Rosalind Dyer - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

Into the dark

Chapter 3

Everything that follows happens in slow motion.

Rosalind crumples to the ground.

Blood blossoms from the center of her chest, spreading across her pale, freckled skin and darkening the fabric of her dress.

On the screen, the grate slides open as the flames finally burn out. Someone – Tim thinks it’s Officer Juarez – dives into the tank, arms wrapping around Lucy’s limp body and lifting her toward the surface. At least three other pairs of arms reach in to pull her out, and then help Juarez out as well.

He distantly hears Angela radioing it in, her voice in his ear and then growing louder as she appears in front of him. Gently, she pries the gun from his hand and then guides him away from Rosalind's dead body. She says something – the words IA and shooting and Grey is all he really registers – before beginning to secure the scene.

And then Tim is left staring at an empty screen, with nothing to do except pray that he pulled the trigger in time.

Read the rest on AO3

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5 months ago

This is a favorite of mine. It’s so well done. I hope @cleromanticon finds time and inspiration to finish it some day. Sooooo good. And a bit scary at the same time.

Tim sat drumming his fingers on his truck’s steering wheel, parked beside his sister’s van in the hospice parking lot, wondering why he was dreading this moment so much. He regretted not telling Lucy where he was going. She would have come with him. This would be easier if she was with him. “Get it together, Bradford,” he said aloud to himself. “Sign a piece of paper, get rid of that damned house, and you never have to come here again. You don’t have to see him. You don’t have to go past the lobby. Win-win-win, so go do it.” He didn’t move. He tried to picture Lucy beside him.The sooner you get this over with, the sooner you get to go back and tell her you just made a million dollars, and you’re taking her out to celebrate. This time Tim opened the truck door, climbed out, and headed towards the front entrance of the hospice. He imagined the actual conversation with Lucy, trying out different ways of asking her. He wondered if he should ask her out on a date. If he should ask her to go out to celebrate with him as friends. He imagined making the invitation ambiguous and Lucy asking him, “Is this a date?” And he’d know by the hope in her eyes that she wanted it to be, so he’d tell her, “You decide.”

- Omne Malum ab Homine by @cleromanticon (submitted by @come-rain-come-shine)

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