Queer Cas - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

I have been having Feelings about Supernatural again, and I am finally ready to drop my most controversial and yet correct take.

Caveat all the below with the facts that 1. I am still on season 8 of a 15 season show and 2. I have largely avoided finding out what was going on around the show itself while it aired. I don’t really know what actors and writers were saying at the time, and I don’t know how it felt to be a fan in (eg) 2013.

Okay, but I am eight seasons in at this point, and here’s the thing: I was not expecting to see the show I’m currently watching. I expected to see manly men shooting werewolves and demons in the face a lot, then going to bars and banging chicks about it. I assumed that Dean and Cas were both just white and symmetrical and near each other, which is why they got shipped together.

But god, was I wrong. I was so wrong. I am so sorry.

Now, my (incorrect) assumptions weren’t totally wrong for the first three seasons. There’s something strange that you can feel, something simmering beneath the surface, lots of funny little moments but … nothing you can put your finger on. I quit watching originally during season 3 way back in 2007 because I just started finding it unsatisfying.

But then. If I’d only stuck around! Then season 4 happens, and then season 5 happens and then season 6 and season 7 just keep HAPPENING and now I’m on season 8 and … listen to me. Please listen to me. I am ready to say it: at least up until season 8, Supernatural is not queerbait.

This show is not queerbaiting anyone. It has been slandered! This is an intensely queercoded text specifically about queer men who have queer relationships with each other (and Sam is also there).

Prevailing fandom wisdom will say at this point that I need to have a lie down in a dark room until I come to my senses. I keep thinking that I’m completely out to lunch and high on fanfic. But then I watch another episode and it is goddamn UNDENIABLE. What I am seeing is text! Supernatural is a fundamentally queer show, just one written at a time where it was still impossible for a mainstream normie tv property to be a queer text.

There is something astonishing about tracking the way queerness is presented in the show, season by season, and linking that to the accepted bounds of how queerness was able to be presented in media in general. It’s the best reflection I’ve ever seen of how queerness shifted as an American pop cultural object during those years - it’s damn near perfect, and what it depicts is always right on the edge of what was possible at the time.

It’s true that in those first three seasons, gayness is largely played as a joke. Sam and Dean are always being mistaken for ‘antiquers’ (blech), and there are lots of nasty little microagressions. It’s all quite uncomfortable, I’m not going to deny that. But I think that there is something interesting in even that ham-fisted, vaguely homophobic representation. Because queerness is there. It keeps coming back! It’s hovering around the boys (around Dean), and it’s never really allowed to go away.

In season 4, though, there’s a real turn. Cas obviously turns up and gets right in Dean’s FACE and sits on his BED and looks at him with his EYES and … you know. Queerness is suddenly in the room in a much more real way. But it’s not just coming from Cas. Suddenly Dean is having charged moments with other male characters too (the chief? hello? THE SIREN??). Queerness is happening, we can finally see it clearly, even though the show still absolutely cannot talk directly about what’s going on.

By seasons 5 and 6 queerness is becoming both even more real (we get more and more queer background characters) and more dangerous. It’s often a site of genuine peril for Dean, something that he can’t lock down and shut away, something that he’s forced to be more honest about in a way that can literally come back to bite him (Live Free or Twihard, a bi Dean thesis episode of all time). And it’s not just Dean and Cas, now! More and more of the main male characters are having more and more queer moments, too - I think Season 5 is the moment when the show’s first gay kiss happens (which, if you think about it, is bananas! 2010?!) and in season 6 we have Cas and Crowley LITERALLY CONFIRMING THAT THEY HAVE HAD A SEXUAL RELATIONSHIP.

What goes canon in Supernatural is a constant source of shock to me. I can’t think of another show from that era that would have made the sexual relationship between Cas and Crowley a main plot driver for a season arc - and by definition, the break-up of Cas and Dean is part of that arc too. The end of season 6 into season 7 doesn’t work if Dean doesn’t experience a romantic betrayal. Dean then mourns through season 7 like he’s lost a partner, and the show gives him the space to do that. And in season 8, Benny’s relationship with Dean (and the missing Cas) is explicitly, repeatedly paralleled with Amelia’s relationship with Sam (and her missing husband). Dean even gets a moment with Charlie where he confirms-by-denial that they were a couple. IN 2013?! In TWENTY THIRTEEN. When it was still not legal for Dean and Benny or Dean and Cas to get married in most states. (I mean, putting aside the human/vampire/angel thing).

Dean’s queerness is not just situated in his relationships, though. It’s text all the way to his tiniest character choices. It is impossible to seriously read him as straight. For example: though he is repeatedly referred to as a hero, he is never referred to as a king. He only gets the title of queen, and he’s called a queen by multiple characters, across multiple seasons. Charlie puts her queen’s crown on his head in season 8. In season 5 someone asks Dean who died and made him queen. and on and on and on. Purgatory is a gay club in Miami to him! One of the things he knows for sure is that Bert and Ernie are gay! He is a queer character, and both the writers and the actors clearly understand this.

I think it’s really instructive to compare Supernatural to other shows airing at the time. Sherlock also has a main m/m pairing that is and was hugely shipped, and it’s also accused (correctly, I think, this time) of queerbaiting. In Sherlock, just like in Supernatural, characters are always confusing John and Sherlock for sexual partners. But in Sherlock, each moment of confusion is always immediately denied and forms the punchline of the joke. Geddit?! it’s funny!! the men aren’t GAY! They just live together and are obsessed with each other.

This isn’t, ever, what happens when other characters describe Dean and Cas as being in love in Supernatural, though. It happens repeatedly, several times a season, but when it does there is never a comeback. There’s no denial. There’s just silence. Awkward silence, maybe, but silence. The show is saying, we all know this is true. They know this is true. Maybe they can’t say it to each other, but it is a fundamental truth about them. It’s a joke, but the joke’s on Dean and Cas, two dumbasses who can’t admit what everyone else understands.

I’ve said before that I sometimes feel like I’m watching two Supernaturals, the gay show and the show the team are pretending to make. And I also think that there are two fandom versions of Supernatural: the keyboard monkey Supernatural and the Supernatural that takes into account the historic context of the show. Because it is history, at this point. It is so easy, even with the constant attacks on the queer community going on in 2023, to forget what it was like to exist as queer in 2008, or 2010, or 2013. It’s incredibly hard to convey, if you weren’t there. It sounds so made up. You mean you couldn’t marry whoever you wanted? You mean people didn’t casually use labels like bisexual? You mean there were so few publicly queer role models that most queer people literally did not know they were queer? Supernatural is from a time when there were so many fewer words, and so many fewer options, for queer lives. What I’m seeing when I watch it are people who couldn’t articulate queer experiences in the way we can in 2023 - partly because they weren’t allowed to, and partly because they weren’t able to - but who did what they could anyway, to tell the stories they wanted to tell.

And hey, maybe I’m being hopelessly starry eyed! Maybe I’ve just inhaled Jackles’s brain worms! But I do think it’s relevant to point out that in June 2023, three years after spn concluded, we are still waiting for a mainstream m/m pairing between two leads on a show not originally conceived of as a romance plot to go canon. We’re very likely about to get it in the next year or so, but as of this moment I am typing this I cannot think of a single show not initially imagined as a gay romance where networks/execs allowed the male leads to kiss romantically. The Destiel ending we want is still not possible.

And look, as I’ve said above, I am missing part of the live spn fan experience! I vaguely know that Jackles said some weird stuff, and the writers said some weird stuff, and I’m sure it hurt deeply when fan expectations weren’t met. But what I see when I watch the show on its own is a piece of media that is deeply and intrinsically queer, and made so by the work of actors and writers and producers together. And I wish that was a more common fan understanding of the show! It is pretty delightful to discover in real time, though …

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