Rickford Server - Tumblr Posts
Hi! Do you know if there’s a rickford discord server out there? It’d be cool if there was one for discussing the ship but idk who else would join.
Oh. My. God.
I'm pretty sure there are ones, but I believe they've all died around 2016, so probably not now.
You just gave me the best idea ever.
I'm going to do it-- I'll make a Rickford server!
And once I do, I'm going to @ everyone who I'd like to invite! Of course, anyone who wants to join who wouldn't be @'d in that post would be free to, as well.
Thank you for this idea, Anon!
I'll pin the post about it once I make the server.
is that rickford server up? we'd love to join
Thanks for the reminder, actually-- I need ta continue workin' on it.
I'll add ya to my list of people to @ once it's out!! I'm glad you're interested in it!
Just so everyone knows, now the reason it's taking a while is because I'm trying to find someone to test the server & give me feedback TvT