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Tteokbokki / / Spicy Rice Cake

Tteokbokki / 떡볶이 / Spicy Rice Cake

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7 years ago

You forgot one of the hidden tracks, “Laundry.” ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

Jeon Jungkook’s solo album:

Intro: Jiminnie-hyung’s Wish 

The Plan of A Lifetime

Caught by Your Own Fans

Re-Plan the Plan of A Lifetime

Japan, Where We Fuck 

We Fuck in Japan


5AM in Tokyo 

Ever Since Japan

No Place Like Japan

Outro: We Don’t Talk About Japan Enough

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7 years ago

Jimin was not just in a dance school, learning contemporary. Jimin was the top student in the dance department at Busan High School of Arts. When he entered the school, this created a stir even at Busan High School of Arts. Girls would wait for him outside the bathrooms just to get a glimpse of him. Jimin even did the oath-taking in the entrance ceremony at his school which is only reserved for their number-one students. He was a top student overall. They said his grades and practical tests were exceptional. Also, Jimin learned to dance street/hip-hop at a very young age — way before ballet/contemporary. In fact, he used to compete in dance battles and other competitions. Jimin used to compete against Kang Daniel and Park Woojin from Wanna One prior to being idols. I’m just impressed with Jimin’s dance ability, flow, smoothness, control, airiness, tumbling skills, technique and all that. He’s really come a long way through hard work and determination.

Daily reminder that before debuting as an idol Jimin attended Busan High School of Arts and he was accepted at the top of his class (with both his dancing and his grades), he was doing really good, so good that he could’ve been accepted in Korea National University of Arts if he didn’t choose to debut as an idol, he was so good that if he didn’t get accepted to Korea National University of Arts his school would’ve sent him abroad, that’s how talented he was and still is, he was so good that when Jimin decided to leave to become a trainee his teachers were beginning him not to do it and were disappointed when he decided to leave, daily reminder that he left to so much behind to chase his dreams, daily reminder that he got denied by so many companies, daily reminder that he himself said he nearly  got kicked out so many times by the one company that picked him, daily reminder that he had to do work hard to get to stay and debut with the rest of bts, had to actually learn a whole new dance style to get to debut with the rest, daily reminder that even today Jimin keeps working hard and putting so much time and so much effort into getting better at his dancing, daily reminder that he considers his dancing nowhere close to how amazing we see it, daily reminder that he’s always looking with a critical eye at everything he’s doing and always tries to practice at whatever he thinks he’s lacking in, daily reminder to praise Park Jimin and his dancing for he is so talented and he is so skilled and so many people look up to him for his dancing

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7 years ago

Blame it on Jimin’s pheromones/whoremones. ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°)

Wh-why do they smell his hair cr: unicrn501

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7 years ago
Jimin Does Have A Nice Booty. ( ) #jibooty
Jimin Does Have A Nice Booty. ( ) #jibooty
Jimin Does Have A Nice Booty. ( ) #jibooty
Jimin Does Have A Nice Booty. ( ) #jibooty

Jimin does have a nice booty. ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) #jibooty

Park Jimin from BTS has one of the nicest asses we here at staff have ever seen. 

No, we have not seen it in person, but we can still imagine its greatness.

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7 years ago

With JiKook, no fan fiction or Photoshop is needed.  ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ –

at this point i feel like jikook aus aren’t needed anymore tbh. anything we could ever think of is already canon. au where jugkook recently found a new passion, editing, and decides a whole ass gay video about his boyfriend to show how whipped for him he is? canon. au where photographer!jungkook is in love with model!jimin and every time they have a shooting they seem to get caught their in their world and forget everyone else around them? canon. au where a shy jungkook has this huge crush on one of his co-worker/group member and struggles to show affection and usually pushes him away, which people interpret as him hating said guy, but as time passes by he gets more comfortable around him and learns to trust him and rely on him and falls deeply in love with him? canon. au where jimin falls head over heels for a timid boy named jungkook and fights for his love day after day, asking for a kiss every time he gets the chance, being over affectionate, also being a big emotional support for him, asking him to go on a date with him multiple times and never giving up even tho he is rejected all the time but little by little he steals said boy’s heart? canon. au where whipped jikook go on a trip to japan together and have cute dates and sleepless nights and every time they look into each others eyes they think to themselves “yes, this is the idiot i’m in love with” and go to disneyland together and jk spends the whole time filming his boyfriend bc he is just THAT whipped for him? canon. au where jikook are the most disgustingly cute boyfriends and can’t possibly be more whipped for each other oh yes they can and their friends are just so fucking done with them and are tired of them constantly complimenting each other and jk taking every chance he gets to remind people he knows jimin THE BEST and jimin to tell once again how cute jungkookie is and them not paying attention to anything and no one else when they are together? fucking cANON.

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6 years ago

I would love for a solo Jimin album. 😊 His voice is so beautiful and versatile. 😍

I Would Love LOVE To Have A Whole Album Of Jimin Singing. A Album Of His Own Songs. His Voice Is So Warm,

I would love LOVE to have a whole album of Jimin singing. A album of his own songs. His voice is so warm, gentle and comforting to me. It can be powerful but I love how his voice sounds so gentle and light, it makes me smile on my bad days.

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