PT!Maruki - Tumblr Posts
Ok so I was thinking about Maruki getting a new Persona and thanks to research, it is technically possible to have a Persona that can shift between Navi and Combat thanks to Rise's Persona in P4AU:

...Wait a second... Idea forming... What if Maruki can have that ability too?
Ohhh! I just realized something:
Perhaps kinda like Rise, he would use a visor to scan but can then shift to fight mode when needed since he isn't bad combat wise and has some Metaverse knowledge. Perhaps limitations can be applied too for balance. Navi Mode Maruki would also be able to use "Guiding Tendril" (the ability his Will Seed gives) along with some actualization abilities (namely ailments?)! Of course, the ability would have the limitation of being usable for ambush still. Keeps him from being too op.
It would definitely be good symbolism for his pacifism but also fiercely protective. A fighter but also wanting to provide support as well!
Y'know, thanks to chatting with @celestialily in the replies, why not? I can work around this! I'm still thinking about Icarus' design so giving him a combat and Navi mode shouldn't hurt much! Just some fine tuning in Maruki's PT design as well!
Ok so I was thinking about Maruki getting a new Persona and thanks to research, it is technically possible to have a Persona that can shift between Navi and Combat thanks to Rise's Persona in P4AU:

...Wait a second... Idea forming... What if Maruki can have that ability too?
Ohhh! I just realized something:
Perhaps kinda like Rise, he would use a visor to scan but can then shift to fight mode when needed since he isn't bad combat wise and has some Metaverse knowledge. Perhaps limitations can be applied too for balance. Navi Mode Maruki would also be able to use "Guiding Tendril" (the ability his Will Seed gives) along with some actualization abilities (namely ailments?)! Of course, the ability would have the limitation of being usable for ambush still. Keeps him from being too op.
It would definitely be good symbolism for his pacifism but also fiercely protective. A fighter but also wanting to provide support as well!
Back to fiddling with touch-ups since P5X's Sprites are super helpful with fine-tuning!

I guess my PT Maruki is going through a small rebranding so to speak? Mostly reconsidering his codename. The most I got so far is:
-Abel (Abel in some versions of the Cain and Abel story had him be the first martyr and Mooki kinda has a martyr complex)
-Advisor (since he's getting a Navi mode now)
-Lovecraft (...Self-explanatory)
Eh, poll time I guess? I'm doing one on Twitter too .
"Abel" won out gang! Kinda surprised really but hey! Funnily enough I had a slow realization that I accidentally made a double reference to "Able" which can also fit his desire to help people because the words sound similar. XD

Oh god... Maruki totally would make a pun when coming up with it with everyone cringing omg! 🤣
I guess my PT Maruki is going through a small rebranding so to speak? Mostly reconsidering his codename. The most I got so far is:
-Abel (Abel in some versions of the Cain and Abel story had him be the first martyr and Mooki kinda has a martyr complex)
-Advisor (since he's getting a Navi mode now)
-Lovecraft (...Self-explanatory)
Eh, poll time I guess? I'm doing one on Twitter too .