Quite An Intelligent Fish Indeed - Tumblr Posts

10 months ago

I really want to make a comic of this

(I have an oc thing similar to this except instead of fish it's humans that evolved to have various human subspecies depending on their environment)

I Really Want To Make A Comic Of This
I Really Want To Make A Comic Of This
I Really Want To Make A Comic Of This

Is mer au owl a ferson

If you give a man a fish you can feed him for a day

If you spend 4 thousand years speeding up the evolution of a fish to create a sub species similar to human then you will introduce it to the world and await the publics approval, but they don't approve fish racism along with world War 4 begins. You try your best to lead your feeple (fish people) to freedom and despite all odds you succeed fish now walk beside human kind in harmony. Man will find a fish, they start to talk eventually they're inseparable. He starts to catch feelings the only thing on his mind is fish, he eventually confesess and it turns out fish feels the same way. They start dating 5 years later fish proposes. They marry and buy a house. They soon adopt working together to raise 4 healthy feeple. They grow old together sitting in rocking chairs watching the sunset on they're porch. Congratulations you just gave a man a lifetime of happy memories.

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