Ransom Drysdale X You - Tumblr Posts

The Highest Bidder Masterlist



Summary: A graduate-level education is a costly pursuit. When you move out of state to study in Boston, expenses pile up, leading you to auction off what is apparently your most valuable asset: your virginity. It goes to the highest bidder…who happens to be Ransom Drysdale.

There are no major spoilers for Knives Out. Consider this as an alternate timeline. There will be references to the movie/its characters and family dynamics revealed in the movie.

Warnings: loss of virginity, explicit sexual content/smut, angst, sugar daddy/baby arrangement, dark elements, dubcon, cliffhangers, minor spoilers for Knives Out, unprotected sex, irresponsible driving, Ransom is an asshole (more to add and if you spot any that I’ve missed, please kindly let me know!)


Chapter 1 - 5/18/2020

Chapter 2 - 5/28/2020

Chapter 3 - 6/16/2020

“It’s a real shame nobody asked for your opinion” Drabble (requested)

Chapter 4 - 6/21/2020

Chapter 5 - 6/30/2020

Chapter 6 - 7/5/2020

Deleted Scene: Studying the Muscles - 8/18/2020

Chapter 7 - 7/13/2020

Chapter 8 - Part 1 - 8/1/2020

Chapter 8 - Part 2 - 8/1/2020

Chapter 9 - 8/3/2020

Chapter 10 - 8/4/2020

Chapter 11 - 8/7/2020

Chapter 12 - 8/16/2020

Chapter 13 - 9/2/2020

Chapter 14 - 10/18/2020

Deleted Scene: Childhood Bedroom - 11/2/2020

“I couldn’t say no to you even if I wanted to” - 8/24/2020

Chapter 15 - 11/22/2020 

Chapter 16 - 11/27/2020

Epilogue - 12/25/2020

“I do anything to be the person you love again.” - 8/24/2020

Money’s Worth

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5 years ago

Could you do a Drabble of Ransom x Reader where he’s fingering her under the dinner table whilst the family are trying to get along but the more frustrated he gets, the harder he goes, and eventually he feels her squirt a little so drags her out and fucks her hard against the wall in the hall? Omgggg

-> -> -> The only reason you're eating food at this point is so you have an excuse to not speak during the war breaking out over the dinner table.

As usual, the Thrombey clan started out somewhat normal and civil until someone had to instigate an argument; you couldn't even remember how it started at this point. You technically don't even have to be here, but you're here for Harlan. Your family has lived next door to the writer since before you were even born, and had ended up practically becoming a part of his family itself-- unfortunately. Your parents are out of town on a business trip, and so you decided to show face for their sake.

Perhaps the other reason this is unsettling is because you slept with Harlan's grandson a couple weeks ago.

You had avoided Ransom since then, but now as he was sitting right next to you, nothing could be done. You were at least content with focusing on eating and ignoring the commotion surrounding you until--

--you feel his massive hand upon your thigh, barely squeezing as his narrowed eyes remain focused on Walt currently rampaging about what a spoiled brat he is.

"I'm the spoiled brat? Really, Walt?" Ransom laughs out loud, nonchalantly pushing your skirt up under the table. "Then what does that make you? No, I'm sorry, what does that make all of you?"

You let out a little squeak when he starts rubbing against your panties, thankfully drowned out by the sound of Linda screaming, "What the hell is that supposed to mean? I made my own company and I worked hard for it, you know this! Where do you think all the money you get handed to you comes from?"

"Oh, you're right, Mother, I forgot. Oh, actually, you know what-- wait a minute. How did you "make" your company again?" Ransom asks with mock innocence, applying more pressure to your clothed entrance. You grip your fork harder, though no food is going into your mouth anytime soon. "From-- from working, of course, what kind of question is that?" Linda spats, and Richard begins laughing upon her answer-- then quickly shuts up when the woman shoots him a death glare. "Working, you say?" Ransom continues, now slipping his skilled, broad fingers into your panties, rubbing your clit roughly. You bring your napkin to your mouth quickly to fake cough, but you're really letting out a gasp. "So you worked to make the money for that company? What, did you get a job in McDonalds, or at a local bar, or in retail? How'd you earn that money, huh, Mom?"

Joni smirks, mumbling under her breath to Meg, "He kind of has a point." Linda widens her eyes, looking to her sister-in-law with furiosity. "Do you really want to be saying anything when it comes to finances, you little gold digger?!" Meg frowns deeply, standing up. "God, can we all just realize that Ransom's starting this shit on purpose?! Look at him, watching and laughing of all things! How fucked up is that?"

Ransom grits his teeth in both annoyance and amusement, suddenly pushing two fingers inside you without warning. Your moan turns into another fake cough, your cheeks bright red. He pumps hard though hisses at Meg through a cocky smirk, "I don't even have to start shit here, Little Miss FemiNazi, you guys do all the work for me." You're gripping his wrist hard and barely squirming, other hand gripping the edge of the table under the tablecloth. You begin to clench around his fingers, you can't help it; he suddenly feels your release come out in little spurts, and he barely licks his lips. Fuck, now he's way too horny to argue.

He fixes your panties and skirt surprisingly quick. "You know what? We're being very rude to our guest. Let me escort her out while you all continue embarrassing yourselves." He smirks at all of them and grabs your arm, jerking you up. You feel like a little doll at this point as he drags you out into the long hallway, getting to the opposite end before he pins you up against the wall.

"So fucking wet for me, aren't you doll? Did you miss my big dick stretching your tight pussy out?" he groans, wasting no time in undoing his belt and lowering his pants and briefs, his length hard and veiny. "Fuck, I hate them so much. You're going to be a good girl and make me forget about it." He thrusts into you and you can't help but moan; he smirks and clamps a large hand over your lips. "Oh, no. I'm not going to have them interrupt us having our fun. You need to be quiet, doll." You shut your eyes tight as he fucks you mercilessly, your body rocking back against the wall as his hips slam against yours.

You almost don't even want to say anything. Better to stay quiet rather than vocally acknowledge you actually... enjoy this.

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4 months ago

Smokin’ Hot Husband

Smokin Hot Husband

pairing: Dad!Husband!Ransom Drysdale x Pregnant!Wife!Reader

summary: Y/n catches her eldest son smoking, and with her being very emotional, it’s up to Ransom to save the day (Protective Ransom‼️) (requested by anon)

likes, comments and reblogs are appreciated♥️

Chris Masterlist, Full Masterlist, Taglist Form


“How ya feelin today treasure?” Ransom cooed hugging onto his wife from behind, watching as she skilfully gathered all her ingredients for her famous stir fry, one that she was desperately craving. His large hands travelled down to her 6 month bump, his hands smoothing over it gently as she leant back into his chest.

“I’m feeling fine babe, jus a bit hungry but that’s all baby boo’s fault” Y/n laughed, using their newfound nickname for their next baby, their third one and hopefully a girl. Their eldest was Mark who was 15, then there was Reign who was 8, brothers who definitely got their father’s wit and sly personality whilst also having the loving nature of their mother. The perfect combo to Y/n and Ransom Drysdale

“Where are the other two little shits?” Ransom joked kissing her neck softly, swaying both of their bodies side to side as she finished up her cooking, a proud wide smile on her face. “Ransom! If you must know Reign is upstairs writing for his new fantasy book, and Mark I think is out the backyard? Here i’ll get Mark while you get Reign okay?” Y/n beamed turning around and kissing Ransom fully on the lips, a loud smack echoing through the kitchen, her pregnancy glow making her absolutely radiant in Ransom’s eyes. God how lucky was he?

“Yes ma’am” He smirked watching her walk away, not without his hand slapping harshly onto her ass, even after all these years he still found her irresistible. After getting married quite young, even when he was cut from his grandfather’s inheritance, he built a name for himself with Y/n by his side. His rock.

Ransom walked back down the stairs with assurance that Reign would be down in ten minutes, his brows furrowing when he suddenly saw his wife rush in through the backdoor, her face flushed with tears streaming down them uncontrollably. “Baby? Treasure what’s wrong? Tell me now” Ransom rushed out skipping the last few steps, storming to his wife’s side, she was absolutely inconsolable. Partly due to the hormones but clearly something bad had happened,

“I-it’s Mark, Ran” She hiccuped the palm of her hand on her forehead, the other holding onto her waist to ease the back pain. “What’s happened with Mark? Breathe with me baby, follow me” Within seconds Y/n had started to follow the pattern of her husband’s breaths, letting her calm down just that tiny bit more.

“Ran, he’s smoking! Actual cigarettes too, doesn’t he know how dangerous they are? Did I do something wrong? That’s my baby boy” Y/n cried out, her chin wobbling as sobs threatened every time she spoke. Remembering how just seconds prior, she walked out to see her first born puffing away on a cigarette, one thing she had always asked them not to do.

“shh treasure, you go upstairs and i’ll call you down for dinner, i’ll talk to Mark” Ransom said through gritted teeth, if there was one thing he hated, it was seeing his woman cry. The fact that it was his own son? Oh that just made it so much worse.

After making sure she got upstairs alright, Ransom stormed out to the back porch, seeing his 15 year old sat on the swinging chair looking guilty and glum; clearly anticipating his father’s arrival. Now Ransom wasn’t a scary parent, but he was protective and strict, step out of line and he’d be sure to put you back.

“C’mere Markie, now please” Ransom grumbled rubbing his creased forehead with his fingers, watching his son slowly shuffle towards him with his head down. “Where the fahk did you get these son? You know what these can do to you right? I can’t believe you’d do this, you’re barely 16!” He said raising his voice by a little, but not shouting, that’s not how he did things.

“T-they’re my friends Dad, I just thought it’d look cool-“

“Cool if what? You end up sick cause of your lungs and your poor mother and I have to come save you? I thought we told you the consequences of smoking, you know what it done to your mother’s family. I’m so disappointed, you’ve upset your ma and you know she gets emotional now that she’s nearly in her last term”

“I know, i’m sorry, didn’t mean to upset Ma. I just wanted to fit in a bit more”

“Not good enough son, not good enough at all. What are you sorry for?” Ransom asked bending down to his height, his lips held tightly into a line. “I’m sorry for disrespecting both you and Ma, and for putting myself in danger”


“I promise not to do it again” Mark said holding his hands behind his back, his father’s old cream sweater hugging his body like a blanket. “Like hell you won’t, now go on and apologise to your mother” Ransom grunted pulling the red faced boy into his arms, kissing him gently on the head before pushing him inside. Not without throwing the cigarettes into their outside campfire.

Slowly following behind Mark, Ransom smiled as he saw Y/n pull their first born into her arms, kissing his face repeatedly as she continuously told him off softly “Don’t scare me like that again, ya hear me?” “Please don’t ruin your body like that baby, took me 9 whole months to make it”

“I’m sorry ma, I really am, please forgive me” Mark said now tearing up, fiddling with the bottom of his mom’s sweater, feeling her fingers wipe away his tears. “You’re my baby, I could never be that angry at you, you just scared me honey” Y/n whispered kissing him on the forehead one last time, then whispering that he and his brother could both go down for dinner first.

Ruffling his brown hair as he walked past, Ransom walked into their shared bedroom, his wife’s arms instantly reaching up for him cutely. “You handled that so well hubs, definitely better than I did” She laughed with tears in her eyes, standing up to fully hug him, his chin resting atop her head as his arms engulfed her tightly. Her strong coconut scent filling his nostrils as she lifted her head to look up at him, placing a kiss onto his chin affectionately.

“Well, we raised them well, s’jus our job to make sure they learn from their mistakes. I’m just glad they got your emotional vulnerability, and I hope our little butterfly does too” Ransom spoke softly, his fingers brushing against her growing stomach, feeling the tiny butterfly-like flutters hitting against his hand. His hopefully, baby girl, kicking against his hand.

“Oh she’ll be just like her daddy, I can feel it” Y/n smirked kissing his lips gently, her lips basically ghosting over his to tease him, giggling when she felt his hand push her into the kiss. Their kiss only being interrupted when they heard their two boys call for them downstairs, their little Drysdale troublemakers.


Taglist Tags (Form is up there^^): @pandaxnienke @patzammit @thereisa8ella @mrspeacem1nusone @evanstanwhore @itsaylayay1213 @kimhtoo17 @chrisevansdaughter @vrittivsanghavi @dumb-fawkin-bitch @tojisbabymomma @bxdbxtxh15 @madebylilly @tinyelfperson @fdl305 @inlovewiththefictionalcharacters @royalwriteroftheuniverse @chrisevansangel @mysticfalls01 @mdpplgtz03 @mirikusashes @marvelgurl @cevansgurl @xoxokiaraaxoxo @caps-shield1918 @uwiuwi @stormcloudss @adoreyouusugar @imboredat2am @meetmeatyourworst @roofwitty779 @feltonswifesworld87 @ravenhood2792 @mansaaay @girl-of-multi-fandoms @misshale21 @hallecarey1 @alexxavicry @bookfrog242 @alina02 @nikkitc0703 @mischiefsemimanaged @oliviah-25 @s-void @bval-1 @aerangi @bluebellsn @lastwandastan @angelmather1 @diyabhanushali1 @stuckysgirl27 @wintasssoldier @daddymack01 @hatsparkle @spencerreidat4am @keiva1000 @acornacre @minaxcarter @thebaileybugle

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1 year ago

Photo negatives

Summary: Ransom and his soulmate are photo negatives. But it works.

Word Count: 654

Warnings: fluff, use of (y/n)

Here is how Ransom met his soulmate: https://www.tumblr.com/drmaddict/719495908948049920/soulmate?source=share


Ransom was pretty sure that he and his soulmate were photo negatives.

She was shy. He was quick-tempered. She preferred to never leave the house. He wanted to go out partying. She was an early riser. He slept late into the afternoon. She loved animals. He never wanted pets.

Wanted. And yet the old one-eyed cat looked at him from the sofa, annoyed. Not even a pedigree cat had it become. She had gone to the shelter and asked which animal had the least chance of being adopted. Home she came with a 16-year-old mummy, who was missing an eye, had several bald spots, was half blind in his existing eye, and had chronic sinusitis. The cat jumped up and left the living room. Ransom looked after him disapprovingly. He called it a creature. She called him Edgar.

Once, for her sake, he had given the bastard his pills. Afterwards, he had recorded that he would rather shave his head than be mauled by the critter again. (Y/n) had amusedly disinfected the "scratch" on his hand. "That's not funny." "Of course not... A little lower and we would have had to go to the emergency room." He'd ignored her smirk and had the band-aid applied. It had been a serious injury.

She could cook. He could burn water. He wanted to take her shopping to spoil her and she wanted to drag him to a secondhand store first of all.

They weren't a good match. Except in bed. Ransom smirked at the thought. For someone so quiet and shy, she had insanely creative ideas.

But that aside, he just didn't understand why fate had stuck the two of them together of all people.

He was... happy. With her he was really happy. With her simple nature. No ambush. No drama. Well. Almost no drama.

For the past few weeks, she had gotten it into her head that she wanted to meet his family. Today they would all meet and she wasn't going away from the idea, that it would be best to rip off the metaphorical band-qid quickly and all at once. He had sworn to himself to be tough. Now here he was, waiting for her to get ready for his damn family's celebration. It wasn't going to go well. It couldn't go well. She would leave him. If his mother got a hold of her at the latest, she would leave him. No one would be willing to put themself through that for the rest of his life. Especially not because of someone like him. When had he started to see this as the rest of his life? He broke out in a sweat.

 (Y/n) came down the stairs. She was wearing a simple black dress. They had picked it out together. He had bought it for her. "Too much?" she asked uncertainly, pointing down at herself. "Perfect," was all he returned. He had never seen her look so chic.

"Can we?" she asked. "Are you really sure?" he asked for the hundredth time. She smiled at him calmly. "I've been waiting tables in luxury restaurants since I was seventeen." She poked him on the nose. "Your family must be going all out to make me back down." She stroked the back of his neck. "You're not nice all the time because nothing bad ever happened to you."

He gave her an appraising look. She giggled. "Come on. The sooner we get there, the sooner we can leave." She kissed him on the nose. "I have a reward for you, too." He looked ather testingly. "What kind of reward?" "I went to your favorite store." She grinned. He grinned back. "I get something to play with?" "And a pretty package."

He grabbed her hand and tugged her toward the door. "You’ll have a stomachache after dinner because you couldn't stomach something," he determined.

She willingly let him pull her along, grinning.

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