Raphael X Haarlep X Tav - Tumblr Posts

11 months ago


Originally posted on ao3 - link - Heed the tags.

Pairings: Raphael/Haarlep, Astarion/F!Tav, Raphael/Haarlep/F!Tav (Raphael/Haarlep/F!Tav/Astarion if you squint really hard)


Raphael take the time to indulge in Haarlep's newest addition to their collection.

Tav has yet to feel the repercussions of her pact with Haarlep. It is both a relief and a constant blade hanging over her head. Her carefully constructed house of cards comes tumbling down when Haarlep strikes at the least opportune moment.

Rating: 18+ | Explicit

TW: NSFW | Dubcon /Non-con | Possessive Behavior | Explicit Detail | Bloodlust | Edging | Forced Orgasm | Anal Fingering | Creampie | Rough Sex


“All suffering originates from craving, from attachment, from desire.”

― Edgar Allan Poe

Tav raised the cup of mead to her chapped lips and took a hearty swig. The honeyed alcohol, on the threshold of being sickly sweet, burned on the way down. She relished the familiar tingle that burst along her taste buds and teeth-worried lips. It was a nice reprieve from the questionable water and stale wine they scavenged.

“Another?” Gale slid up beside her, a warm smile painted on the wizard’s face; eye crinkled and twinkling. He smelled of fresh pine and vetiver rather than the usual musk and funk they had all been rocking the past month.

“I think this is going to be my last.” She sighed. “Its been too long since we have had good alcohol, and I am not keen on a hangover.” The glass clicked as she set it back on the bar.

“You know Shadowheart, or I could fix that.” Gale snorted; hand raised to wave the barkeep down.

“That is definitely not a good use of our resources or magical reserves – but thanks.” Tav laughed. Her eyes carefully looked around the bar tucked beneath the small inn. This was a secluded settlement comprised of some wayward Tieflings, Drow deserters and the like. A village built and solidified from the bond of trauma and war; idealistic and peaceful.

It made Tav hesitant, unsure what their angle was.

They had been on the road too long; had seen too many atrocities, massacres, Mind-Flayers, Devils and Cambions – Incubi.

Tav shuddered.

Goddess did her pact with Raphael’s plaything settle like acid in her stomach. She tried not to dwell on it but found herself tensing at every passing shiver. Paranoid that it would escalate into something more unbearable; the embarrassment would be too much to bear.

The group did not know – yet.

Tav hoped they never would.

So far there have been minimal repercussions. She single handedly retrieved the hammer; much to Astarion and Shadowheart’s disapproval. Everyone was against sneaking into Raphael’s domain, but Tav could think of no other way. So, she snuck in by herself, and made the reckless executive decision to leave the party behind.

It had all worked out. She was in and out without too many scratches. Haarlep had been kind enough to bathe her in Raphael’s, ridiculously ostentatious, healing pool. The evidence of their pact washed away leaving just a hint of cherry on her skin, which was easy enough to explain away.

“Well…” Gale interrupted her musing, taking a sip of his own cup of wine. “If you aren’t interested in drinking, perhaps I might be able to show you some magic that could help ease some of that tension?”

Tav’s frustrations bloomed anew.

Why were they all so horny?

“Ah…I will have to pass. I do appreciate the offer though – I just...” Tav felt her shoulders tense and the hair on the back of her neck raise; knew their conversation had piqued the interest of another party member. She could feel those piercing crimson irises she was avoiding like an eldritch blast along her scalp.

“I know – I know.” Gale sighed shoulders slumping slightly before his pep came back. “You like to keep things professional, no complications. I got it.” He took another swig of wine. “You can’t blame a man for trying.” He laughed low.

Tav nodded, eyes falling down to her empty glass. “It’s just better this way.” She reasoned. “You are all very attractive in your own ways…it just better for everyone if we keep it friendly; at least with me.” She tried to soften the blow. Especially now. She thought quietly to herself, recalling her pact with the Fiend.

Goddess, she had been turning them all down since day one. So unused to the attention and propositions it was hard to maintain her air of friendly indifference. Usually, people just overlooked her, it seemed all she needed was an illithid parasite and new instrument for them to flock to her like bees to honey. Thankfully they all seemed to accept her gentle rejections – all except one.

“You know – “ Tav started, remembering the inn keeper’s earlier inquiry about the pirate-esque looking magic junkie. “That attractive half-elf was asking about you. I am sure she would be more than happy to partake in one of your lessons on magical theory.” Her eyes slanted to observe Gale’s expression, eyebrow raised.

One of his hands came up to scratch the stubbled hair along his chin; a playfully pensive look on his face.

The wine was definitely doing its job.

“That is not a bad idea, oh gorgeous fearless leader of ours.” The Wizard slammed back the rest of the wine, wiping any spillage with the back of his hand. Eyes dancing with mirth as he gave her a goofy salute and ventured off to find his prey.

Tav shook her head.

There was rarely a dull moment in their ragtag group of misfits.

She took some gold out of her pocket and slid it across the bar. The barkeep walked towards her as he buffed out the imperfections of a glass with a rag.

“What can I do for you, sweetheart?”

Tav cringed. She would never get used to people mis-aging her. Half-Drow she may be, her parentage was also distantly infernal and as such, even though she was older than most here; she still maintained her youth.

“May I get another – but could I possibly take it to go?” Tav pulled out the flask she swiped off one of the Druids in Emerald Grove. Halsin would not approve – or he might; the large Elf seemed to have a soft spot for her. Which was good, because they were going to need all the allies they could get.

“Sure thing, doll.”  The barkeep filled her flask and took her coin. Tav thanked the elder human; grateful everyone in this village was so amiable. It was a nice change of pace, even if it made her a bit paranoid.

This type of peace always seemed like the calm before the storm.

Tav took another quick swig, felt the light buzz spread through her chest and down to her fingertips. She swiftly tucked the flask into her light armor and turned to leave. She was excited to finally sleep on a mattress again. The last time she had the pleasure of partaking in such a luxury had been Raphael’s and sleep was the last thing on her mind then.

“Well, aren’t you a sight for sore eyes.” Astarion’s silky accent, perfectly scripted and dripping with a hidden agenda shattered her bubble of serenity.

Tav jumped back to avoid colliding with the Elfin Vampire’s chest.

His cool hands immediately flew up to hold her upper arms in an attempt to help stabilize her. Crimson irises glimmered with what looked to be frustration at her reaction, before melting to his usual bedroom eyes.

Tav carefully stepped back just out of reach.

There was something about the damaged Spawn that put her on edge. She had no qualms with helping him achieve his goals; she planned to help everyone in their party. It was that look that danced in his eyes when he thought no one was paying attention. He observed and calculated, used tactfully gained knowledge to influence or manipulate their enemies – and group – to get the outcome he desired.

She had seen it with Gale, Shadowheart and Lae’zel – then with the goblins.

Astarion seemed almost put off by her until Abdirak came into the picture and helped ease her guilt. He had not struck up conversation until after the battle that ensued with High Priestess Gut and the entirety of the Goblin encampment.

Fuck – Astarion had the audacity to proposition her before Shadowheart had even healed the rest of Abdirak’s attentions from her back.

If that was not enough of a warning, Tav did not know what was.

“Astarion.” Tav swallowed and nodded in greeting. “I hope your evening is treating you well. I was just heading off too – “

“Oh, I heard.” He cut her off, eyes glimmering. “Our magic-hungry-goddess-obsessed-wizard struck out again, did he?”

“I would not say he struck out.” Tav responded, voice even. “I am pretty sure he went to grace the Inn Keeper with his presence.”

Astarion scoffed. Crimson eyes rolled haughtily, arms crossing over his chest. He had foregone the usual armor and was dressed in his loose white shirt and leathers. The few strings along the top of his shirt had been undone enough to let the soft fabric part, highlighting the perfectly sculpted muscles of his chest and upper abs.

It should really be criminal for predators to be that attractive. Tav supposed that was the point though; how would one lure in prey if not with pretty lies and attractive features.

She needed to leave before the mead muddied more of her inhibitions.

“Of course, he struck out, darling.” Astarion’s timbre dipped low. “You are quite the treat. A pretty little thing like you, packed with all that power – unafraid to use it. You have been tensed to the point of snapping for days now – what do you say we find our own little place of nowhere. Somewhere we can lose ourselves and forget all this madness?”

He took a step forward. Tav stepped back at the same instance, keeping the distance between them. Astarion’s features contorted in a half snarl then smoothed out again – indifferent; like he caught himself.

“Look, you are very pretty – beautiful – with all the right words readied at the tip of your tongue.” Tav started, trying to be firm but also gentle. She had the inkling that the Vampire had been used for seduction; a type of Spawn honeypot, for his master. Sex was how Astarion controlled others – she refused to be a part of that, no matter how pretty the package. “I am sure there are plenty of gorgeous women,” as Tav looked around, she was starting to think this may be more of a brothel than an inn. “courtesans, men, human, or creature that would be more than ecstatic for your attentions.”

“Darling, you wound me – “ Even with his flirty tone, Tav could see the irritation in his body language. She did not understand his need to have her under his thumb; other members of their party were far stronger than her. “I only wish to help you relax. It must be so trying – given the entire time we have been traveling together, you have yet to cave to any form of carnal release.”

Tav’s cheeks flushed at his brazen words. Heart fluttered in her chest with a combination of anxiety, embarrassment, and adrenaline.

Of all her companions, Astarion had slowly become the pushiest. As helpful as he was in battles and picking locks, he was sassy, haughty and a bit egotistical. Tav started leaving him at camp more and more – but since she had come back from Raphael’s House of Hope, he had been unrelenting in his pursuits.

Damned near possessive: snappy and aggressive when outsiders appeared to show any interest. Covetous of any interaction they shared – desperate.

He was testing her boundaries more and more. Tav would not have believed it, if she had not experienced it firsthand. The thought had not even crossed her mind, that splitting the illithid tadpoles between their party was a bad idea. Until she felt Astarion try to influence her during one of their conversations – nothing outright in its aggression.

It was a subtle push from his conscious to her own, similar to when the Absolute tried to invade her thoughts and control; but done with the care of a long-lost lover. That is when Tav stopped inviting him to feed on her; there were too many unanswered questions and possible repercussions. She did not know enough about vampiric compulsion and the consequences that may have.

It was too much of a risk when illithid tadpoles were added into the mix.

“It is not my intention to wound – only to keep things friendly. I do not want to complicate the party’s dyna –“ the words caught in Tav’s throat.

A gentle touch tickled her spine. Fingers caressed each vertebra and claws scraped along the base of her skull.

Oh gods. Tav thought. Not now.

She swallowed thickly. This was very bad. Very, very bad.

“Darling, are you alright?” The soft, artificial, concern in his tone was enough to kick her survival instinct into gear. She needed to get out of here. Sequester herself away in her room – or in the depths of the forest – until Haarlep’s play passed.

“I’m so sorry – I have to go.” Tav bolted to the side, gave Astarion a wide berth and took off out the front doors of the inn. She did not look back to see the suspicious glare that trailed her or the questioning stares of strangers. The only thing left in her hast was the shiny metal of her room key, forgotten on the counter.

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Tav burned.

Sweat beaded along her brow, her small clothes were completely drenched with arousal and her limbs were starting to quake.

Haarlep and their partner were ruthless – teasing and edging her form for over an hour now.

A breathy groan of distress turned moan left her lips. The sound danced along the trees and into the night.

Lips trailed back down her thighs, a finger parted her labia and dipped into her center. Then trailed back up and circled her clit.

Tav fell against the rough bark of a tree; leaned her whole weight against the cool, rough, texture as the onslaught of her body continued.

“Goddess – please, I cannot…” Another moan and her core clenched around nothing. Cheek pressed harder into the bark; willed the small prick of pain to chase away the tidal wave of arousal Haarlep and their partner drew forth.

Lips pressed against her vulva. Warm hands hooked her knees over broad shoulders and wings. Her hands came up to play with her breasts. A devishly long, dexterous, tongue dipped into her and licked up. Lips closed around her clit; rough tongue rolled roughly against her bundle of nerves then sucked.

Tav gasped, a new wave of slick trailed down her thighs. Nails bit into the bark, almost to the point of breaking. She could feel that tongue, that mouth locked around her, devouring her as if she really were pinned to that velvet duvet again. She felt the phantom touch of her own fingers dip into her mouth, drag over her heated flesh to rub her clit as that tongue pushed into her cunt.

At the next phantom swipe, she collapsed.

Cold hands caught her on her decent.

Astarion jerked her up against him. Her back collided with his chest, forcing the breath from Tav’s lungs.

The chilled flesh and tensed muscles of him pressed against her spine; only just drawing her attention to the fact that her armor was missing. She shed it at some point in her buzz, hast, and arousal. Stripped down to just her soft trousers and billowing undershirt in an attempt to escape the inferno that coursed through her veins and hellishly hot phantom touches.

The contrast between Astarion’s undead flesh and the heat that radiated from the Fiends was too much.

Tav was far too dazed and overstimulated to think clearly. She wanted to press further into the chilly reprieve behind her, wanted to rip off her trousers and find relief – as Haarlep kept stopping their partner just as she was about to orgasm.

She wanted to cry, scream, and just come - She wanted to sleep on her soft mattress.

When this was over she was going to pay a visit to Raphael’s little devious consort and rip up their pact – they could have the hammer back for all she cared. Then, she was going to find out who their partner was and flay them.

The conniving Incubus had neglected to tell her just how much she would experience when they used her form.

Another involuntary raspy gasp was ripped from her lungs. Her head tipped back against Astarion’s shoulder, body slumping heavily against him, eyes pressed tight.

Embarrassment coursed through her – she might as well be masturbating in front of him at this point.

She could not bear it – of all her companions to find her, track her down, in this state…

“Pet.” Tav’s core clenched at the animalistic growl. “You play a very dangerous game with me.” Astarion’s arm wrapped around her shoulders, just over her breasts. His other caressed down, pressed against the trembling muscles of her abdomen until his fingers dipped just under her waistband; emboldened by alcohol and thirst.

Tav’s hands flew up. Wrapped around the corded muscles of his forearm and wrist, to stop him.

“Its not –“ another shaky inhale, “ – no game. Just…just let me go.” Tav clenched her jaw, sight grew hazy with lust as two thick phantom fingers penetrated her cunt, scissored; withdrew then repeated the action. “Fuck –“ She swallowed the heady moan. “It will pass. Just go, I’ll be fine!” Her voice pitched as she fought to control her body.

The assault did not stop. Every touch Haarlep experienced was projected onto her and amplified. The slight buzz brought on by the mead and sleep deprivation did not make matters easier.

Astarion tightened his grip around her. Compressed the air from her lungs and canted his head so his nose brushed against her clavicle. The arm around her shoulders loosened enough so he could reach up to her chin and tilt her head further to the side against his shoulder – exposing her jugular.

He inhaled deeply against her skin; the tip of his nose and cool lips dragged up her neck until they met her ear. “You reek of sulfur and cherries, darling.” He hissed. Sharp vampiric teeth grazed her neck, scratched back down to the junction where her shoulder started; fangs pressed down - not enough to break skin, but to warn. His tongue lavished the skin trapped between his teeth, tasted her, and sucked.

He pulled away with a salacious pop – Tav could feel the beginning of a bruise form from his attentions. “You taste of desire – needy, wanton, lust…let me help you.”

“Astarion.” His name unintentionally came out as a moan. She meant to deny, tell him this was a bad idea – something he would regret come morning.

Hands gripped her hips painfully tight as if they heard her cry out another’s name. Velvet duvet dragged along her bare spine as she was roughly jerked to the edge of the bed. A thick, textured, inhuman cock bumped against her pelvis. Hips pressed forward. Pushed their rigid length through her folds and along her clit, let her feel the entirety of them; like they were cautioning her of what was to come. Wider at the base then they were at the tip and intimidating.

Tav whimpered. Tears pricked her eyes in both fearful anticipation and unwilling respite; hope this would be over soon.

“This is dark magic, precious thing; Incubi magic.” The vampire behind her snarled, somehow putting the pieces together. “You constantly avoid me – but let a fiend touch you…touch what I already laid claim to.” The bloodlust was evident in his voice. His control pushed to the breaking point by the scent of her desire and fluttering pulse.

It did not occur to Tav that Astarion would not search out another to feed from. He acted so aloof and flirty with everyone. Always asking her how she thought the others would taste; she did not think he was truly interested in her; if anything, she was merely convenient meal on the go. There was nothing extraordinary about her that should have drawn his attention.

Yet here they were, and he was physically stronger than her – they were both not in their right minds.

The dread never made its way into her system – she was too strung up and lost in Haarlep and their partner; did not have the mentality or strength to push Astarion away.

It was the perfect storm.

Haarlep’s hand rose to pinch her nipple. The other slid down her stomach and found her clit. Nibble fingers circled, dipped down into her labia to obscenely present herself to their partner. The scalding heat from the head of their cock notched against her cunt. Fiery hands gripped the bottom of her thighs, just beneath her knees and pressed her thighs apart, then against her chest. The hard muscles of pectorals and abs pressed against her as a giant form leaned over her. Narrow hips pushed forward, their thick cock invaded her cunt – the intrusion made easier by the amount of foreplay and Haarlep’s fingers – her fingers – guiding the way.

“Raphael!” Haarlep and Tav screamed in union as the Cambion thrust in fully. The tip of him collided with the deepest part of her. The base of him stretching her to the point of painful pleasure. Tav voice danced along the night air, tone drenched in shocked horror as the name of Haarlep’s playmate reverberated through their link.

“I think not.” Astarion’s hand pushed past her own. Dipped under her trousers and small clothes, through her groomed thatch. Pressed over her clit, through her slick and into her core. Fingertip expertly locating the sensitive spot just past her entrance. He curled his finger in a come-hither motion and Tav jerked in his grip.

Teeth pressed into her lips to stifle the debouched sounds. The force of her bit caused her lip to split. It was too much. Raphael was far too big, Astarion too well trained – The phantom touches combined with the physical sent Tav careening towards her precipice.

Goddess, she was going to come on his fingers in the woods, while a half-devil fucked her image in another plane.

Haarlep’s incubi magic stopped her.

She felt the invisible blockage slam down robbing her of yet another orgasm.

Tav hissed out a whimper between her teeth. Tears of frustration pricked her eyes – Why? Why torture her so? What would Raphael even want with her body? She was no one!

Astarion had pulled his finger from her. Nimble fingers worked the strings of her blouse and buttons of her trousers. The crisp night air grazed her skin providing a passing sense of calm, before her back pressed roughly against the bark of the tree.

Cold fingers snatched her thighs to jerked them up and pressed them around narrow hips. Her hands immediately fell to his broad shoulders for support. Thighs trembling as Raphael’s phantom cock fucked her and Haarlep held them at the sharp edge of rapture and pain. Eyelids pressed tightly together, trying to navigate the insanity of chaotic sensations.

Astarion pressed against her. His own rigid length would have intimidated Tav – if her form was not being misused – edged for the last hour; railed by a half-devil in their Cambion form.

A cool hand came up to brush sweat drenched locks from her forehead. His hand trailed down her cheek, fingers gripped her chin and thumb swiped over her bottom lip. Finger catching up the droplet of blood that bubbled to the surface from her earlier ministrations. His other hand cupped the bottom of her ass; pulling her against him. Fingers dug painfully into her curves.

Astarion’s eyes were blown – pupils so dilated from arousal and bloodlust the familiar crimson was fully eclipsed. He brought his thumb, painted in her blood, to his lips and sucked the evidence of her mortality from the digit. The Vampire Spawn moaned as he savored the flavor of her. Eyes closed in delight.

Tav swallowed thickly – half registered that she was fucked either way. Infernal Fiends or Undead Vampire. She was surrounded by predators who had their sights set on her as their prey.

Her breath stuttered in her lungs. Muscles of her core winding tighter and tighter with no sign of mercy in sight. Cunt fluttering around a ghostly intrusion, skin alight with the rough grip along the crest of her hip and dual sensation of Haarlep dragging her hands along her breasts and gripping Raphael’s jagged horns as he fucked the visage of her into his mattress.

Astarion leaned forward, caged her in and held her against the tree with his lithe form. His chilled skin and the cool night air were a small kindness from the hellish heat Haarlep shot through their connection.

A hand curled in her hair – she could not tell if it was Raphael’s or Astarion’s – jerking her head to the side. Astarion’s lips pressed against her quickened pulse. Lips whispered ferally against her dewy flesh. “Darling – I am going to fill you with my cock.”

“Wait – Astarion…” Tav’s head tipped back as Raphael slammed against her cervix. Thigh trembling around Astarion, hips jerking forward. She wanted to tell him he was too lost in his bloodlust and confusion – could not possibly want some half-Drow bard with no real talent. That he did not have to fuck her for her to want to help him.

“No more waiting – We have waited long enough.” Tav barely recognized his voice – deep and guttural, wild in its intensity. “You were put on this mortal plane to tempt me; and I swear.” His voice cracked with thoughts Tav was not privy too. He moved so the tip of him pushed against her drenched labia, pressing in enough for the head of him to kiss her entrance.” His mouth found her cheek, then kissed the point of her ear. Soft lips ghosting her earlobe. “You were my first – first true meal…The first to see me – and I see you. You are mine, my sweat treat; and I have no intention of sharing.”  

Tav did not understand. Did not have a chance to, because suddenly Astarion was in her. His hips pressed against hers, hands gripping her ass to hold her as close to him as possible. His fingers bit into her curves to the point she was sure his nails drew blood.

“Astarion!” She cried out. “Fuck!” Toes curling, her own nails digging into the muscles of Astarion’s back. Her body quivered, completely overwhelmed; struggled to process what was actually happening to her physically.

Somehow, Haarlep and Raphael knew. Tav heard the demonic growl, ancient and ominous across Haarlep’s bond.

Claws gripped her thighs viciously. Haarlep was roughly spun around. Breasts pressed cruelly into the velvet duvet. Hips jerked up and back. Then Raphael was pressing into her again – slowly and deliberately. The snap of his hips resonated through Haarlep as they used her body. A tail curled around one of her thighs and spread her legs apart, Raphael pressed a hand along her spine. Arching her back and giving him access to hit deeper than before. Her hands gripped the velvet for support. Larger, warmer, hands spread her cheeks as Raphael kept a steady pace. Something wet slid along her back entrance. A thick finger pressed against a hole she was not keen to explore.

“With me, darling.” Astarion rasped. Breaking her away from the hyper fixation of what Raphael was doing to her form. “Eyes on me. You are here with me.” Another thrust, gentler this time. Astarion’s eyes were less endlessly black, more crimson now. Tav felt the trickle of blood dripped down her neck and over her breasts.

How gone was she to not have even felt his bite?

“I am going to take care of you.” A hand cupped her face, thumb brushed a tear from her cheek – she had been crying. “I am so – “ His voice hitched with a moan as her cunt fluttered and contracted around him; then roughed out, “I did not intend for…I should not have given into the chase in my previous state.”

His voice held such sincerity and remorse that Tav nearly believed him. She swallowed down another whimper as Raphael’s finger pressed into her over lubed back entrance. Her body shook as if it were physically happening to her.

The phantom sensations stronger now – seemed to become more tactile with every denied orgasm.

“Please – “ Tav realized she was in trouble; her body was not made for this – could not possibly survive unscathed what the Fiends were doing to her. “I don’t know how to make it stop.” A loud cry left her.

Raphael’s finger curled in her while his tail and free hand gripped her waist to force Haarlep further against him. She could feel the painful stretch as the last inch of his hellish cock was ground into her.

“Help – “ she could barely whisper around the tension of her muscles, the cold sweat that dripped down her spine and coil that was wound tighter than anything she had ever experienced. Tav did not know what she was asking for.

“Shh.” Tav made out the flicker of rage in Astarion’s eyes; not at her, but at the Cambion and his consort. “I have got you, pet. Focus on us – on me.”

Tav nodded.

Astarion moved them so her back pressed against the cool blades of grass. Situated himself between her thighs and slid his length back into her. Fingers pet over her curves and face. Any time she whimpered or started to fret over Raphael’s rough handling, Astarion was there to chase it away with a tenderness she would not have expected.

“I am going to bite you again. It should provide a distraction from any of the more uncomfortable sensations. ” Tav did not fight him. Too consumed with the orgasm that was once again approaching at an alarming rate. Her thighs rose, ankles crossed along Astarion’s lower spine, fingers pressed along the scars decorating his back as she rocked against him.

Sharp teeth bit into his faded claim on her neck. The arctic shards of pain swiftly churned to a different kind of molten flame that curled around her and sunk low into her core. She undulated at the beginning of an intense orgasm.

Haarlep warned Raphael. Raphael’s finger left her ass. Claws dug into the fleshiest part of her thighs then flipped Haarlep over. Mimicked the position Astarion had her pinned in and fucked back into her. Hands gripped her waist and held her close. His pace doubled as he sought his end within her. Haarlep moaned loudly both in imitation of her and glee at their master’s rough handling. Raphael’s lips brushed her ear; whispered his threat directly to her – knew she could hear his words through his consort.

Tav clenched at the strum of fear that ran through her. The noxious emotion melded with her extreme state of arousal and blood loss. Her scalp tingled as anxiety caused her nerves to fire off with electricity, that coil in her womb; wound impossibly tight. Her inner thighs trembled, and nails drew bloody gashes along Astarion’s back.

The Vampire groans against her, blood escaping the suctioned hold he had on her veins. His hips stuttered against hers, a hand coming down to stimulate clit expertly. Her back arched, breasts flattened against his cool chest, head thrown back, and eyes clenched tight. Her brow was pinched with euphoria, frustration, and pain as she fought for her orgasm.

“I’m so close” Tav breathed brokenly.

Astarion’s bloodied lips found hers. Kissed her as if it were their last, teeth, lips, tongue, and passion. He rolled his hips, so he hit every spot that sent starlight flashing behind her eyes. “My name –“ He hushed heatedly against her parted lips. “I want my name on your lips, pet.”

“If you scream his name – I will gut him.” Raphael snarled against Haarlep’s ear as the incubus giggled and moaned in delight. Raphael’s pace became brutal – punishing, even so, he was able to hit the parts Astarion missed with certain thrusts.

The conflicting and contrasting experience pushed Tav over the edge.

Rapture corrupted her soul. The coil in her womb snapped tight and exploded. Her cunt fluttered and clenched painfully around the dual intrusions as Haarlep mirrored her experience this time. She screamed her release silently – too tense to form coherent words or thoughts. The sound stuck in her throat; her body convulsed.

Astarion groaned against her, thrust with the intent to find his own end. One cool hand curled around the back of her head to press her further against him while the other gripped her thigh up and tight to his side. With a final push he growled his release. The weight of him would have been comforting had Raphael not still been using her.

Thick cambion cock pressed deep, clawed fingers cut along her skin and his tail yanked her down to meet every thrust. Haarlep undulated against their master as his cock swelled and released his molten seed against her cervix. The half-devil made sure to grind every bit of his release into her. The final twitch of his cock, seated as far as he could go, pushed Haarlep to another orgasm.

Tav quivered again. The erotic feel of Cambion seed against her blending with Astarion’s cold release and the residual sensation of Haarlep’s orgasm would forever haunt her.

Her connection with Haarlep was severed.

Her body collapsed fully against the cold damp earth. Muscles still trembled in the aftermath of her unholy night. The post coital haze both a blessing and a curse.

Astarion gently pulled from her, rolled on to his back and hauled her dead-weight against him. He tucked an arm around her to secure her to his side. Hand lazily trailing the outside of her arm while she rested her cheek against his unmoving chest.

“Thanks.” Tav rasped out, voice hoarse; mind and body numb. It did not feel like the right word, but she did not know what else there was to say.

There was a very high probability she would have lost her mind had Astarion not provided a small sense of grounding – even if she had no intention before this moment in time of sleeping with him. Tav found herself somewhat grateful.

This was going to fuck everything up – she had fucked everything up by sleeping with Haarlep.

Astarion snorted at her response. Hand abandoned petting her arm to thread through her sweat tangled hair. Nails scrapped soothingly from the base to the top of her skull with no regard for how he was ruining her hair further. “Where your music is the instrumental embodiment of poetry, your way with words leaves much to be desired.” He kissed the top of her head. “Rest, darling. I am also not one for pillow talk.” The Vampire Spawn sighed. “I’ll keep watch until you are strong enough to move – once you are settled and able, we will address everything." Affection thick in his voice. The tension and darkness Tav observed during their time together seemed to all but vanish. This was a softer Astarion she did not know existed – had not taken the time to coax to the surface.

It was too late.

Tav tried to trance but could not fully commit to the act. She could not shake Raphael’s words from her mind. Knowing that it was only a matter of time before she would have to slink away from the ragtag party, she had become so fond of.

They would be in danger if she stayed too long.

She tucked herself closer against Astarion – took the first small true emotional comfort she had been shown in decades and cherished it. She knew this would most likely be the first and last time a tryst between them would happen.

Tav closed her eyes and willed the darkness to take away Raphael’s wicked promise.

“I will have you, little mouse – we will have you. When my claws come down, sinking in deep. Your mind, body and soul will belong to me. Anyone standing in our way will perish.”

Tags :
10 months ago


thank you @tellmeallaboutit for tagging me. I am sharing three WIPs and I am tagging @haru-sen @dark-and-kawaii @aevallare

(no pressure as always)

These are suuuuuuuuper rough drafts as I am mostly bouncing between HM and Don't Wake Up atm.


(Raph/Haarlep, Raph/Haarlep/Tav, Astarion/Tav)

“There, there, little mouse.” Raphael rasped between sinful moans. His deep voice sleep ridden and endless. Haarlep mewled, her hand reaching behind to grip the muscle of Raphael’s thigh pressed against the back of her own. “Deeper – she loves it when you fuck her right –“ Tav’s back arched, her scream muffled by Astarion’s palm. Thighs trembled and her core clenched. She fought the phantom onslaught of Haarlep and Raphael’s coupling. A noisy exhale from her flared nostrils made the Ascendant Vampire behind her scoff. Astarion’s breath ruffled the wayward strand of hair along her temple. “Tsk tsk, pet.” His breath should have felt warm yet was cold as death. Even after he sacrificed all those souls. Seven thousand wasted un-lives for a botched ritual that failed to provide him the freedom he desired. Tav lips parted, her own pointed teeth grazed the fleshy palm pressed against her. Astarion jerked her back.


(Haarlep/Tav - Haarlep is wearing Astarion's skin)

“Oh, little love.” Astarion slipped his finger easily into her, the cold metal of his first ring pressed against her heated flesh. His fingertip curled up and dragged against her, forcing a cursed moan to rasp through her sneered lips. Astarion brought the glistening finger to his mouth and sucked the damning evidence off. Eyes closed to savor the taste of her. “If there is one thing I have dominion over, its desire.” He leaned over her; grip yanked her head back. “I know what makes you tick, precious thing.” The fingers of his free hand found her jaw and dug into her skin. “Your body betrays you, darling.” The mocked snarl of her pet name did not go unnoticed by Tav. He slanted his lips over hers, tongue shoved against the seam of her lips. Tav tried to snap her teeth at the intrusion; wanting to bite. Astarion’s lips curled, his forehead pressed against hers, furious with her continued rebellion. With a growl, Astarion ripped himself away. The fingers digging into her jaw tightened painfully, forcing her to open her mouth fully. Ethereal features contorted with his snarl. He leaned back, eyes ablaze and spat into her mouth. The palm of his hand quickly sealed over her lips. Her head secured by the fingers ripping at her hair, the hand muzzling her. “Swallow.”



“Your thieving will be the death of you.” Her new fiend flung her off their shoulders. Tav found herself bouncing on a plush mattress. Hues of red, gold and rich browns covered most surfaces. Aged stone was polished and intricately detailed; lavish. The sound of trickling, like a small fountain, played in the room. The hint of added humidity made the struggle of breath less taxing. The decrepit crypt air was replaced with the layered aroma of luxurious oils and fresh linen – a hidden trace of sex and incense. Her fiend’s eyes snapped to the small squeak that resonated from the opposite end of the room. They glared, snatching a pouch from thin air and chucking it in the direction of the sound. ‘Relax.’ The soft embrace of a voice whispered in her mind. Tav flopped backwards, head tilted back as her delayed reflexes tried to track its path. Lazily pushing her head into the soft bedding and arching her neck to look at the source of the squeak. Secretly relishing the feel of extravagance cushioning her. Her raw awareness picked up every brush of silk and velvet against her skin with each tiny movement. The toxins lulling her into a simmering druggy state of euphoria. A small scantily clad maid caught the sack. The sound of coin sliding against coin jingled through the suite. “I just fixed those!“ She complained, face twisting with irritation, Eyes flicking from the fiend to Tav. Then her spine snapped straight, the pretty hue of her skin turning pale. “M-master R-Raphael will be – “ The stuttered words stopped, eyes wide, hands taking in the weight of the coins. The girl’s jump from one extreme to the other hurt Tav’s head – but she recognized the pensive look. Understood, even with her venom induced fog, the value of coin in the heavy sack. “Raphael is in meetings all day.” Her fiend snapped. “Our deal remains unchanged. Half to your mistress. No disturbances. Not a word.”

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10 months ago

Haunt Me

Haunt me Chapter 1 - Because I am bored and I rarely post full chapters here.

Ao3 Link

Pairings: Haarlep/F!Tav/Raphael


Haarlep heard Tav's cries echo in the Abyss and Raphael has come to collect her. In the end, Tav is not sure which devil is crueler; but she knows now which devils make her feel safe.

“We will take better care of you, sweet little mouse.” Their – Raphael’s hand – moved from its perch along the dip of her hip, pet across her womb and then up between the valley of her breasts to gently curl around the base of her throat. “I will never let either of them squash that delicious potential.”

Rating: 18+ | Explicit - Heed the rating and tags

TW: Past Abuse / Implied torture - Torture | Smut | Scars & Branding | Possessive Behavior | Explicit Sexual Content | PTSD

Haunt Me

“And when hope has been whittled down to the very marrow of despair – that’s when you’ll come knocking on my door.”

― Raphael, Baldur's Gate 3

Tav lay tucked in decadent sheets. Curled around a perfectly fluffed long pillow. Head cradled at one end while her arms gripped the soft object to her chest like a lifeline.

Awareness trickled through her subconscious. The tender tickle along her outer thigh and hip caused goosebumps to tighten her skin. The repetitive caress of blunt nails and soft fingertips coaxed her from the nightmare that tormented her only moments prior.

The affectionate petting pulled her from the darkness of a despair that had yet to fade. The taste of it lingered like an old wound – scabbed over yet never healing. Her past mistakes were a stain that she would never be rid of. Her choices would haunt her for eternities to come.

As the echoes of her dream faded, Tav became aware of her body.

The heaviness in her limbs, the burn along her eyelids, the phantom feeling of soreness between her thighs – the barely distinguishable trace of sulfur in the air.

She groaned groggily, clutching the pillow tighter to her chest; wanting nothing more than to sink back into the calm that now settled through her mind.

Tav felt so…secure – protected, was the closest word she could think of.

She could not remember the last time she had not woken up to the sticky feeling of blood drying on her neck or the suffocatingly familiar hold of Astarion. The endless turbulent days and nights of his attentions as he sought to reform her to her previous state of complacency – almost destroyed her beyond repair.

Guilt still held firm, tainting the comfort that her newly obtained freedom should bring.

If one could call her arrangement freedom.

“Has our little thief woken from her slumber?” A familiar soft voice – her voice – breathed.

“Don’t you have anything better to do than pet me?” Tav rasped back. Sleep addled mind causing her filter to slip. Her brain pulled itself back to the present away from those past memories and regrets. Her centuries with Astarion warped her concept of time. He was both a distant visage and a vivid experience. However, that could still be the effects of their bond bleeding through whatever potions Raphael was constantly feeding her.

Tav was no longer at Astarion’s Palace; she was hidden away.

Tucked in another realm, safe in the House of Hope – or as safe as one could be surrounded by Devils.

“Naughty mouse.” Haarlep reprimanded, voice still hushed.  “You would do best to remember how to address your masters.” Fingers still traced patterns along her side leaving a tingle of magic in their wake. “I can still be cruel if need be.”

Tav realized Haarlep was tracing the scars left by Astarion. She chose to remain silent, let the incubus continue to follow the curving lines and sharp edges of the two spells carved into her skin. The second addition had long since healed over, less visible than the first, but shimmered like tattoos of celestial light when touched.

Tav did not understand Haarlep’s obsession with the old wounds. Raphael had been livid when he saw the damage. His reaction stirred an odd sense of comfort in her. Relieved by the simple fact that Raphael was not the one to plant the seed of complete ownership of her soul in Astarion’s mind.

Haarlep’s form shifted behind her.

The familiar tingle at the tips of her own fingers, phantom sensations that mirrored Haarlep’s, faded. Her own familiar hand grew larger, and the breasts against her back melted away into the hard muscular chest of Raphael.

Tav tensed for a brief moment before her body relaxed.

“There we are.” Haarlep murmured as they felt her lean into them. Then sighed, more a conversation with themselves than her, “We still have work to do. That insolent whelp doesn’t know how to properly take care of his toys.” A large hand tucked a loose wave behind her ear before resting against her waist. “You should have stayed with me.” Their deep voice muffled against her hair.

Tav remembered Haarlep’s offer when she snuck into Raphael’s domain to steal the Orphic Hammer.

She hated the grip her old master held over her, even now – the guilt that came with finally escaping consumed her at times. Her attachments to the Ascendant Vampire still held her in a chokehold. She was now sure it was a combination of the memory of what once was, mixed with the lingering effects of his compulsion. Further solidified by their bond, that prevented the haunting attachment from fading in full.

There was another unsettling suspicion that maybe it was Astarion’s will alone; even after all this time. His obsession potentially running deeper than Tav thought possible. Her new train of thought caused her breasts to hitch in an unnecessary breath.

Maybe he was –

As if sensing her thoughts, Haarlep ran their lips over Tav’s collar. Kissed the twin scars that marred her delicate neck. Horns pressed against her temple as they nuzzled their head against hers – a distraction.

She was with them now. Her two unlikely saviors that appeared when she was at her lowest.

“We will take better care of you, sweet little mouse.” Their – Raphael’s hand – moved from its perch along the dip of her hip, pet across her womb and then up between the valley of her breasts to gently curl around the base of her throat. “I will never let either of them squash that delicious potential.” Their last promise held a possessiveness the curled around Tav like a warm blanket. Secured her away in the mutual understanding that Haarlep ran their dynamic behind the scenes. They would be there to mend her wounds both physical and emotional as they have proven so far.  

They taught her that actions spoke more than words ever could.

Haarlep’s embrace danced along the edge of sexual without tipping the scale. Their main focus – as it had been – was familiarity; intimacy and trust.

Haarlep was working to drag her from the depths of the broken house she built around herself. With a practiced hand, soft caresses and meticulous care they carefully lured her from the ocean of her anguish.

Tav sealed her new contract with Raphael in sin when he whisked her away from her prison. Astarion foiled her attempt to summon Bhaal– the ritual ruined, and no Gods came to her rescue; no one responded to her desperate pleas.

Just when Tav was ready to give up – a devil responded instead.  

His was the first face other than her master’s that she had seen in – she could not recall. Tav was so starved of everything at that point, pleading constantly for any deity to answer her prayers, that she would have agreed to anything he asked.

Tav had been too desperate, could still not recall the exact stipulations of their current contract; but remembered giving herself over to him without a second thought then and there on the cell floor.

After Raphael secured her contract he vanished the chains from Tav’s raw ankle, slipped his arms under her shoulder and knees and hefted her up against his chest. Tav could only vaguely remember the taste of sulfur and burn of ash against her eyes as Raphael ripped the portal in the dank air and took her away.  

Astarion’s prized possession – stolen in the night.

Oh, how he must have raged.

Haarlep’s thumb brushed affectionately over her clavicle. The habit became a subconscious action when they felt her mind wander. The familiar touch acted as a shield intended to keep her anguish at bay.

Tav hummed to let Haarlep know she was fine. Her hand released its clutch on her pillow to rest against the forearm nestled between her breasts. Her fingers still tingled with their previous shared touch; she almost missed the intoxicating duality of Haarlep holding her while wearing her form.

She felt everything Haarlep felt. The sensation brought a selfishly narcissistic sense of comfort and in that moment Tav understood why Raphael transformed and glamoured Haarlep in his image.

Tav allowed the tension in her muscles to bleed away until she was lax in Haarlep’s embrace. Tucked into a cocoon of serenity as her mind wondered.

Later that night, after they thoroughly ravished her, she slipped in and out of conscious. Their coupling had been too much; she had been weaker than she looked.  Even so, Tav still recalled their hushed conversation vividly.

“She is too far gone.” Haarlep growled loud enough for Raphael to hear during her first night in their care.  “Our lost little dove won’t be any fun if we break what’s left of her.” The incubus’ fingers brushed the damp strands of hair from her temple with careful affection after Raphael set her on his bed. They huffed in false annoyance at her lack of response. Hips swayed with no regards to their nude state as they sauntered over to snag the long robe draped over the chaise lounge. Haarlep turned around, the degrading comment weaponized at the tip of their tongue turned to ash.

Haarlep’s sudden silence drew Raphael’s attention. Eyes falling to his concubine, as he took a sip of mulled wine from his cup.

The incubus took in the ragged state of their eagerly anticipated playmate. The haughty expression faded from their face to one of unfettered disbelief. Glamoured eyes traced over the scene displayed before them.

The velvet comforter clung to the thin material of Tav’s dress, causing it to bunch around her upper thighs.

Tav barely noticed; vision already blackened around the edges from the exertion on her body. A sheen of perspiration glittered on her skin. Limbs numb and tingling from the hellish euphoria of the combined attentions of both Raphael and Haarlep.

“Astarion did this to her?” Haarlep whistled low. All lighthearted sultry banter gone as their gaze fixated on her scars. “And you did not notice?” It was a bold question on Haarlep’s part; given neither thought to peel the erotic dress from her body before they shared her.

The consuming need to indulge clouded their usually high perception.

Raphael’s form turned as rigid as the statues carved in his likeness. Golden gaze flew over the markings; recognized parts of the scars. His features twisted in contempt, and he snarled his response to Haarlep in their shared infernal tongue.

Tav was still unsure if he switched languages for her benefit. For something to cause that type of visceral reaction in the cambion – whatever Astarion had done to her must have truly been blasphemous.

Raphael moved towards her slowly after their discovery; as if she were a caged animal – she was. The mattress dipped under the weight of him. His large hand reached out to touch her.

Tav’s flinch had been out of habit; completely unintentional. A traumatic reaction in response to years of Astarion’s depraved love.

Her immediate reaction was enough for Raphael to pause. His features distorted uncharacteristically with pity before falling stony and cold.

His hand cupped her face anyway. His grip firm and unyielding; meant to secure her attention and ground her through her haze. The unbearable warmth of him seeped through the chill of her skin.

“There was no decorum in these slights against you, little mouse.” His deep timber resonated through Tav’s as he spoke. “This damage is worse than I realized.” He released her chin, took a lingering look at the carvings decorating her side and shifted her dress down to hide them from view. “I will get my contract’s worth from you…and more I am afraid.” His eyes met Haarlep’s. “When we break her, we will not do so with such reckless disregard – Heal her.” Raphael stood from the bed and strode nude to his armoire to dress. “We can show restraint until she is ready – a small gift, in honor of our history.”

“It would be my pleasure, Master.” Haarlep said airily. “After all –“ His voice morphed into the familiar timbre of Tav’s own. “A dove with –“

“ – clipped wings is no fun at all.” Haarlep whispered the familiar words against her; pulling her from her musing. “Come now, pet.” They rolled Tav under them. Settled themselves comfortably between her parted thighs. Hips pressed flush against her core. Their golden gaze locked with her still red ones.

The new position made Tav hyper aware of the warmth pressed against her. Their hardened length brushed against her clit as she bent a knee causing the material of her nightgown to slide down her thigh making more room for the incubus’s hips. She could feel Haarlep’s muscles flex against her as they maintained their affectionate control.

They would never force her hand. Refused to push for anything further unless Tav was the one to initiate.

It was…sweet.

Tav knew their softness would not last forever, could still feel the phantom sensations of Raphael using Haarlep in her image. Remembered the sinful pleasure she endured her first night.

It was a reprieve she would have never been granted under the care of her previous master.

She was grateful.

Tav’s gaze traced down the contours of Haarlep’s glamoured face. Her hand rose up to follow the same trail her eyes took. Fingers brushed over sharp cheek bones and a strong jawline. Shakily traced down their throat. Red eyes fell to the pulse at their jugular – entranced by the gentle flutter of blood beneath their skin.

Her senses started to heighten, eyes dilated, and her throat became parched.

She forewent food for sleep.

Now the hunger was setting in.

Haarlep noticed her gaze; saw a thirst similar to theirs flicker in the depths of her eyes. They understood Tav’s need.

The pull of a vampire’s hunger was similar to that of their kind.

Incubi, succubi and vampires.

Blood and sex.

Kindred in a distant sense of the word.

With a deep chuckle they gripped Tav’s waist and rolled again. This time landing with their back against the pillows. Haarlep rearranged their favored playmate until she straddled their lap while they reclined against the plush headboard. The golden devil’s head cast above them reflected the glow of the fireplace onto Tav’s pale skin.

“Is my little dove hungry?” Haarlep’s voice hit a sultry note. Fed their own sensuality into the question. Sought to tease and pull forth other carnal desires from their pet.

Tav swallowed, head dipped in a small nod, shoved the unusual embarrassment of the admission away. She was no blushing virgin by any means – but this admission held a weight to it.

There was an electric anticipation in the air as Haarlep read her cues.

Slowly, tediously, Haarlep drew forth slivers of her old self. Dredged them from the depths of her agony and forced life back into her piece by piece.

The connection she felt to Haarlep was not one she could have ever anticipated. Their bargained tryst had been pushed to the back of her mind, only coming to light in snippets of bliss or phantom fingers that dug into her flesh during the more painful sessions; when Astarion forgot his strength.

A kindness she did not recognized at the time.

Haarlep’s hand came up to brush over Tav’s shoulders. Fingers hooked under the straps of her sheer nightgown and let the fabric drift down to her waist. Golden eyes darkened as the material slid away to reveal the soft skin below. Breasts now on display, legs parted and straddling their lap. Their tongue dipped out to lick their lips at the scene.

Haarlep moved, seemed to engulf her even though she was the one atop them. They leaned forward, closed the distance and thread their fingers in Tav’s luscious waves.

All Tav knew in that moment was those blazing gold irises, familiar heady scent distinctly belonging to Haarlep and the hellish warmth of their lips; barely grazing her own. The tempting brush of petal soft lips against her own slightly chapped ones acted as a ghost of a kiss intended to tempt – leaving its victim yearning for more.

“You know the rules, pet.” Haarlep purred; pausing until they saw clarity in Tav’s eyes. “Are you sure you’re ready?”

“Yes.” Tav stated, eyes locked back on the gentle thrum of blood flowing beneath Haarlep’s crimson skin.

“Tut-tut, little thief. Look at me.” Their voice rough with amusement. They got the answer they craved, but they wanted her explicit, enthusiastic, consent.

If not, they would end this now. Have a servant fetch another less enticing vial of their blood for her to drink from. They could not afford any further setbacks.

Tav forced her eyes to lock with gold, momentarily taken aback. Both shocked and relieved by the lack of glowing crimson.

“If we do this – Raphael will know – and he will come.” Haarlep’s fingers cradled her chin as his other hand pressed against her solar plexus. The warmth of a foreign emotion filled her deadened heart. It was love – pure and untainted by sorrow. Their tenderly spun lie of true love filled the empty bits of her soul; a different form of compulsion meant to ease the tension from her body but not cloud her mind. “You have traded one master for two far crueler ones.” Their voice was rough with restrained excitement.

Haarlep closed their eyes as if to collect themselves.

When they opened again there was a look of amity there that shook Tav to her core. Only now did it  occur to her that Haarlep was also bound to Raphael as much as she had been bound to Astarion. Both of them enslaved to power hungry masters…and for a moment, she doubted herself.

Was the devil she knew a better choice?

“Little thief.” Haarlep drew her attention back to them. “If you do this – there is no going back.” A red thumb traced her bottom lip. “You will be relinquishing your soul to us.” Another peculiar look of affection passed through Haarlep’s eyes. “You will suffer; beautifully.” Golden eyes shuttered as if savoring the image. Then snapped open with a newfound intensity. “We will break you into pretty little pieces – but we will not leave you for ruin…to rot in a carcass of what once was.” Their nose brushed Tav’s with practiced affection. “We take care of our toys, little dove, and I promise you. You will quiver in pleasure as we ravish you while piecing you back together.”

The depraved visual caused Tav’s thighs to clench against the corded muscle of Haarlep’s. A new wave of needy fire burned through her veins and settled in her core.

“I am ready.” Tav reaffirmed. “I want this.” The twinge in her heart at her betrayal of Astarion did not hold the same sway it once had. She was surprisingly at ease with falling into the incubus’ fiendish embrace.

She was aware of how Raphael was; narcissistic and selfish, always taking and rarely giving. Knew in contrast, Haarlep was ravenous and would give endlessly – thrilled by the pleasurable suffering it brought. Tav had no doubt there would be times when she regretted her choice; but during her stay a House of Hope they had shown her more care than Astarion had in centuries.

“Oh, sweet little dove – I knew you would be a tasty steal when I heard your cries echoing in the Abyss.” Haarlep’s eyes darkened with arousal. Heat curled through Tav in response and her fangs cut into her lip. “Let’s give our beloved Raphael something to rage over.” Haarlep’s hands slid up Tav’s thighs, bunching the sheer material around her waist and dipped below. Fiery fingers grazed her clit and parted her folds to find her ready and wanting.

Haarlep groaned in delight. Horns clanked against the golden buttons sewn into the velvet headboard. They lifted Tav’s hips as if she weighed nothing and settled her over the tip of their – Raphael’s – rigid length.

Tav’s hands fell to their chest to support herself, allowed her weight to assist Haarlep’s entry. She gasped as their thickness parted her folds; the intrusion made easier by how damned wet she was. Her knees slid along the sheets and her core fluttered exquisitely when they bottomed out. The stretch of Raphael’s cock still required getting use to – textured and devilish as it was – his girth was more than she had been accustomed to.

Haarlep’s fingers flexed along Tav’s hips. She could feel their thighs tense and muscles strain from the effort to prevent them from bucking up into her.

A dark thrill curled up her spine at the heady feel of being the cause of such a reaction.

“Go-od, girl.” Haarlep’s head titled back in ecstasy as they groaned. One hand had found its way to fist in her hair while the other held firm on her hip. Tav rocked forward experimentally and jolted as a fresh wave of rapture coursed through her stagnate veins.

Haarlep’s hips thrust against her. They hissed something in infernal before guiding Tav to their neck.

“No need to be gentle, sweetling – we won’t.”

Tav’s fangs pieced Haarlep’s jugular. The heady combination of fiendish blood laced with magic and Haarlep’s thick cock buried in her cunt was an experience she would never forget. The icing on the cake was the knowledge that Raphael would be experiencing every sinful thrust and touch through phantom sensations miles away.

For once, Tav felt powerful.

Haarlep gripped her to them. Arms tightening like bands of steal around her form, sharp devilish teeth nipping at her neck as they started a slow leisurely pace while she fed.  They bid their time; taking the care to build her up in preparation for when their master would come storming through the doors.

Haunt Me

Raphael choked on his wine.

His fingers gripped the stem of the expensive gold goblet tightly. Golden eyes closed to hide his look of surprise from his host.

He could feel his little drow’s cunt flutter around his cock; had felt the cold pinch of fangs piercing his flesh soothed by the heady roll of arousal that followed a vampiric bite.

The muscles along Raphael’s jaw flexed. He would have to take a firm hand to both his pets when he got home.

Haarlep knew what his errands entailed today; been given an explicit set of rules to follow should anything change.

A wicked excitement coursed through him.

His little mouse had come out of her hibernation. He was only passingly concerned that by sharing her with Haarlep so soon, they had done further damage.

He should have realized when she easily caved to the contract he drew up. The agreement was, after all, entirely in his favor; the poor thing.

At the time, he was too overcome with a heady sense of triumph, knowing that he finally held the little hero trapped in his claws.

It had been centuries since he took another to his bed.

The exoticism and thrill lit his lust aflame only to be squandered by wrath when Haarlep noticed the extent of the damage Astarion dealt to her before he had.

His little mouse had not even made a peep of discomfort or discontent – she let them have their wicked way with her until they had their fill for the moment.  

It was a slip in judgement that Raphael would not allow to happen again – and now that his little mouse was finally ready to play – He swallowed down the feral train of thought.

The clearing of a throat broke his reverie.

“Is the wine not to your liking?” The arrogant tone of his host chimed from across the cluttered table.

A wicked smirk played at the corner of Raphael’s lips.

He thrilled at the new turn his meeting had taken.

Raphael tipped his goblet in toast to the vampire across the table. Completely uncaring of the slanted glare Astarion shot in his direction. “I find your tastes to be quite…delicious, Astarion.”

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10 months ago

Here is an Ascended Fiend Raphael/Tav/Haarlep, nsfw...Tav strung up shibari style on Fiend horns piece. I am still working on it. Links to Twitter and Bluesky - but since its marked as adult, I think you need to sign in -_-

Here Is An Ascended Fiend Raphael/Tav/Haarlep, Nsfw...Tav Strung Up Shibari Style On Fiend Horns Piece.
Here Is An Ascended Fiend Raphael/Tav/Haarlep, Nsfw...Tav Strung Up Shibari Style On Fiend Horns Piece.

Full illustration at the links below


Tags :
9 months ago

Annnddd, here we go. -_-

An Archive of Our Own, a project of the Organization for Transformative Works

Chapter 14 is up and clocking in at roughly 11,207 words. Its a long one and I STILL had to cut it short. Sorry about the delay to all who read my nonsense.

Annnddd, Here We Go. -_-
Annnddd, Here We Go. -_-

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