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If i could digimon series, maybe
goggle head (ie the protag) rookie: Zubamon Champion: ZubaEagermon ultimate: Duramon Mega: Durandamon
friendship crest (ie the lancer) rookie: Ludomon champion: TiaLudomon ultimate: RaijiLudomon MEGA: BryweLudramon
fusion with goggle: RagnaLoardmon
male!love crest rookie: Hyokomon champion: Buraimon ultimate: Butenmon MEGA: chronomon
Knowledge crest, who is female rookie: FanBeemon champion: Waspmon ultimate: CannonBeemon MEGA: TigerVespamon
Sincerity crest Rookie: Floramon Champion: Parasaurmon Ultimate: Lilamon Mega: Lotosmon
Reliability crest Rookie: Betamon Champion: Seadramon Ultimate: MegaSeadramon MEGA: MetalSeadramon
Hope crest (Younger sister of Goggle head) rookie: Liollmon champion: leomon ultimate: grapleomon MEGA: heavyleomon
Crest of Kindness rookie: Agumon champion: Tyrannomon ultimate: MetalTyrannomon Mega: Gaiomon
Crest of Darkness
champion: Blackgatomon ultimate: Ladydevimon Mega: BelleStarmon