Rise Of Red - Tumblr Posts
- Perfect Revenge
- Kitchen Disaster!
- When Everything Else Becomes Too Much
Princess Red
-Only Hers
-I don’t wanna be your friend
Queen of Hearts
- Life Was Sweet
- Eyes
Chloe Charming
- Was It Casual? , part 2
Was It Casual?
Pairing: Chloe Charming x reader
Request: there weren’t any specific requests but a few people have been asking me to write for Chloe.
Warnings: reader being in denial, sort of?
Genre: Angst <3
Note: I thought of casual by Chappell Roan while writing this tbh. ALSO, there will be a part 2 because I ended this with a cliffhanger!

Chloe Charming knew she was in love with you from the moment her eyes first met yours, it was love at first sight. She was only 13 back then and feelings were confusing for a girl her age. But you were so charming, in every possible way.
As a princess, she had met many other royals her age. There were many different characters here and there but none of them were as interesting as you were. Chloe had the pleasure to meet you during her brother’s 18th birthday party. Chloe was dancing with her mother when she glanced over to the middle of the ball room and suddenly it was as if you were the only person there.
There were hundreds of people dancing around her but you were the only one she could see. Everything went silent and all she could hear was the rapid beating of her heart, threatening to burst out. And it nearly did when you looked right back into her eyes, oh how beautiful they were.
But then you smiled and everything inside her crumbled. You had the most beautiful eyes and an even more beautiful smile.
Chloe watched as you elegantly walked away from your friends and headed to her. You never took your eyes off her and before she knew it her body started moving and suddenly she had no control anymore. Everyone was dancing around, and every time she took another step she was met by another couple happily dancing pass her.
“Are you alright there, your majesty?” Then she heard a voice so sweet yet unfamiliar behind her. She turned around and was met with your beautiful eyes, shining brighter than any chandelier in the whole castle.
The light coming from above illuminated onto your face so perfectly, it was as if she was staring straight at an angel. And your dress, it was perfect and complimented the rest of your body in every possible way.
“Yes! I’m alright, are you alright?!” Chloe replied, her cheeks turned crimson. A fluttery sensation of excitement and nervousness took over her body when you slightly laugh at her words. She had never felt like that before.
“No, I’m Yn Rose and you must be Charming?” Your smile turned into a mischievous grin as you watched her nervously stumbling over her words.
“I’m charming? Y-You think I’m charming?” Chloe’s eyes widened up before realizing what you actually meant. “Oh, yes. I’m Chloe Charming, that’s probably what you meant.”
You chuckled, shaking your head before holding your hand out and asking for a dance with the fellow princess. “May I have your hands for the night?”
Chloe nodded enthusiastically and let you guide her to where everyone else was.
“And you are charming by the way, no pun intended.”
The rest of the night was magical, you were an amazing dancer and a fun person to spend time with. She had always thought that she’ll need to meet a prince at a ball to have a happily ever after, like her parents, but you were a princess and she was okay with that.
Everything from there on went by like a blur, you had charmed your way into her heart and she was hopelessly in love. Even after 3 years had passed.
But now she felt more hopeless than ever after seeing how you had gotten so close with a girl you’ve only known for less than a week. Personally, she had no issues against Red. The princess was just trying to undo her mom’s wrong doings, although she could be mean sometimes she was trying to be a better person.
Chloe’s problem however was the way you and Red acted around each other, you two had became so close in such a small amount of time it was driving her insane. She knew that the feeling she held was selfish but she couldn’t help but want you all to herself again.
“Chloe why are you so passive aggressive towards Red? You are never this way towards anyone before.” You immediately came up to her after had Red left the room. Chloe and Red had a disagreement about how to get the spell book before Uliana and her gang does but you couldn’t help but notice Chloe’s odd behavior.
“Rules are rules Yn, and breaking into principle Merlin’s office is morally wrong. You know that and she should know better.” Chloe frowned, upset that you kept defending Red even after all the things she said.
Chloe watched as you sighed before making your way next to her. “I agree, it is wrong in a way but not everything is black and white. And it wasn’t just that, you’ve been very aggressive to her since the beginning. It’s not like you to be like this.” your hands laid near hers before you made a quick move to intertwined it.
“Yn…” Chloe muttered, her eyes softened as you leaned closer to her side before using your free hand to gently caressed her cheek.
“You know you can tell me anything.” You whispered, looking at her with such adoring eyes and she became that little girl who got lost in those same eyes 3 years ago again.
She knew she shouldn’t look into your eyes for too long because if she does then her mouth would betray her and you’ll know how she really felt about you. Her life would be over if it ever happens.
“I-I think we should go, see incase Uliana comes around here.” Chloe changed the subject and tried to get away but you held her back.
“You’re not going anywhere until I get some answers, sweetheart. I don’t want to push you but I’m really worried.” With her hands still intertwined with yours, you stood up matching her eyes. “I’m your best friend and I know you think I don’t notice but I do.”
Chloe knew that she wouldn’t be able to control the words that’ll come out her mouth with the way you kept looking at her like she was your whole world. “I love you.”
“I love you too…” You replied softly, as you reached for both of her hands, locking them together. For a moment, Chloe felt like you knew everything she felt without her having to say anything further. She thought that you’ll reciprocate her feelings but her heart shattered when you continued.
“Of course I love you, you’re my best friend! Are you afraid that we’ll stop being best friends because I’m getting close to Red? Because if you are, trust me, love. No one will ever be as precious to me as you are.”
"No, not in that way." Chloe muttered, looking devastated as she pulled her hands out of yours, immedietly missing the gentleness of your hold.
"Chloe..." You mummbled, hurt by how she was acting but still not getting it.
"Remmember when you used to tell me that you wished I was a boy so that you could marry me? I've never wanted to be a boy so badly until then. And when you asked for my hand that night on my brother’s 18th birthday party…I’ve loved you since then.” Chloe wasn’t able to hide how she truly felt anymore and it was devastating to see how you looked at her.
You’ve always looked at her with so much love that it always made her think that maybe, just maybe, you loved her the same way she loved you.
“Chloe, I…” You were lost for words and Chloe could clearly see that.
“I’m sorry, I should go…” She muttered, not noticing tears that were bubbling in her eyes until then. Wiping them away, she left the room in a hurry.
She didn’t want to stay longer when she knew her heart was going to get broken.
Kitchen Disaster!
Pairing: Bridget x reader
Request?: Yes!
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: none that I’m aware of at least!

It was the day of your 2nd year anniversary and your adorable girlfriend, Bridget planned a baking date with you. Of course you couldn’t say no even though you were a walking disaster in the kitchen.
You were already starting to regret agreeing in the first place when Bridget barged into your dormitory at 4 in the morning. She claimed that it would be fun to go for a run before your baking date to ‘get a clear head’ which you didn’t understand why in the first place but you weren’t going to question her.
Bridget could get scary when she’s mad.
“Okay, so we’re going to make gingerbread men cookies today! But luckily for you I already made them before hand so all you have to do is decorate them.” Bridget informed as she was putting her apron on. “We do not want a repeat of last time.”
The last time you baked with her, you burnt the cookies and nearly caused a fire because you forgot to take them out of the oven, it was heating up for hours.
“Wait, hold on. Did you use the magic cookbook or the normal one?” You asked as she handed you a tray of freshly baked gingerbread men straight from the oven that you will never touch ever again.
“The magic cookbook of course! Did you think I was going to make boring gingerbread men cookies?” Bridget gasped dramatically before booping you on the nose. “Silly.”
“Yes, of course! But don’t say I didn’t warn you if they run away from us, or worse, bite us before we get a chance to try them.” You sent her a teasing smile as you handed her the ingredients to make icing.
Bridget had this obsession with baking magical sweets and it would usually backfire on her and everyone she handed them to. You were her favorite victim.
“You’re being very snarky today, baby.” Bridget sent you a reprimanding look before giving you a kiss on the cheek. “Remember we get more from sugar than salt!”
“Sorry...” You muttered softly as you hugged Bridget from behind, placing your chin on her shoulders as you watch her make the icing for the gingerbread men.
Bridget grinned as your arms were wrapped around her waist. She loved it when you clung onto her, usually it would be her who craved for physical touch.
You noticed how she struggle to mix the ingredients together since her hair kept falling into the bowl. “Hold on, let me tie your hair up.” You quickly took a scrunchie off your wrist before using it to tie her hair up.
“Thank you, sweetheart. You’re too sweet.” Bridget placed a kiss on your cheek when you finished. You always knew how to make her feel like she was on cloud 9, always taking care of her needs even when she didn’t ask you to. “Can you also get another mixing bowl for me, please?”
“Of course! I’m happy to be of service, your majesty.” You nodded obediently, giving her a kiss on her cheek before leaving her side to look for the bowls.
Bridget giggled as she watched you go through all the cabinets in frustration but failing to see the bowl that was right in front of your face.
“I swear they were in here!” You groaned in frustration after you went through the last one but still haven’t found any bowls. It was driving you insane because there were usually bowls everywhere.
“Baby, I think you need to go see a ophthalmologists.” Bridget smiled teasingly as she reached out for the mixing bowl that was on the counter the whole time.
Your jaw dropped as you watched her walk back to her place with the mixing bowl you were trying to find so desperately. “It was there the whole time!? Why didn’t you tell me?”
Your girlfriend laughed at your pouty face before grabbing your face and placing a peck on your lips. “Stop being so pouty and get to work you big baby, those cookies aren’t going to look pretty on their own.” she said before placing icing on your noise when you weren’t looking.
You gasped dramatically before grabbing the piping back and chased after her when she escaped from your grasp. “Hey! I’m not going to let you get away so easily!”
Bridget squealed when you finally managed to get a hold of her, squirming in your arms for a second before caving in. “Alright, fine. You caught me, ahh!”
You chuckled as she tried her hardest to escape the icing but she was cornered and you were going to make her look…dashing!
“Hey! Now you’re a pink cat with white whiskers!” You teased after you finished working on your masterpiece. Bridget sat in still the whole time because you were getting even with her.
“Haha, funny.” Bridget shook her head in amusement before taking the other piping bag that was filled with icing. “Now we shall give life to those gingerbread men before we eat all of the icing ourselves.”
“I’m not too sure if I want to give them life but you do you, honey!” You sighed before you finally start to place icing onto the gingerbread men.
Not too long after, you and Bridget finally finished the work you’ve been working on since the sun rose and now it was nearly time for it to go back to sleep.
“We did a great job.” You pretended to wipe the non existent sweat of your face as you admired the gingerbread men that finally looked like gingerbread men. But you honestly were very surprised that they hadn’t gotten up and ran away already.
“Hey, I did all the work. You only sat and ate more icing!” Bridget exclaimed, throwing you a gentle punch jokingly as she shook her head in disbelief.
“Alright fine, you did a great job so let’s have a bite on your masterpiece.” You sent her a cheeky grin before reaching your hand out to grab one but as soon as you did, it came alive and bit your finger.
You stared at the little man in shock as you winced in pain. “Ouch! Bridget, our baby bit me!”
Bridget froze for a moment after hearing what you said. “Our baby?” She asked as her cheek turned into a rosy red shade.
“Not helping, baby! Get it off me, please!” You screamed as you shook your hand repeatedly, trying to get it to fly off but it won’t budge. For a cookie, it was surprisingly strong and you wondered what monster ingredient did your girlfriend put in those cookies.
“Oh, Right! Sorry, let me help you there-“
Of course the baking date ended with a disaster as always, but it was fine because at least you made your favorite person happy.
Even though you totally thought you were going to die when that gingerbread man nearly bit your finger off.
When Everything Else Becomes Too Much
Pairing: Bridget x reader
Requested?: Yes!
Genre: Angst and Fluff!
Warnings: sad Bridget
Note: Another Bridget one because I love her sm and many of you guys asked me to write more for her, so here you go<3

You and Bridget had always been by each other's side sine elementary school, she was your go to person for everything and you were hers. There was a bond of deep understanding and love between you and the princess of Wonderland.
Which was why you were the first person she came to after everything and everyone else became too much.
You were alone in your room, going through your Magical History notes since exam season was coming up when you heard someone knocking on your door.
Immediately, you knew it was Bridget because she was the only person in the whole school who knew how to knock. Most of your friends would barge in your room like it was their own.
You were immediately met with a bone crushing hug as soon as you opened the door. You breathed in the sweet smell of her candy scented perfume as you melted into the hug.
"Hey there, pretty girl." You muttered as you wrapped your arms around her waist. Bridget stayed quiet as she nuzzled into your neck. She was never that quiet so you knew that something bad must've happened to make her so upset.
"Alright, we can talk whenever you feel like talking...but we really should head inside instead of standing in the middle of the hallway." You waited until she nodded before locking her hands into yours and leading her into your room.
Bridget sighed as she settled into your soft blankets, basically drowning in your plushies as you tugged her in. “I know that you were planning to study all day and I'm sorry for distracting yo-”
"No, you'd never be a distraction." You reassured her with a soft smile before lifting her hands up and placed a gentle kiss on them. You enjoyed watching how her face reddened up whenever you do those simple but loving gestures.
“Now tell me what got you so upset, do I need to beat someone up?” You said jokingly, giving her a cheeky grin when she sent you a reprimanding look.
Bridget shook her head before pulling you onto the bed, yearning for the comfort of your body. “No, please don’t. I don’t want to see you in detention for me again.”
Bridget was the nicest person ever, even to people who never deserved her kindest. Especially Uliana and her gangs of delinquents, you had a long and violent history with them. Detention was your second home at that point but it didn’t matter because you would always win and you got the girl too.
“Alright, fine I won’t…though I would be up for it if you ever change your mind?” You chuckled as she leaned onto your shoulder, your arms wrapped around hers as she played with your hair.
A few minutes of silence passed before Bridget finally spoke up.
“Am I weak?” Bridget asked, her eyes bubbling up with tears as she looked at you with such vulnerable eyes. It made you upset knowing the exact person who made her felt like that, but you couldn’t get them yet because Bridget needed you the most.
“No, of course not. You’re the strongest person I know.” You gently used your hands to wipe her tears away as she sat in silence before looking at you with sparkling eyes.
“Really? Because everyone else seems to think that I’m a pushover…I try so hard to get them to like me, I offer them treats, I let them copy of my homework, and I never said anything when they talked about me behind my back…” Bridget wasn’t able to stop her tears from falling anymore, she was hurt by all the things people had said behind her back but she never wanted it to bother her.
“Yeah, they’re right. I’m a total pushover.”
Bridget would always say that we get more with sugar than salt but today, everything and everyone was too much. But you were the only one she felt like she could never get enough of.
“And what’s so bad about being a pushover? Your kindness is why you’re so strong because no matter how vile and mean people can get, you would never stoop to their level.” You said as you locked your hands into hers firmly. Looking at her gently as you continued to ramble on.
“Like Uliana for example, that girl can’t breathe without ruining someone’s day-“
Bridget watched as you continued on with so much passion, it made her heart flutter by the way you reassured her with so much love. It felt like time had slowed down for her because all she could focus on were your lips.
“You know how hard that is for me to not fight back when Uliana barks in my ear every time we see each other? But you’re so natural at it because you’re patient, forgiving, and extremely strong. That’s what I love about you and you should love yourself for that reason too.” You didn’t even notice that you’ve been talking for so long because you got so riled up just thinking about all the people that had done your girlfriend wrong.
“Thank you, baby. I really needed to hear that.” Bridget’s frown finally turned upside down and she pulled you into another hug but it was much softer this time, it made you feel like you’re on top of the world after seeing that she felt much better.
“Of course, anytime sweetheart.” You smiled as you gently kissed her on her forehead, running your hair through her soft pink hair.
Without another second wasted, Bridget wrapped her arms around your neck and pulled your face closer to hers. Your eyes were met with a pair of loving gaze as she leaned in, you’ve kissed Bridget many times but she never failed to make your heart flutter every single time.
When Bridget’s lips met yours, it felt like fireworks were blowing up inside of her body and all she could care about was the girl who made her feel that way.
Only Hers
Pairing: Princess Red x Reader
Requested?: Yes!
Genre: Fluff
Warnings: jealousy?

Being born into the royal life, you’ve always been loved and spoilt rotten especially by your parents and older brother, Ben.
Ever since you were a child, kids would follow you around school, invite you to playdates and birthdays, some would even give you their own piggy bank just for a chance to have your attention.
That never changed even when you started high school at Auradon Prep, a school where other royals or kids of famous figures attended and yet, you were still always the center of their attention.
But today you were not because everyone seemed to avoid you like the plague whenever Red’s by your side and you had no idea why. When you were alone, some people were less wary but still, many of them were afraid to even breathe near you today.
It was driving you a bit crazy because you were sure you hadn’t done anything bad that could cause them to react such a way.
One time you tried to approach a classmate to ask her about your group project and she looked at you in horror before running off.
You weren’t sure why because everyone was extremely friendly with you all year. You would often find love letters in your lockers, you never had to carry your own books because boys and girls would wait outside of your class just to hold them for you to your other classes, one girl even made you a chocolate statue of yourself for your birthday.
None of the people mentioned even dared to look at you in the eyes today. It felt extremely weird since you were used to having everybody’s eyes on you and on Valentine’s Day too, something wasn’t adding up.
But then it all added up when you saw Red scaring away a group of girls who were trying to sneak love letters into your locker. Your eyes followed her actions as she threw their letters away before looking around her surroundings.
You decided that it was your time to shine as she pulled a sparkly pink envelope out of her bag, looking oddly suspicious.
“What have you got there?” You skillfully sneaked behind her and whispered in her ear as she was about to slip it into your locker.
Red became as still as a rock when you whispered in her ears before turning around awkwardly, her cheeks flushed in embarrassment after you caught her looking like a deer caught in headlights.
“Nothing!“ Red blurted out awkwardly as she ripped the pretty envelope behind her back and tried to discreetly throw it into the bin beside her.
“Hmm…” A playful smirk rose on your lips as you eyed her up and down in suspicion before pretending to play along.
“If you say so.” You muttered before leaning against one of the lockers beside Red. You knew that Red was clearly hiding something by how weird and awkward she was, and you will definitely get it out of her.
Thankfully, you took acting lessons when you were younger because you were interested in plays and now you will use your skills to play her.
Without another second wasted, you put on an act. Sighing deeply, you looked at Red with the most innocent expression you could muster up. “Anyways, have you seen how people have been all weird with me today? I mean, today is Valentine’s Day and my locker is usually flooded with gifts but today people have been avoiding me…”
You looked at Red and noticed how she was trying to keep her cool and nodding at everything you say. “Really? What’s up with them?”
“Oh, I don’t know…is there something wrong with me? I mean did you hear any rumors about me?” You acted frustrated and ran your fingers through your hair to sell your act. It’s something you’d only do when you’re stressed out and Red clearly knew that.
“N-No way! I mean no, I haven’t heard anything…it’s probably nothing!” Red stumbled over her words as she waved her hands around.
“I don’t think it’s nothing but I’ll take your word for it.” You shook your head, looking awfully upset before patting Red on the shoulder before walking away from your target.
You knew Red wouldn’t confess at that moment, but you knew she would crack eventually as you continued your act.
The next few days you continued with your act but Red didn’t give up either but you finally had enough and didn’t want it to drag on longer than it should.
After school was over, you went knocking on her door looking like you were about to cry. Of course you weren’t really that sad about people being too afraid to be near you, but you had to be dramatic or else you wouldn’t be able to get to Red.
You jumped straight onto her bed as soon as she let you in. You quickly made yourself comfortable because Red had the softest blankets, an excuse you usually used when you want to sleep over in her room.
Red’s eyebrows furrowed in worry as she laid down right next to you, she had never seen you so upset before since you were usually so chirpy. “Are you okay?”
Your frown grew deeper as you shook your head before reaching for both of her hands, looking at her straight in the eyes. “Red, be honest with me. Am I not pretty anymore? Have I been eating too much lately? Rate me out of a 1 to 10, how annoying am I? Maybe I should go on a d-“
“Wait stop! What are you talking about? Did somebody say something to you?” Red frowned, looking extremely worried but also angry at the thought that someone might be talking about you in that way. You’re a confident girl and had always held yourself up high so it wasn’t like you at all.
Red had always been protective over you but most of the time she acted as if she didn’t care about you. One time you saw her beating up a a guy for looking at you the wrong way but then acted like everything was okay when you asked her about her bruised fists.
“No, not that I know of at least. It’s just that people have been afraid to talk to me since Valentines and I don’t know what I did wrong!” You exclaimed in frustration as tears fell down onto your cheeks. They weren’t real tears of course, you used eye drops right before you went into Red’s room to make it more convincing.
Red’s gaze soften as she leaned over to wipe your tears away. “You didn’t do anything wrong…” Her voice trailed off as she continued to stare at you intensely, she held a guilty look but you could see that she was fighting with herself on whether to confess what she had done or not.
You shook your head before hiding your face in your hands. “No- I must’ve have done something.”
Red’s mind was flooded with guilt as she felt even more uncomfortable the more she continued to watch you cry. And it was all because of her and her jealousy.
The princess of Wonderland had never felt loved before so she never understood what that word meant or what it felt like.
When she first met you, she was skeptical because you were so nice and everything about you seemed so right that it felt wrong to her.
But eventually, her cold heart warmed up and then she grew to love every part of you and everything you did felt so right to her.
She loved being around you, whether you were busy doing something else, talking to someone else, or just doing nothing at all. Being around you made her feel all sorts of things, her heart beat would go faster, there was some sort of fluttery feeling in her stomach, and she could never stop her self from smiling at you.
The feelings were new to her and she didn’t understand why her blood pressure would rise up whenever she sees a guy try to flirt with you. Or when another girl gave you flowers and chocolate, you seemed so happy accepting those. Red hated that she wasn’t the reason of your smile that day.
One thing led to another, she began scaring away your admires whenever they tried to get close. Red made sure you wouldn't find out because she wasn't sure why she had done what she did in the first place. Red wouldn't have an answer if you asked her why.
But then she saw how terribly upset you were and all she wanted to do was confess. Red wanted to be the reason of your smile and yet, she was the cause of your tears that day.
"You didn't do anything...I did.”
You were fighting not to smile when she spoke up. “What happened?” You asked, looking at her in confusion as you watched her bit her lips in discomfort.
“People were avoiding you because I scared them away.” Red sighed, clearly not proud of what she did but she would totally do it again if she had to.
You continued to put up your confused act, taking her hands into yours you looked at Red straight in the eyes. “But why did you scare them away, Red?”
“I didn’t like it when people flirted with you or walk you down the hallway, I didn’t like them being around you at all.” Red grew irritated just by the thought of other people getting too close to you for her likings. You weren’t her property but she couldn’t help but feel possessive.
“Why don’t you like them? Did they do something?” You already knew the answer but you just wanted Red to admit it herself. You knew how proud she could be sometimes so she just needed a little push.
Red was frustrated with herself for not getting straight to the point but she was afraid by how you might react when she did.
“They didn’t do anything…I scared them off because I was jealous-“ Red stood up, her heart was beating so much faster than usual, her palms were sweaty, and she couldn’t look at you in the eye.
“And I also threw away love letters from your admires- It was wrong of me but I couldn’t control myself and I think I was feeling that way because I really like you.” Red confessed, she stopped pacing around to look at your reaction but there was none.
You stayed silence for a few seconds, but it felt like hours to Red. She was waiting you to say something but you didn’t until you eventually broke into laughers when you couldn’t contain yourself any longer.
“Wait, hold on. Why are you laughing, I’m being serious.” Red frowned, her thoughts were all over the place. Maybe it was a bad idea to confess to you after all. Fortunately, you stopped laughing after a while but you were still grinning ear to ear.
“Oh I know, Red. I just find your reaction adorable.” You chuckled before patting on empty place on the bed, gesturing Red to sit next to you.
Red’s cheek reddened at your subtle compliment but she was still as confused as ever. “Why don’t you look surprised?”
A smug smile grew on your face. “Because I‘m not. I caught you stopping a group of girls from touching my locker the other day, and you weren’t being very subtle these past few days.”
“Then, why didn’t you say anything?” Red asked in pure confusion as she sat back down on the bed, next to where you were.
“I wanted you to admit it yourself.” You shrugged, leaning forward before poking her cheek gently.
“Plus, you’re very adorable when you’re jealous.”
“I really want to feed you to the jabberwockies right now.” Red rolled her eyes and slapped your fingers away when you tried to poke her cheek again. “Stop poking my cheek!”
You giggled as you retreated your hand away from her face. Then, you moved to sit right in front of her, trying to get her to make eye contact with you but she was avoiding them at all cost. “You’re very romantic, Red. Is this what you should say to your girlfriend?”
“Girlfriend?” Red finally stopped glaring at the sheets and immediately whipped her head to face yours in shock, a pink tinge spread across her cheeks.
“Do you not want us to be?” You asked in a teasing matter, a smug smirk still laid on your lips as you watched Red blushed even harder as she tried to come up with words to reply.
“Yes! No! I mean, I do…want us to be girlfriends.”
Red watched as your smile grew wider when she finally said those words. The thought of you and her dating had been on her mind since forever, it felt great when it became a reality.
“May I?”
Red’s breath hitched when you leaned close to her face, your noses were nearly touching as you held her chin so gently and asked for permission to kiss her.
Red nodded, her heart continued to beat so fast she felt like it could explode as your lips finally touched hers. She had never kissed anyone, so she didn’t know what it should feel like, but what she did know was that you made her want to capture the moment and relive it forever.
After you both pulled away, Red was finally aware of her surroundings and immediately grabbed the closest pillow before using it to hide her face so you wouldn’t see how red she was.
“I didn’t know you’re the shy type.” You chuckled before taking away the pillow from her hands before moving it away so you could see her pretty face.
“Shut up.” Red rolled her eyes, trying to seem annoyed but the smile on her face told you otherwise. “And you seem experienced, have you kissed anyone else before?”
You immediately froze at her question before laughing awkwardly, trying to avoid her gaze.
“Uh, next question!”
Was It Casual pt.2
Pairing: Chloe Charming x reader
Genre: Fluff
Note: I’m currently having writer’s block, I legit can’t think of anything good rn so here’s the part two of was it casual!

You were lost for words when your best friend suddenly confessed her love for you. In that moment, everything around you went silent and all you heard was your own heartbeat and her voice.
God, you loved her voice. You loved everything about Chloe. Her eyes made the stars look like they’re not shining, her hair falls perfectly without her trying. If perfect was a person, that would be Chloe Charming. She was your everything, the reason for your laughter, the one person that never failed to put a smile on your face.
Chloe Charming was someone you can’t live without, she’s your oxygen, and your everything.
You grew up being treated like a princess, because you were one. You acted like one, you dressed like one, and you felt like one. But as good as the pros sounded being royalty and all, it was not fun having a grandmother looking over your shoulders every time you do something she claimed a princess would not even think of doing.
Your parents loved you and your sister Audrey, but your grandmother somehow would always have the upper hand on the way you and your sibling were raised. You grew up with your grandmother imprinting thoughts in your head that you should secure a prince as soon as you’re of age to maintain the family’s status.
And you really tried your best to look at a boy the same way you looked at girls, but you couldn’t. Imagine the look on her face if you were to tell her that you’ve been daydreaming about a happily ever after with another princess instead of a prince like your grandmother had envisioned.
You knew you liked girls at a young age, no. You liked a girl, one that just happened to be your best friend. And you grew to love her as the years passed.
Chloe Charming was everything you’ve ever wished for in a prince, she was charming, witty, athletic, and very kind but she was also someone you could always talk about anything and everything to. For the longest time, you’ve had trouble understanding why you felt so much love whenever you looked at her.
But you knew you could never love her like you wanted to, it was wrong. A princess should look for love in a prince, not another princess. It was suffocating but you could never hurt your grandmother, even if it meant that you will never truly be happy with a prince.
So you convinced yourself that maybe, it was just a phase. Girls shouldn’t like other girls.
But why did you feel so relieved when Chloe poured her heart into confessing her love for you. It took everything in you not to pull her into your arms and tell her you loved her back. Because while you knew you loved her, you wasn’t sure if it was romantically or platonically anymore.
Did you want her to be your best friend forever or did you want her to be yours and only yours for all eternity?
“Chloe, I…” You cursed yourself in your head for being such an idiot, was that the only words you could say after the love of your life poured her heart out for you?
“I’m sorry, I should go…” Chloe mumbled, looking so heart broken as tears bubbled up in her eyes, threatening to fall anytime soon. You wanted to run after her and pour your heart out like she did for you, but you couldn’t. While your heart shattered as hers did, you weren’t brave enough to admit that you felt the same about her.
While Chloe and Red had people they could talk to since their mothers were still studying in Merlin academy, you didn’t because your mother wasn’t even born yet. So you turned to Red, the only person you know aside from Chloe.
“I know this is kind of stupid that I’m asking you of all people, but how do you know if you love someone?” You sat beside the bench that Red was sitting out, totally tired after running around the whole school trying to find her.
“First of all, yes it is stupid. I’m actually very flabbergasted and I’m glad you’re self aware and secondly, shouldn’t you be asking Chloe about this kind of stuff instead of me?” Red immediately came for your neck for even thinking of asking her that but you chose to ignore her bold use of words.
“Chloe and I aren’t exactly on speaking terms, not like we had a fight or anything…it’s complicated.” You explained, not wanting to give off that Chloe might be the reason why you’d ask her about love. “But really, how do you know if you loved someone romantically and not as a friend?”
“Well, for starters love is a strong word and based on the fact that you’re even asking tells me that you might in fact love that person romantically. But don’t take my words seriously, you’re looking at a girl who had never experienced being loved.” Red chuckled bitterly, her expression turned sullen and you regretted asking her about that kind of thing in the first place.
“I’m sorry Red, I shouldn’t have asked.” You apologized sincerely as you pulled her into a hug, usually she would push you away but she didn’t this time.
“No, it’s fine…I’m fine, but did you at least get the answer you were looking for?” Red asked once you pulled away from the hug.
She made you realize that you loved Chloe in that ‘I love her so much that all I want is for her to be mine and no one else’s’ way all along but you were just in denial.
After you became sure of yourself, you nodded confidently. “I think I did and you’re such a big help. Thanks Red!” You gave her one last hug before you began running off. Totally ignoring the confused calls Red was sending as she stared at your fading figure blankly, unsure of what just happened.
“You’re welcome?”
The moment you stepped back into the school grounds, you immediately saw Chloe walking back into the school. Presumably from mom’s house.
“Chloe!” You shouted after her, at first she was hesitant and ignored your calls but eventually you caught up to her and pulled her aside to a place nobody was at.
“I’m sorry.” Were the first few words you managed to say as you tried to come up with words to express yourself.
“For what? It’s not your fault for not loving me back, it’s mine for thinking you might.” Chloe mumbled, avoiding your eyes like her life depended on it.
“Listen to me Chloe. I do love you, so much, I think too much actually…” Your voice trailed off when your eyes landed on her lips but then quickly went up back to her eyes when she opened up her mouth.
“You’re just saying that to make me feel better, I understand. It’s fine, Yn. You don’t have to do that, I’ll get over it.” Chloe frowned, it was hurting her that you were just saying that because you didn’t want to hurt her.
“No, no, no…you don’t understand. I…I’ve been trying for a long time to figure out how I felt about you, but you know how my grandmother is and the influence she has or more like had on me. I thought that as a princess I should only fall for a prince. So when you confessed to me, I wasn’t able to process it clearly that you loved me in that way.” You poured your heart into your rant like how she did to you a few hours before. It felt so good to not keep it in anymore. “I love you, and I’m sorry for not saying it sooner.”
Chloe stayed quiet for a minute, her mind was going all over the place. You loved her back. You, loved her back! And it was the only thing that mattered.
“May I?” She asked softly as she gently lifted your chin up with her hands. You nodded. Her lips turned into full smile as she placed her lips onto yours.
I Don’t Wanna Be Your Friend
Pairing: Princess Red x reader
Requested?: Nope
Genre: kinda angsty but also not really
Warnings: death threats, mention of violence…

You hated her from the moment your eyes locked with hers. A growing sensation heated up in your heart as you glared at Red who did the same twice as hard.
While there might be stories where two princesses falls for each other the first time they locked eyes, this was not one of them.
You and Red had been Enemies since the first day of Auradon Prep. You hated everything about her and she felt the same.
There weren’t days where you both weren’t at each other’s throats. Your mutual friend, Chloe was always the peace keeper and the reason one of you haven’t ended up in the ER yet.
“Stop breathing so loud.” Red huffed as she turned her whole body around to look at you. It was slightly funny to see as her hair was all messed up, thanks to you.
The two of you were 5 rows apart, fairy god mother made it that way so that a fight will be less likely to happen seeing as you were both in detention for trying to kill each other.
“Stop breathing so loud.” You mimicked the princess making her scowl at you. “How about you stop breathing all together?”
Red was about to jump out of her chair to launch at you but sat back down when fairy god mother told her to.
“Girls, behave or you’ll have to stay for another few hours.” The woman said, narrowing her eyes at Red and then to you before going back to her knitting.
Red grumbled, her glare grew even deeper. A cocky smile grew on your lips while you laid back against your chair. Feeling content watching Red grew angrier.
“I.will.end.you.” Red mouthed slowly, using her thumb as a pretend knife before pretending to slit her own throat.
“Try.me.” You mouthed back before sending her a teasing wink, annoying the hell out of Red who rolled her eyes and sat back properly.
The rest of detention went by dreadfully slow. You almost melted into the chair from how long you had to sit there.
“Alright girls, you’re both free to go but anymore trouble and you just might stay overnight!” Fairy god mother said sternly before sending them off.
“Good bye, fairy god mother! Same time tomorrow?” You grinned at the older woman jokingly. The woman tried to look stern but broke into a small smile before shaking her head as she pushed you and Red out of the room.
“Red.” You said as the two of you stand face to face in the empty corridor.
“Yn.” Red replied with the same level of hostility but before you both could engage with each other further, Chloe appeared out of nowhere and grabbed you both by the arms.
“At this point I think you both are addicted to each other.” Chloe muttered, both her arms locked with yours and Red’s.
“No way!” You both exclaimed at the same time before escaping from Chloe’s hold.
Chloe crossed her arms and looked at you then at Red before continuing on. “Soulmates would be the perfect word to describe your relationship. You both are in love with each other but just doesn’t know it yet.”
You and Red both gasped in offense.
“Ugh, I’d rather trade my soul away.” You rolled your eyes, looking disgusted at the idea.
“I’d rather not have a soul at all!” Red frowned as she shook her head in disagreement.
“Sure, sure, sure.” Chloe mumbled looking between the two of you before dragging you both by the wrists to the dormitory.
A few days passed since Chloe raised up the soulmates topic and the both of you tried your hardest to avoid each other at all costs. One time Red nearly jumped out of the window because you were about to head into the same room.
Everyone thought it was weird especially since usually you two were at each other’s neck 24/7 but now you can’t even look at each other’s eyes for a second.
The violence rate at Auradon Prep was lowered by 100% and fairy god mother was the happiest about it. Going as far as giving you heart lollipops for your good behavior.
Though you loved candy, you didn’t want to eat them since it reminded you of Red, she loved those. You’ve never seen her go a day without sucking on one and you were pretty sure she received some from her too.
It was more like a punishment to you and a reward for her.
Red stared at the chocolate shaped stars that sat on her desk. Fairy god mother had given her one every time she saw her and it was driving her a tiny bit insane because it reminded her of you.
You loved them, addicted even.
Red couldn’t stop thinking of you, maybe Chloe was right.
She was addicted.

My GlassHeart aesthetic board 💙♥️
Imagine working so hard on a movie and being so proud of it and ppl hate on it and compare it to movies before it
Saw other ppl do this and wanted to do it myself, if anyone has a print idea pls send it to me and I'll write it!
I refuse to do:
Anything else is fine!
After the time travel mission Red and Chloe start gaining memories from the new timeline, this is more of a problem for Red so Chloe gives her a journal to sort her thoughts. She writes/draws things that remind her of her childhood with the QoHs bc she doesn’t want to forget what she went through. Because if she forgot it, her trauma would’ve been for nothing.
Say it louder for the ppl in the back!!! Kylie and Malia are real people, they are just the actors who play Red and Chloe! Ship the characters not the actors!
I can not stress enough how *uncomfortable* this fics existence makes me. Any cast fic ever makes me wanna just jump into a lake like???? Don’t write this shit it’s weird af bro. 💀💀💀

Please, please stop making fics and shilling Kylie and Malia! They are real people not Red and Chloe, ship the characters not the actors!
I’ve seen the hc about Wonderlandians hearts sounding like clocks, so what if each Wonderlandian has a pocket watch that ticks when they’re alive and it stops when they die. And the parents do a ritual or whatever to tie the person to their watch and as they grow the watch customizes itself.
My Red Hcs ♥️🥀
-Red can speak Spanish
-Red loves to just go on walks
-She’s an artist
-Chloe gives her a journal and Res discovers that she likes to write and sort out her thoughts, it keeps her from going mad with all the new memories contradicting her old ones
-She has tons of hobbies bc the QoH kept taking them away
-She has a massive sweet tooth and Bridget heavily encourages it
-Red can bake bc she has weekly baking sessions/lessons with her mom
-Red calls Bridget Momma/Mama when she gets a new memory from her childhood in this timeline or just bc she can
-Maddox has the portal thing to Red’s room bc as a kid Red would always sneak to his workshop and fall asleep of the couches or benches and he’d have to find a way to sneak her back to her room before morning
-Res speaks a lot of languages bc there was nothing to do in Wonderland (hc from the-mabel-gleeful on tumblr)
-Red is so used to death bc of all the beheadings she’s seen and when someone dies she acts completely normal abt it and no one understands why until she explains it’s because she’s grown up around death
-Red can play guitar and piano
-She can cook bc TQoH used to starve her as punishment so she learned how to cook for herself (the kitchen staff helped her and TQoH found out and beheaded them)
-Her full name is Rosa Redelle Marcia Bao (Rosa means rose, Redelle means red meadow (I’ve seen a few ppl hc Redelle/Redella her real name and I rlly like that idea, credits to whoever came up with the hc), Marcia is the female version of Mars, the god of war, and Bao means precious and honor)
-Wonderlandians in the new timeline call her all kinds of nicknames
-Some of her nicknames relating to her name other than Red are Rose/little rose, Mars, and sometimes ppl just call her Bao
-Her mom’s are firecracker/fireball, Princess, dear/my dear, sweet/my sweet, my heart, my love, rosebud/flowerbud/my little bud, my darling, daughter/my daughter, my princess, etc
-Can run a country bc the QoH taught het at an early age
-Red has to sleep with a fan, sometimes more than one
-She has some pink in her outfits and style after the time travel mission
-She loves books and reading, but while Chloe reads for knowledge, Red likes to read for knowledge and for fun
-is good at writing poetry
-Poetry helps her get out her feelings
-Writes poems for every drawing
-Actually really loves going outside
-Likes watching the sunsets and stars, especially if she’s somewhere up high
-Is pan
-is very talented and has many hidden talents ppl don’t know or wouldn’t guess
-was a very sweet child and wanted the best for everyone but TQoH put a stop to all that
Chloe is a ginger cat and red is a black cat. I will say no more.
Need some more Red x Ace content bc they are the cutest lil beans and deserve so much more love.