Robert Hooke - Tumblr Posts

10 years ago

I think we underestimate the importance of drawing as a cognitive skill. It should be on par with learning how to write. None of this relegation to just “being an art”. OED defines art as “skill” and “science”. How easily we downplay this aspect. In Malay, we use tulis which means “to write”; but lesser known is that an older meaning of the word is also “to draw”. Hence why hand-painted batik is also known as batik tulis. Drawing and writing should be equally emphasised as fundamental and critical skills for children to learn. And yes, let’s get back to writing by hand, there’s something to appreciated as to how the mechanics of it affects thinking processes.

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10 years ago
The Flea By Robert Hooke, Scientist & Curator Of Experiments, Royal Society, 17th Centuryfrom Micrographia:or,

The Flea by Robert Hooke, scientist & curator of experiments, Royal Society, 17th century from Micrographia: or, Some physiological descriptions of minute bodies made by magnifying glasses of the most amazing drawings to me....

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