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5 years ago

How to fix R6 siege operators part 4 : sheilds

(welcome, this is a series where i would write down my ideas and opinions on how to fix R6 siege, i won't say that my opinion is %100 right and i would like to hear yours)

it's actually a complete rework with some of them having entirely new gadgets the challenge here is to keep a fragment of their character and role. Also i by no mean think they are overpowered (with the exception of monty) just annoying, because they count on their teammates a lot and can be countered pretty easily i personally don't ban them

I'm only making this post because a lot of people find them annoying and ban them a lot

Let's begin


Her smg will become a primary weapon

The damage will be lowered from 33 to 24

The recoil will be increased a little

The magazine will be increased from 20+1 to 25+1

Her pistol will become a secondary weapon

She will get the SG-CQB (GIGN shutgun)

The sheild will be replaced with two deployable sheild, they will look similar to her sheild so no one can hide behind it to surprise the enemy or hide traps

When the enemy is in the area of affect the sheild will electrify them

The sheilds will have a smaller amount of energy than her current one, and they won't need to recharge fully before they can start again unless they are out of energy

If the enemy gets out of the area of affect the sheild it will take a cooldown for a second before it works again

Clash will be the only one notified when her sheilds are working, she will be able to see the amount of energy that her sheilds have and weather or not they are disabled

The sheild can be temporarily disabled by thatcher, and can be destroyed like any normal sheild


Seriously this one is the easiest

He will get lion's Victor (because they are best friends) and the MP5 or the P90 as primary weapons

His shield can only be used in it's extended state

The sheild will still be indestructible, but montagne can be affected by melee attacks like clash currently dose

Montagne can deploy his shield to offer protection for anyone and peek to shoot

To allow deffenders to counter him The sheild can not be deployed in doorways or tight spaces and corners (this can stop him from deploying the defuser and siting on the corner or the only available door)


(this is the hardest as blitz is supposed to be annoying, on top of that between all the sheilds he is the weakest, he can't block enough damage from explosives and highly unreliable on long to mid ranges, he needs to be very close to be affective.

So giving him a gadget that keeps a part of his role and character is very hard for me to imagine so I came with a complete rework)

He will get the G8A1 (because he's a man and men need big guns) the M870 (GSG9 shutgun) and the 552 commando (because it has a nice fire rate and high damage, also the AUG A2 covers more than half of the screen)

he can fire 4 or 3 stun grenades that can work like nomad's air jabs or Zofia's lifeline

The speed at which the stuns travel through is the same as grenades to make sure there's enough time to act (like switching guns)

There won't be a laser sight like nomad's, this way it won't be obvious when he's using it


he's not technically a sheild but he's somewhat similar in his problems

(seriously this has to be my simplest and probably my best operator concept and it fits blackbeard's simple character very well)

I completely reworked blackbeard because he got a lot of nerfs yet some people still complain about him

He's highly affective in high ranks where everyone is aiming for the head, and his gadget breaks this role which is the most fun and skillful aspect of the game

He can be either very weak or very powerful

So here's my idea

His shields will be replaced with 3 candelas that release smoke and covers a larger area than normal ones

Maybe it should add noise for a small amount of time

The fire rate of the MK17 CQB will be increased from 585 to something between 650 and 700 at maximum

The damage will be lowered from 49 to something between 47 and 44

The magazine will be increased from 20+1 to 25+1

The recoil will be lowered to make it easier to control the gun based on it's fire rate making it as easy to control as it is now (when a gun has a high fire rate it becomes harder to control because it will kick faster so it usually gets less recoil )

Mabye He can get the PDW9 (i think him have a choice between a gun with a high fire and low damage or a high damage and low fire rate could be a good thing)

Please share your opinions, thoughts and ideas on this

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