Rhyapping - Tumblr Posts
I've been sulking and staying away from this app ever since that incident so i haven't been catching up to the tkdb fanfics. Please excuse me if you see me spamming and keysmashing as i enjoy reading them THANK YOUUUUUU ♡
is that an enstars fan i see you should tell me who you produce if you play (I'm a niki P)
also idk if you follow twisted wonderland but i think you'll like the new guy they just teased (I do omg)

I AM IZUMI (funny how I like romeo now) AND MAMA P!! I'm currently playing in JP and EN server hehe~
It's been so long since i follow with twst stories, i think the last story i read was ignihyde chapter. Other than the main story i haven't really dived into it. But my mutuals are huge fans so i still keep up with it :> and yes i saw that guy EVERYONE SAID HE LOOKS LIKE GOJO AND ONE OF MY MUTUAL DIDN'T HESITATE TO PULL OUT HYDE'S PICTURE LMAOOO 😭
There's this jp artists who used to draw tkdb fanarts (mostly ritsu) and one day they took a break from drawing. When they came back all of their arts were gone because some people were reposting them without permission.
I need you to know this artist was the one that got me hooked on ritsu because THE WAY THEY DRAW HIM WAS JUST TOO *KEYSMASH* [RATTLE CAGE] MAKES ME WANNA STUFF RITSU IN MY POCKET FOREVER so im kinda devastated now that i couldn't see them anymore

I won't lie,,, it's not often that i dip myself into a media and find that some of the playable characters are GENUINELY hate-able like leo for example. Because i can say i like eichi from enstars and no one bats an eye despite his past crimes but if i say i like THE kurosagi leo the room goes silent the heads are turning the gasps and stares too?? Like please calm down people just because i like him doesn't mean i will sacrifice my life to defend him.
I won't even dare to think about it. I hope they make him worse 😭 /lh

this got me shaking. literally.
excuse my poorly manicured hand
Remember that one time i said i would dye my hair bc romeo refused to come home? (Tbh it's just an excuse bc i had been wanting to dye my hair again lately)

And i did choose purple but i did it by mixing blue and magenta since i still have some magenta hair dye lying around but SOMEHOW IT TURNED OUT TO BE PINK unless the tip there if you can see it's more purple-ish or blue-ish i guess it's bc that part had gotten the most bleach. It's kind of a mess but that's what i was aiming for lol
me: i have a morning class tomorrow. so let's try to sleep early tonight
brain: hey let's buy an overpriced coffee for that headache of yours
me: yay ☕
Not tkdb stuff but if they ever release merch one day... yeah (tbh im still butthurt over not getting the sinostra magazine)
Also i just ordered tkdb fanmerch earlier this morning 😭