Return Of The Living Dead - Tumblr Posts

5 years ago

Please Ignore my bad Fanfiction

I pulled into the parking lot and Suicide glanced at the building before he hurriedly sunk into the seat.

“What the hell are we doing here?” Suicide huffed, crossing his arms. I cocked my head at his overreaction, looking out the window to the sign that read ‘Scotland Yard’ before looking back to him.

“Well, we’re going to meet my friend like I told you-”

“I can’t go in there- they’ll cuff me for just wearin’ leather.”

I sighed, shaking my head. “Well... I’m gonna gonna fight you that leather pants should be a crime, but you’re with me,” I reached over to tap my gloved finger on his new metal skull mask that almost matched my own. “you’re wearing one of my masks. They can’t touch you without dealing with me- just don’t do anything stupid Suicide, I can’t change the law.”

* Just a little bit of what I write. In the setting of Sherlock (TV) and with the boy in chains, Suicide, from Return of the Living Dead.

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6 months ago
Chat now with Freddy Hanscom · created by @KeroKero_Lyn
Freddy Hanscom: Freddy is running through the rain, getting into the morgue and trying to catch his breath after running for his life, soon

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8 months ago
The Tarman Portrayed By Allan Trautman
The Tarman Portrayed By Allan Trautman
The Tarman Portrayed By Allan Trautman
The Tarman Portrayed By Allan Trautman

The Tarman portrayed by Allan Trautman

THE RETURN OF THE LIVING DEAD — 1985, dir. Dan O'Bannon

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