :]

☆ our boy's in a band

ffxv boys x male reader [he / him]

sypnosis: above.

the lowercase is intentional !

Hey-hey! I Hope You're Doing Well, Love Your Writing

"i can't wait to see him!" prompto's voice echoed throughout the halls, he was clearly excited about something. ignis hummed and nodded in agreement, so did noctis.

"yeah, he looked amazing tonight." gladio responded to prompto's comment, letting out a small sigh as an image in his mind appeared about this 'he'.

the men kept walking through the hallways, backstage in a venue. they were all giddy, and practically buzzing with excitement just to see this 'he'.

eventually, the group reached a dressing room. ignis decided to knock lightly on the door, waiting for a response or for someone to open the door for him and the group behind him.

a few seconds pass, but the door creaks open. a man is standing at the other side of the door, looking quite tired but his face lights up as soon as he sees the men infront of him.

"[name]!" the group call out, all rushing to hug the man. they all throw themselves on top of [name], each trying to steal a kiss from their boyfriend.

a light chuckle escaped [name]'s lips as he tried to pull his boyfriend's off. he wanted his space, a little air to breathe and preferably a warning if he was to get crushed once again.

"well it's good to see you all too." [name] finally spoke up, a smile on his face as he looks over at the group infront of him. they all looked back in awe, prompto rushing to hog [name] for himself.

"oh babe! you looked so good out there today! you were so amazing!" prompto cooed, squeezing [name] as tightly as he could before someone else stole him away. [name] smiled at prompto and gave him a quick peck on the lips. "thank you." [name] whispered back.

then, gladio pulled [name] out of prompto's arms so the man could rest in his own muscular arms. "you were so handsome and sexy up on that stage." gladio purred, placing a few kisses to [name]'s neck. [name] responded with a few laughs, finding the way gladio's facial hair scratched his neck to be quite ticklish.

"yes, you were quite fascinating on stage my dear." ignis piped up, walking towards [name] to place a kiss on his forehead. ignis then moved gladio's arms off of [name], worried the poor man might get squished. instead, ignis let gladio hold onto his hand.

noctis was the last one to come up to [name], wrapping his arms around his boyfriend to nuzzle himself in the other man's neck. he seemed to be more tired than [name] even though he wasn't the one performing.

"mhm.." noctis hummed in agreement to what everyone else said previously. he just seemed to be more interested in getting home to sleep, just like [name].

"you two look very tired." ignis comments, taking a look at his partner's faces. there's a small frown wanting to form on ignis' lips. his heart aches as he sees how tired noctis and [name] look. "i guess we should get going now. unless you have to go get your fans to cheer for you again, [name]?" ignis asked, almost as if he was teasing his boyfriend.

[name] rolled his eyes, letting his own arms wrap around noctis. "no, i don't need to have my fans cheer for me." [name] responded to ignis with a hum. "the only people i need to cheer for me are you guys." [name] smirked.

Hey-hey! I Hope You're Doing Well, Love Your Writing

prompto started to holler at [name]'s words, gladio and ignis joining in with laughs of their own. prompto then practically jumps over to [name], giving him a kiss on the lips. noctis groans and he pushes prompto away, wanting to be the only one in [name]'s arms right now.

"well, if that's the case i think we can go to the car and drive home, yes?" ignis suggests and all of the men nod along to him. "let's go then." ignis continues, taking hold of prompto's hand to drag him to the car.

gladio walked over to [name], shaking noctis off of him to pick up the other man. "a reward for your impressive work today, my prince." gladio smirked, kissing [name]'s forehead and picking him up.

noctis groans once again, glaring at gladio for stealing away his warmth. he just sighed, not bothering with his boyfriend. he just followed him, and his other boyfriends, to the car.

the group walked over to the car, squeezing inside as best as they could. ignis started driving off back home, engaging in conversation with his boyfriends. they all laughed and talked with eachother on the way home.

suddenly, [name] realised something and his eyes widened.

"oh shit. i forgot all my stuff back in the dressing room.." [name] mumbled.

ignis immediately stopped the car and he turned back around. everyone groaned and sighed at [name], shaking their heads.

"[name]!" prompto whined, turning around in his seat and pouting at his boyfriend. "how could you!" prompto continued, acting as if [name] had done the worst thing in the world.

"it's not my fault you guys dragged me out of the dressing room so quickly! it's not my fault you guys wanted to see me and snuggle up to me so badly!" [name] chuckled at prompto. the blonde pouted, turning back around in his seat with his arms crossed over our chest.

"i guess we were just too eager to see our band boy." gladio teased, pressing a kiss to [name]'s cheek. noctis and ignis hummed in agreement, ignis continuing to drive back to the venue.

the group couldn't wait for [name]'s next performance, to have another moment like this. but, they hoped [name] wouldn't end up leaving his stuff again.

- author's note: hope you enjoyed this! this was kind of silly, but i love it. keep requests coming, i love writing requests for you guys :)

- navigation ; masterlist ; request

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7 months ago
Help, I Watched One Episode Of Jem And The Holograms Andnow This Ismy Life
Help, I Watched One Episode Of Jem And The Holograms Andnow This Ismy Life
Help, I Watched One Episode Of Jem And The Holograms Andnow This Ismy Life

help, i watched one episode of jem and the holograms andnow this ismy life

the jem and the holograms au we've all been wanting

Noct and The Chocobroz

plz help im not normal

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1 year ago

Realized that i never mentioned how absolutely normal I am about them.

(The absolute impact this game had on me is scary)

Realized That I Never Mentioned How Absolutely Normal I Am About Them.
Realized That I Never Mentioned How Absolutely Normal I Am About Them.

Click for better quality! (Cuz tumblr eats the quality of my sketchbook art)

If you know who these are, I wish you an extremely nice day

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1 year ago

Thought Noctis learning magic with Prompto cheering him on is a nice concept

Thought Noctis Learning Magic With Prompto Cheering Him On Is A Nice Concept

it's a few weeks old and not my best work but yeah

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1 year ago
Designed Noctis A Fancy Outfit
Designed Noctis A Fancy Outfit

Designed Noctis a fancy outfit <3

Designed Noctis A Fancy Outfit
Designed Noctis A Fancy Outfit

Of course I have to have the boys together

Was obligated to also design a quick outfit for Prompto

Designed Noctis A Fancy Outfit

They went to prom(pto) together

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