Raven Moreno - Tumblr Posts

11 years ago
Just Some Random Thing I've Decided To Share.
Just Some Random Thing I've Decided To Share.

Just some random thing I've decided to share.

Most if not all of my tumblr header images will be (and currently are) something I drew, painted, photographed and/or sculpted...


Perhaps, I'll randomly post images of my work... Ah well, I'm rather fickle with my art works. So, that may not actually happen. Frell, most of them have sat for years unfinished.

Well, yeah, ok there you have it.

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11 years ago

(via http://www.youtube.com/attribution_link?a=pMqoIgIMFqY&u=/watch?v=8mrOMkYdmR8&feature=share)

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10 years ago

Just a slide show saying that I’ve deleted some videos… So, in the mean time, enjoy some photos of animals and plants. =^.^= (via http://www.youtube.com/attribution_link?a=XZaPwDGZ8oU&u=/watch?v=WW0aNG6pScc&feature=share)

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10 years ago

It was December 12, 2013 - My first event as a seller

Setting up and figuring it out..

It Was December 12, 2013 - My First Event As A Seller
It Was December 12, 2013 - My First Event As A Seller
It Was December 12, 2013 - My First Event As A Seller
It Was December 12, 2013 - My First Event As A Seller
It Was December 12, 2013 - My First Event As A Seller

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10 years ago

Some of my photos from this year...

Some Of My Photos From This Year...

(Taken at the Harold Washington Library train stop. July 2014)

Some Of My Photos From This Year...

(Relaxing in the park, wearing my sweet purple laced Converse. Summer 2014)

Some Of My Photos From This Year...

(A couple of Bot Bakery goodies. Summer 2014)

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10 years ago

Some pics taken of me this year... so far...

Some Pics Taken Of Me This Year... So Far...

(My friend took this photo of me. I asked her to take some photos that I could use for a head shot and full body shot (I'm an actor too) but she kept making me laugh. Spring 2014)

Some Pics Taken Of Me This Year... So Far...

(Spring 2014. Taken by my friend @ the Logan Square Farmers Market when it was indoors. That building is gone now. It use to be a bakery that was one of my trick-or-treating stops when I was a kid.)

Some Pics Taken Of Me This Year... So Far...

(Summer 2014. Taken by my mother; she was trying to get me to laugh and it worked (just not in this photo). Sun light in my line of vision made my eyes all squinty.)

Some Pics Taken Of Me This Year... So Far...

(Summer 2014. Ugh, glasses glare. That's not an outfit I'd normally wear but I was chilled that night. The t-shirt was more baggy than my button down shirt. Photo taken by my mother using my camera.)

Oh, my many styles of outfits & looks... Well, that's enough photos of me. Don't you think?

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10 years ago

Some items I've created in the past.


(I was commissioned to make this hat for someone a few years back.)


(Made this one for my mother shortly after I made the hat - in the photo above-. She had it for a bit before she lost it somewhere outside. Gotta make her a new one.)


(Still have the cute cake choker packed away. It takes about 30 minutes -if my hands don't cramp up- to make a whole miniature cake, decorate it, slice it, then make the spongy cake look.)

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10 years ago


I feel like making some capes...

I think I'll start out with making a couple (maybe more) of cute little capes for kids. Mainly, inspired by the fact that one of my high school buddies (haven't really been in contact with her since H.S.) has a daughter and another friend wants to have a child.

Besides that, I've always had a love for capes (and trench coats).

I think I'll try to add hoods to the capes... Hmm...

I'll post some photos of the finished work(s). Perhaps, even some of the process...

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10 years ago

I haven't posted anything in a while...

Well, I've got to fix that now, don't I?

I Haven't Posted Anything In A While...

I painted this about a couple of years ago. Tote: Cotton Canvas (above).

I Haven't Posted Anything In A While...

It's incomplete but I figured I'd share it with you guys anyways.

Whole Foods messenger (?) bag, insulated.. it's pretty big looking when I carry it around with me. lol!

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8 years ago

July 31st 2016 - Sunset

Location: Kingsbury & Sheffield

Date: 7/31/2016

1 of 9

Note: Please, do not claim and/or use without my permission. Thank you! =^.^=

Likes and Reblogs are very much appreciated.

July 31st 2016 - Sunset

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8 years ago


Date taken: July 31, 2016

Location: Kingsbury & Sheffield (Chicago, IL)

3 of 9

Note: Please, do not claim and/or use without my permission. Thank you! =^.^=

Likes and Reblogs are appreciated. <3

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8 years ago

My painting on my bag

I just realized that I never posted my completed painting that I did on my Whole Foods bag. I finished it around May of this year.

Note: Please, do not claim and/or use without my permission. Thank you! =^.^=

My Painting On My Bag
My Painting On My Bag
My Painting On My Bag

Also, likes and reblogs are appreciated. <3

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8 years ago
Date Taken: April 23 ,2016

Date taken: April 23 ,2016

Location: A red-line train stop... I don’t remember which one. (Chicago, IL)

I just thought this looked lovely. I had to take a picture of it so I could eventually share it with you all.

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8 years ago
Date Taken: 5-18-2016

Date taken: 5-18-2016

Subject: Great Blue Heron

Location: Lincoln Park (Chicago, IL)

Likes and reblogs are appreciated. =^.^=

Note: Please, do not use and/or claim without my permission. Thank you! =^.^=

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8 years ago

Paintings in progress

So, no one decided to let me know if they would like me to post photos of my works in progress. I was hoping for some kind of feedback. Maybe my followers are shy? Or my post(s) are buried in your dash by all those other interesting posts?

Well, whatever the reason, I’ve decided I’m going to post some of my works in progress anyways. Starting in this post...

Paintings In Progress
Paintings In Progress
Paintings In Progress

I think you can click on the photos to make them a little bigger... If you want.

For the most part, I’m self-taught artist. Except for acting... I took a theater course in college for that. I’ll talk about it later if any of you want that. Anyways, as you might be able to see, I like to dabble with various painting styles.

Sorry, the photos can’t be a better quality. I only had the lighting in my home and a point-and-shoot camera to work with. By the way, my little camera is sort of teetering on the brink of death. So, when it actually does completely break down on me I won’t be able to afford a new one for (probably) a few years at least... *Sigh*

WELL, I hope you find my art work, um, enjoyable at some level.

Until my next post,

I hope you all will ‘like’ and/or reblog my work. Feel free to leave comments or ask me stuff.

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8 years ago
2 Tier Chocolate Cake By VelvetShadows

2 Tier Chocolate Cake by VelvetShadows

Status: still up for grabs

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