Refurbishment - Tumblr Posts

Modern Living Room Inspiration for a large modern enclosed carpeted and beige floor living room remodel with a music area, gray walls, a hanging fireplace, a wood fireplace surround and a media wall

London Game Room Family Room Inspiration for a large contemporary open concept limestone floor game room remodel with white walls, no fireplace and no tv

Guest in London Image of a medium-sized, elegant guest bedroom with carpeting, blue walls, and no fireplace

Contemporary Pool - Poolhouse Medium-sized modern backyard house with a kidney-shaped above-ground pool

Wiltshire Poolhouse Example of a mid-sized trendy backyard stone and kidney-shaped aboveground pool house design

Wood in London Bedroom - small scandinavian master wood ceiling and wood wall bedroom idea
Deck Uncovered London

A medium-sized, uncovered backyard deck image

Flat Panel Closet in London An illustration of a sizable, modern, carpeted dressing room with flat-panel cabinets and beige cabinets.

Flat Panel Closet in London An illustration of a sizable, modern, carpeted dressing room with flat-panel cabinets and beige cabinets.

Music Room - Modern Living Room Photo of a spacious, enclosed minimalist living room with a beige floor and carpeting, gray walls, a hanging fireplace, a wood fireplace surround, and a media wall.

The newly refurbished, smartly gleaming Elizabeth Tower, aka Big Ben.( IG)
Kent Eclectic Exterior

Exterior of a large, multicolored, eclectic, three-story house with mixed siding, hip roof, and tile roof.

Pool Pool House An illustration of a mid-sized, modern backyard house with a kidney-shaped above-ground pool

Living Room Library in London Inspiration for a large contemporary open concept light wood floor living room library remodel with white walls, a standard fireplace, a stone fireplace and no tv