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Sera Myu Tag
Feel free to reblog this and anwer the qustions ^^ You can also tag a myu fan who should answer these qustions..The next should be: @gracemyheart
1) You are Myu fan since...?
2011 after I finished PGSM I started with Sera Myu.
2) The 1st Musical you saw?
1993 - Gaiden Dark Kingdom (And it did’t daunt me)
3) Your Favorite Musical?
Death Vulcan no Fuuin! I love the new story lines at all but DVnF is the highlight of the Dracul Series!
4) Your Favorite Sailor Moon Actress?
Miyuki! She’s Queen!
5) Say one positive thing about every Sailor Moon Actress.
Anza - my first favorite actress at all and the best singer.
Fumina - Quit elegant version of Usagi and the perfect Neo Queen
Miyuki - She WAS Sailor Moon. We will never have a more authentic Moon
Marina: She did well for her young age and she is a dancing queen
Satomi: Especially her Usagi was really acurate.
Hotaru: She smile is cute and had the right Usagi look.
6) Is Sera Myu your favorite version of Sailor Moon?
Yes together with the 90s anime. I can’t decide ^^’
7) Who is your favorite cast member?
HIKARI ONO. OMG I’ a huge fangirly! Her acting, singing and dancing was perfect! Every role she had was awesome!
8) Are your first favorites your actual favorites? (name them)
My first favorite actress was Anza as of Death Vulcan it is Hikari
9) If you could say one sentence to your myu favorite: What do you want to say him/her?
I absolutley don’t know. Probalbly I’m unable to say anything.
10) Which Sailor Moon Story do you want on stage?
I want lots of story arc on stage: Silver Millenium, Crystall Tokio and a Sailor V Story would be nice too.
11) Tell me your top 3 underrated actors.
- Miki Kawasaki. Many konw her but don’t really pay her attention.
- Ado Endo. Here I think few fans notice her
- Maki Aizawa - Sorry to all Hiroko fans I prefer her Loof Merrow.
12) Give 3 actors new roles.
Nao Takagi as Galaxia (Her Galxia Gourgeous *-*)
Hikari Ono as Prof Tomoe
Miki Kawasaki as Fish Eye (I don’t know why I have this idea xD)
13) Combine classic and revival myu: What does it look like?
I would combine the shap of the ne costumes with the colours of the old myu costumes...
14) Revival myu song you want in classic myu?
When Destiny Calls. Nothing can beat Tuxedo Mission but I really want this song sung by Yuuta, Edo or Yuu!
15) Tell me an unpopular opinion you have about myu.
I don’t know if it’s unpopular but I like “Death Vulcan no Fuuin” because of the huge screen time for the villians..
16) Ai no Starshine or Music of the Spheres?
I like Ai no Starshine more
17) The Last Change or it’s 21st Century Version?
The original version is so catchy...
18) Choubi Uranus to Neptune or Harsh Saint Cry?
Choubi but Harsh Saint Cry is really good too!
19) Is there something about Myu what annoys you?
There are no offical subtiteled DVDs! And the the Dracul Series never realeased at DVD at all.
20) What do you expect for the 2019 Musical?
A untold story line and good songs.
21) How important are dancing abilities of the actors for you?
It’s nice if the are skilled but not the most important.
22) Which Myu Merchendaise you want? (you can name non existing too)
Petit Charas of Musical Characters! PLEASE!
23) Are you sad that Luna and Artemis disappered after Gaiden?
No in Gaiden it’s okey but in the follwing musicals they don’t fit.
24) And interessting (non-existing) Haru-Michi couple?
Nao x Tomoko. I’m not a Tomoko fan but I think Nao is strong enough to handle with Tomoko
25) Your favorite Moon x Tux Couple?
Anza and Yuuta! No one can beat them. Remember they had a real kiss on stage!
26) Your favorite Musical Only Character?
I thinks it’s quite obvious xD. Bloody Dracul Vampiru is sympathic (and funny in DVnF) not really evil. And a such well written character! I love her!
27) Which character you would play in a musical (senshi, villian etc.)?
Yeay Vampiru too otherwise Hikari is the one and only. So I would pick Loof Merrow. And interessting character too...
28) Something else you want to say about Sera Myu?
Something else I love about Sera Myu is how diffrent the actors play the character e.g. Moon is not just Moon. Every actress portrays her diffrnet and good in her own way...
Satomi Okubo.
She is so accurate and even her voice isn’t the best for singing...she puts a lot of emotion in it. Also she had a good chemistry with Yuga and Satomi is a good dancer. I don’t hate Hotaru but she is just...there. Not really outstanding.

Another Sera Myu OR! Gone for a new Myu one since the last was old Myu, so simple question I guess XD maybe it won’t be as one sided as the last one? I think so far everyone’s gone for KSDs for the last one XD this might be a little more mixed though, but then again most likely not XD
First vs Latest Sera Myu Cast Members

4 Periods and Fuku-Styles of Sera Myu: Classic, Revivial, Nogizaka Ver. and the Super Live.
Mizuki Yamashita Render by @kosmosinusa

Yoshiya Yukimura and Momoyo Koyama. Isn’t that wonderful. Classic meets Revival! (And for Zoi x Ami shipper - I know he’s to old for her but theoretically xD) When I found the source I’ll add it.