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4 years ago

important things about hinata!!

hinata is NOT an asshole! he is blunt, and can sometimes come off as rude, but he is not trying to offend anyone

hinata isn’t very good at socializing, but he’s actually a really great listener, which can be shown in a lot of freetime events!!

believe it or not, he actually does care about what his friends do, and will often do things he doesn’t quite understand so that they’ll be happy (there is a limit to this, however)

hinata is a human being. he can get fed up with people, and probably has a shorter fuse than normal, but can be incredibly patient at the same time.

hinata!! does not hate!! komaeda!! he’s confused, and doesn’t understand him, but he still makes an effort to talk to him. once again, he gets fed up a lot, but he is a human just like everyone else

a fact that’s actually forgotten by a number of people is that hinata loves hope’s peak, almost to the point of idolization. he may very well have that in common with komaeda, actually

he has a tsundere-ish personality, but it’s shown that he actually gets flustered very easily (ie; getting nervous being in a room full of girls in swimsuits)

hinata is most likely the type of person who won’t exactly understand when he’s being flirted with unless you outright tell him

contrary to popular belief, hinata does NOT think highly of himself, and actually has been shown to have pretty low self-esteem. (it’s pretty heavily hinted towards this in chapter 6, but i won’t delve into that too much)

hinata is actually really shy and awkward around people, especially if they’re bossy and/or demanding

however this does not stop him from being hella sarcastic quite a bit of the time

hinata does not actually smile very much in canon, but when he does he can be very very cute!!


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3 years ago
Im Just Gonna Say This Right Here And Right Now:
Im Just Gonna Say This Right Here And Right Now:
Im Just Gonna Say This Right Here And Right Now:

I’m just gonna say this right here and right now:

Is it just me or does Nagito get 10x more hotter when he’s serious. 😍

Reblog if you agree👍

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3 years ago

Hinata and Owari’s interactions are so hilarious


Hinata’s sassiness and uneasiness + Owari’s awkwardness are something lol


Hinata’s so pure and Owari is clumsy af


Even in the middle of the most serious (and tragic) moments they still joke around like


Hinata’s often described as a serious person but I don’t think so, just wait for him to get comfortable enough with people who are around him (when he actually understands to be surrounded by people who’re dumb af)


It’s hilarious because he goes around with his peers weirdness while being all like “wtf” at the same time and Owari’s one of the other characters who makes him show it


He snaps at others if he’s under pressure but when he’s not he actually tries to be nice and to keep some comments to himself… he doesn’t always manage to, though, and that’s what makes him funny af


wtf, girl

Give me some tsukkomi!Hinata moments next monday, pls.

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3 years ago


April 2nd is Autism Awareness Day. People are aware of autism now, some of them even accept it, but how many actually appreciate it? So many people see autism appreciation as “this science/acting/musical genius has added so much to society! We must appreciate them!” Okay, but what about those of us whose talents aren’t as easily seen, or marketable? Those who aren’t in the spotlight?

We should appreciate the autistic people we know in our day to day life. Every autistic person is awesome, and it’s not in spite of our autism, but because of our autism. It’s because I’m autistic that I am who I am. If someone appreciates me I would want them to also appreciate my autism because it’s part of what makes me me.

To reach autism appreciation it’s going to be a fight. We’re going to have to keep climbing. There are so many who want to drag us down. They see us as different and in need of fixing. They see having an autistic child as something to be mourned instead of celebrated. We need to celebrate. We need to drown out their cries of sadness with our cheers of joy.

We are autistic, and we will never stop climbing!

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