Regrator X Reader - Tumblr Posts

2 years ago

Pantalone x Shy! Reader

Notes: After this was wasting away in my drafts for over a month, I finally got to post this. Enjoy, everyone!


Out of all the treasures in Teyvat that the Tsaritsa could have gifted him, Pantalone truly meant it when he said that he struck gold with you. You were a very polite lady in Her Majesty’s court, if not a little shy at first. In fact, you were very distant during the first few months of your marriage. However, he knew that would change with time the longer you spent around him. Since he was so generous in deciding to help coax you out of your shell, he took the initiative and invited you to work with him one day.

You were in the bedroom when he approached you, setting his glasses on the nightstand and joining you under the covers. You kept to your side of the bed, so as not to infringe upon his personal space. However, he gently wrapped an arm around your waist and pulled you closer to him. “If you don’t mind, I would like to bring you with me to Zapolyarny Palace tomorrow while I work. Of course, only if you wish to join me.” He offered, his voice now lacking the condescending tone you heard him use with his subordinates. Not wanting to possibly anger him, you answered him. “Of course, husband.” You replied. He rolled you over to face him and gently tilted your chin up to where you were looking at him. Pantalone then hummed softly to himself before he spoke. “Why is it that you shy away from my touch whenever I give it? You’re always so apprehensive when you’re around me.” He asked. Your eyes widened slightly, before you looked to the side in embarrassment. “It’s because you’re very intimidating. You scare me a little, and I don’t know why you would want to be around me, anyway. I’m not the most social person, and I know that you tend to take advantage of any opportunity to benefit off of most others, so I’m worried about what you might do to me if I don’t do everything you say.” You confessed, causing him to frown slightly. “Know this, I will never take advantage of you in any way, shape, or form. The Tsaritsa trusted me enough to let me marry you, and she has never made a bad decision in terms of marriages. I will never do anything to you that would hurt you or make you lose trust in me, I promise you that.” He reassured you, leaning closer to you and pressing his lips against your forehead. “However, we’ll take things slow, and I won’t force you to do anything you don’t want to do.” He paused. “Which brings me back to the whole work thing. I still would like it if you could accompany me to the Palace tomorrow. It would certainly make work much less dull. But if not tomorrow, then perhaps next week?” He offered. You took a deep breath, looking up at your husband as you spoke. “I’ll go with you tomorrow. Besides, it’s been a while since I last saw the Palace.” You replied, pulling away from him and looking at him. “Then I suppose we should get some sleep. We’ll be getting up early tomorrow.” He mumbled, watching as you rolled over again and closed your eyes. Pantalone stayed awake for a few more minutes until your breathing had slowed and you were peacefully asleep, before closing his eyes and allowing himself to drift off to sleep.

The next day, Pantalone gently shook you awake, telling you to get up. You sat up in bed and rubbed the sleep from your eyes, looking at him as you nodded. “Come on, I’ll help you pick something out to wear if you’d like.” He offered. You looked at him hesitantly, before nodding softly. He looked at the dresses you’d picked out, choosing the one that was your favorite color. He then walked to the vanity and picked out the necklace that he saw you wear the most, before picking out a matching pair of shoes and gloves. “Alright, do you like the things I chose?” He asked, receiving a nod from you in response. “I’ll leave you to change then. I’ll be waiting outside, so call me if you need me.” He said, leaving and shutting the door behind him. You quickly put on the dress and shoes, before picking up the necklace and trying to clasp it. You struggled with the clasp for a few minutes before giving up and calling for your husband. “Pantalone, would you come in here for a minute?” You called, watching as the door opened and he stepped into the room. “What is it?” He asked, before seeing that you were struggling to clasp the necklace. He walked behind you and fastened the chain around your neck, pulling away from you after he had done so. Pantalone then took one of your gloved hands into his own and led you down the stairs and out the door to the mansion.

When the two of you arrived at Zapolyarny Palace, Pantalone wrapped an arm around your waist, guiding you down the maze of corridors that led to his office. As the two of you walked, you looked around you at the ornate designs on the walls and windows. You and Pantalone stopped at an office door and you watched as he fished a key out of the confines of his shirt, unlocking the door. He led you inside and sat at his desk, watching as you walked to the chair that was closest to him, right beside his desk. “If you get bored at any point, please do tell me.” He said, taking one of the papers from the pile on his desk and looking over it. He eventually got his pen and signed it with his signature, setting it to the side and grabbing another. You had brought a few books with you, and grabbed one of them, knowing that this would be a long day.

About an hour later, two people walked into the room and stood in front of Pantalone’s desk, displeased looks on their faces. “Regrator, would you mind explaining to this imbecile that I’m not allowing him to accompany me to Sumeru because he will destroy every ruin machine within a ten mile radius of us?” The older looking of the two asked. He had mint blue hair and a mask that covered his face, his body clad in the same white cloak that both your husband and the man beside him wore. “I won’t do that, and you know it. You just want me to stay out of the way because you’re hiding something.” The other man shot back. This one had ginger hair and blue eyes. A red mask sat on the side of his head as he spoke, bickering with the other man in front of your husband. After about two more minutes, Pantalone took a deep breath and sighed deeply, glancing at you apologetically before slamming his hands down on his desk as he spoke. “If you both don’t shut your mouths, I’m going to cut your funding for the next month! I don’t care what you decide, but Eleventh, it is ultimately The Doctor’s decision on whether you’re allowed to go to Sumeru with him or not.” He threatened, his voice holding a hint of malice. You jumped when he spoke, a soft squeak leaving you as you held up your book as a sort of self defense. Unfortunately, that brought their attention to you, both Harbingers staring you down. Dottore spoke first. “Who’s this lovely lady, Regrator?” He asked, striding over to you and taking your hand into his. He kissed the back of your hand and then let it fall back to your side. Suddenly, the floor was much more interesting than the man in front of you as you sat back down in your chair. Pantalone cleared his throat and glared at them before reluctantly answering them. “That is my wife, and this,” he said, gesturing to the two of them, “is a waste of my time. I have paperwork to do, and your petty argument isn’t helping me focus. Now get out and if you can’t stop, go bother The Jester, instead.” he grumbled, all but forcing them out the door and closing it behind them. He then cast a worried gaze at you. “Are you alright?” he asked, walking up to you and gently tugging you to your feet. you nodded, deciding to finally reciprocate his gestures and lean against him. “The loud noise startled me, and I was a bit surprised to see you so angry, but it’s nothing I can’t handle.” you giggled softly, resting a hand against his chest as you looked up at him. Pantalone all but picked you up and carried you to his desk chair and sat down with you in his lap, your face turning red as you felt his arms wrap around your waist, his face hidden in your neck as he set his glasses on the desk. You were tense for a few seconds, but eventually relaxed in his embrace and let him hold you. “I’ll be done with this paperwork in a little while, and then we can go home.” He mumbled into your hair, before picking up his glasses and his pen. “What are the documents even about?” You asked, leaning back against his chest and kicking your legs out. “They’re mainly about the withdrawals and deposits that the Northland Bank is getting from each of us Harbingers. If you’re curious, then I’ll tell you that Dottore and Childe are the two that make withdrawals the most out of the eleven of us. They rarely pay them back in full, too.” He huffed slightly, putting his glasses back on as he started to write. “I must say, I think I prefer working in the office whenever you’re here with me. It helps me focus on my work instead of worrying about you.” He said, briefly looking down at you. You looked up and met his gaze with your own, reaching up and gently placing your hand against his cheek. Pantalone placed his hand over yours and leaned into your touch. “Then again, I suppose you can be a bit distracting, a sight for sore eyes.” he muttered. “But enough of that, I still have work to do, no matter how lovely it would be if I could only focus on you,” he continued, his embrace growing slightly more lax than before as he leaned down to where he was right beside your ear. “Do me a favor and stay here, I like being close to you like this.” he whispered, huffing in amusement when your face turned red and you nodded. Deciding to not further delay his work, Pantalone picked up his pen and started to read over the documents on his desk, occasionally explaining the purpose of some of them to you. You leaned against him and got comfortable, knowing that this day would be quite a long one, but you were ok with that. Your eyelids got heavier the more that you sat there in his lap, and you fought sleep as best you could. However, you couldn’t help gently tugging on your husband’s sleeve to get his attention. He seemed to know immediately what was going on, because he laughed softly before speaking. “You may rest easy, I’ll wake you when it’s time for us to leave.” he reassured you, smiling down at you as you spoke. “Thank you, I love you.” you mumbled drowsily. Pantalone’s hand stilled while in the middle of signing off on a document, but he set it down after a minute or two and looked down at you. “Do you mean it?” he asked, his voice lacking that sort of confident air he usually had. He was nervous. “Mhm, you’re constantly looking out for me, and you still keep me around even when I’ve been so hesitant to be around you since the start of our marriage. Of course I do.” you said, your sleepy confession being the last thing you said before looking up at him. “Anything else before I drift off?” you asked, expecting him to shake his head. Instead, he leaned forward and caught your lips in a gentle kiss, pulling away much too soon for your liking, but you weren’t about to complain. You leaned into the kiss, reciprocating it with equal tenderness before chasing his lips slightly when he pulled away. “Now then, you best take the chance to sleep while you have it, things get chaotic around lunch time.” he mused, causing you to nod. Oh, what a long day it would be, indeed.

At least you got to spend it with him.

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