Raembles - Tumblr Posts
ah damn i just realized in papyrus' actual sprite he literally has no EYE LIGHTS
why is it the conveniently shaped lamp what if it's the conveniently shaped frisk instead
okay wait i just realized
Idk if i should be ashamed or proud that i never beat sans
just threw up on a page, but like, metaphorically
the nickname sweetheart is only acceptable and okay when underfell sans says it
i wish i had the patience to learn to draw i wanna make comics so baaaad
swap sans is an absolute gremlin. he pulls you in with his sparkly eyes and bubbly theatrics and once youre in his web he pulls the rug beneath your feet and youll totally cry because it turned out his glitter and stars were just store bought and everything was a lie but not really
ive been using the word couple wrong this whole time IT MEANS A PAIR????
it should've been obvious !! but then again the way people use it makes it sound like a couple is more than five or something
I hate english :D
happy birthday to the everything of my life, undertale
the silly pixelated game that kept my sanity intact all throughout high school
thanks toby !!
HELL YEAAHHHH I'VE BEEN THINKING ABOUT THISS (quite a lot actually, for the past few days, gotta write it down lol)
But yeah ! :D since she happens to be a chocolate lover herself, just of the liquid variety, if she finds out error likes chocolate too she'll do her literal best to befriend him through offerring all kinds of chocolate to him. Dark chocolate, white chocolate, chocolates with nuts, almonds, literally anything and everything
Obviously, mother wont mind! not like she could do anything about it lol. The way of the universe wont be disrupted because of a few chocolate bars that keep appearing all over error's place (okay maybe it might? but whatever! it's fine, everythings fine!)
And I'm sure Error would warm up to her eventually, and then they can finally bond over (at a safe distance) crocheting cute little sans dollies that error would commit dark voodoo spells on the minute athena leaves :D
i think athena would have fun knitting with error