Rb With Something About Trees If You Want - Tumblr Posts
What is your opinion on pines
*quick Google search to see if I'm missing something* *apparently I'm not*
Pines are cool! They are tough guys who stay green even during winter!! Very badass of them
Only beef I could have with pines comes from a time when I was little and excited about going to buy candies , so much that I was not looking in front of me while walking and when I turned around I slammed my head on a pine so hard that I still have a little scar on my forehead. But after a lot of time and meditation I understood that it wasn't the tree fault so I have decided to carry no hate in my heart towards him and his brothers.
They are definitely not my favorites tho, that role is reserved to the weeping willow for sure. It's so dramatic??? It has such a pretty name that flows so smoothly?? It looks like it belongs in a fairytale?? It's a tree and yet it cries?? 10/10 , the emoest,littlest and wettest meow meow out of all the trees I know