Renee/jean - Tumblr Posts

1 year ago

Renee/Jean make me happy 🥰

if you are still doing requests for ficlets: Jean/Renee for #13 aquarium please :)

i have such a soft spot for these two. hope you enjoy!

“back so soon?”

renee hadn’t meant to startle him. he’d been staring into the tank with such intensity that she’d briefly worried the axolotls had opened a portal to another dimension or something, but apparently he’d just been lost in thought. his socks are green today, peeking out from slightly too-short pants with a pattern that looks like seaweed.

last time they were purple, with frogs.

“yes—sorry,” he stammers, tucking his hands behind his back like a schoolboy caught wreaking mischief.

“not at all,” renee says, as softly as she can manage. she advances slowly, the way she does with the stray cat that sometimes lurks out back by the trash cans. the light of the shop, filtered through water and glass and reflected off multi-coloured scales, gives him the appearance of an underwater creature himself, pale and skittish. something that doesn’t see a lot of sun.

something a little out of its depth.

“is everything alright with the fish?” she asks. “anything else you need?”

“i ate them.”

renee blinks.

he scrunches up his face and swings his hands back around, wringing them in front of his chest now. “i mean, kevin’s cat did—nearly did. i was—was wondering if you had any—covers.”

“absolutely,” renee says. she tries to smile at him, but his attention is drawn by another customer poking his head through the door.

“jean! how much longer is this going to take?”

he catches her eye and renee gets to watch the formation of the slightest hint of a dimple in his left cheek.

“cinq minutes,” he calls, and then something else that sounds rather rude. his friend huffs and pulls his bulk back out of the frame, letting the door fall shut on a delicate shard of sunlight.

“sorry,” jean says again.

“you’re alright. let me get that cover for you. will that be all?”

jean clears his throat and puts his hands behind his back again. for a moment renee thinks he’s going to ask for her number, but he just nods stiffly at her.

she can almost hear andrew scoff—a real gentleman, huh? like you’d know what to do with one of those.

maybe renee needs to take matters into her own hands. nudge things along a little.

she wraps the cover for him and rings him up, gives him another marimo ball for free because he’d seemed so enchanted with them last time.

she doesn’t slip her number into the bag, she’s not that bold—shut up, andrew—but she does manage to slip into conversation that she likes to take her lunch at the cat café down the street, tea & beans.

jean looks at her with the same serious intensity as he’d been contemplating the axolotls with earlier, then simply says, “i see” in a grave voice and takes another business card from the dusty stack on the counter. andrew had doodled the logo for her in a fit of amused generosity—a rainbow shrimp with big round eyes. joke’s on him though, because renee loves it. she even has paper bags printed with it now.

one of them is currently in possession of her tall, dark, handsome not-stranger with the penchant for silly socks, and the sight makes renee smile again. he pauses at the door and gives her a shy wave before following his friend out into the sunshine.

renee peers at her watch.

two hours left until lunch.

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1 year ago


(im A Bad Liar With A Savior Complex)

(i’m a bad liar with a savior complex)

your honor i see nora’s vision

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1 year ago
cozyrosykay - CozyRosyKay
Fun Is For Children, Jean Said, Looking Away From Andrew. If Hed Been Going To Say Anything Else, He
Fun Is For Children, Jean Said, Looking Away From Andrew. If Hed Been Going To Say Anything Else, He
Fun Is For Children, Jean Said, Looking Away From Andrew. If Hed Been Going To Say Anything Else, He
Fun Is For Children, Jean Said, Looking Away From Andrew. If Hed Been Going To Say Anything Else, He
Fun Is For Children, Jean Said, Looking Away From Andrew. If Hed Been Going To Say Anything Else, He
Fun Is For Children, Jean Said, Looking Away From Andrew. If Hed Been Going To Say Anything Else, He
Fun Is For Children, Jean Said, Looking Away From Andrew. If Hed Been Going To Say Anything Else, He
Fun Is For Children, Jean Said, Looking Away From Andrew. If Hed Been Going To Say Anything Else, He

“Fun is for children,” Jean said, looking away from Andrew. If he’d been going to say anything else, he forgot it when he got a good look at Renee. Andrew let go of Jean’s hand while he was distracted, but it took Jean another moment to withdraw it.

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1 year ago

Jean and Renee 😍 I know the request was hanging out but for me it’s romantically lol

Ok *passes Out*

ok *passes out*

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9 months ago

listen i love jerejean as much as the next person but the fact that renee and jean are legitimately the right person, wrong time trope is my new roman empire

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9 months ago

This ship will always have my heart ❤️

Commision By

Commision by

Um hello can we talk abou Jeanee (i like how it sounds)

No offense fo jerejean (i like this ship too) but look

- I’m sure as rivals Jean and Jeremy knew each other before (or at least Jean knew who the USJ captain was)

- but they didn’t interact outside the games before Kevin’s ask

- it was Renee who caught his eye

- it was Renee whose phone number he got

- it was Renee who he talk to through his hell

- it was Renee who saved him in the middle of the fucking night without back thought

- i hc that Jeremy is trully golden boy with happy childhood so he just can’t understand sometimes how broken people functioning 

- that’s why he can’t help Jean to the full extent of his power

- and that’s why Jean has Renee 

- but now he can call without fear

- and it is she who helps him now and after

I just love them so much they’re such an underestimate ship

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9 months ago

93 people have viewed my Jean/Renee one shot collection but only a guest has left one kudos. So when I’m writing my Renee/Jean one shots I always think of them and I really hope they’ve continued to enjoy what I’ve put out ❤️

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