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updated EVEN MORE!!
Pierre's wife, Alpharad, Mariana, and Connor have been added, as well as Mousey's title
Luzu is now Lana's champion
animals and suggestions have also been added
Mousey is "Queen of Hell" because Satan is just A Name, and that's the official title of her job, yknow? I might tweak it to look like Bad's, as Mousey, Bad, and Tina are the same kind of entities
Connor is a line below everyone as he is not a god with a champion, he's just Mousey's suboordinate
I remembered after I answered the ask why Pierre's wife isn't on the doc: it's because I could never find any sort of name for her, not even an online username like Kari with 'Forevinha'. For now, she's just "???".
Like Pierre's wife, I unfortunately COMPLETELY FORGOT about Alpharad when I was making/updating the doc, but that's fixed now!
I'm not sure on the choices of animals for Barb, Matt, Grace, and Isa, so those are questioned
As for other deities who don't have an animal symbol, I'm not sure on what their animal would be at all
Luzu is Lana's champion, as (q)Luzu may or may not have history with other islanders, but it's nice to think, no? (I see you Luckity community)
extra details/headcanons:
Connor has next to no influence on Quesadilla Island. rip (sidenote: i remember being OBSESSED with Connor years ago and this is NOT HELPING my infatuation with voice acting /nm /lh)
I talked in one of my servers about this, but yes! Missa and Bad are both reapers. The Grim Reaper is the big guy in charge, while other reapers take the brunt of the workload (hence why Missa isn't on the island as often - he's reaping souls). Think of it like Death from Supernatural. There is a whole network of reapers, but the eldest (or most qualified) is The Grim Reaper. When The Grim Reaper is killed off, another reaper takes their place. Of course, Death from Supernatural in this anaology is The Grim Reaper. Mumza, who is Death, is The Grim Reaper's boss.
The Grim Reaper deals in deaths of special individuals and other important cases, as well as a kind of "office work"
The heirarchy goes: Death -> The Grim Reaper / Minor Death Deities -> Reapers
Missa was a devout follower of Santa Muerte in life, and when he died, Death turned him into one of her reapers, as thanks for his kindness and loyalty.
If you have any suggestions of animals/more deities/more entities/headcanons, feel free to flood my inbox!