Richard Prettiest Man In Hampden - Tumblr Posts

8 months ago
a pencil drawing of henry winters, from the shoulders up. he is a dark haired young man wearing a neat suit and tie. his expression is serious. he has thick brows and parted combed-over dark hair.
a pencil drawing of bunny corcoran, from the shoulders up. he is a blonde young man wearing a suit. he has no tie and his shirt is wrinkled. he is smiling casually and has a smudge of ink on his face. his hair is sort of parted but sticks out at the ends. he has ruddy cheeks.
a pencil drawing of francis abernathy, from the shoulders up. he is a young man wearing a tailored suit. his expression is considering and a little judgmental. he has mid-length hair that curls past his ears and over his forehead. he has pronounced cheekbones and a curved nose.
a pencil drawing of richard papen, from the shoulders up. he is a young man wearing a suit and tie. he looks slightly surprised or concerned. he has freckles and dark hair mostly parted to the side, although a stray strand has escaped containment.
a pencil drawing of charles macaulay, from the shoulders up. he is a young man wearing a suit and tie. he is smiling fairly cheerily like he's observing something. he has rosy cheeks and soft blonde hair swooping into his face. he has a beauty spot under his left eye.
a pencil drawing of camilla macaulay, from the shoulders up. she is a young woman wearing a dress shirt. she is looking inscrutably forwards. she has rosy cheeks and light blonde hair hanging loose just above her shoulders, and a beauty spot under her right eye.

old headshots of the tsh cast i did a while ago, with a concerted effort to stick to canon descriptions

bonus judy under the cut

pencil drawing of judy poovey, from the shoulders up. she is a young woman wearing a loose USA tshirt with colored sleeves. she is smiling widely as if posing for a picture. she has teased dark hair falling past her shoulders and wears large hoop earrings.

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