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Rottmnt analysis
So, in the episode Pizza Puffs(season 2 episode 5b), Leo, Donnie, Mikey, and Meat Sweats all consumed a Mystic poison (that was in some pizza puffs). They all had different side effects, and I think that's because the poison used their personality against them.
For example, Donnie names a lot of things after himself.

Donnie: So I build, behold Donnie Town! Donnie : Also known as Donnie-apolis, Donnie Estates, Park La Donnie, Donna-Stan, Notre-Don or Donnie-Stan to Noble I still haven't landed on one...

Announcer: Really a last minute entry. Introducing Dronatello!
Shelldon: Dronatello? Donnie? What are you doing here?
It only makes sense to give him another being that is related to him but not the same as him. He did even go on to name this "TummyTello".
Mikey, with all his Razzmatazz, flips, and tricks, is incredibly flexible, almost like he doesn't have bones or his bones are incredibly flexable.

Mikey: This situation calls for a dose of my psycho-acrobatics!"

This is why his side effect from the poison was jelly bones.
Leo's personality is often based on him being the face man. He talks a lot about his looks and some could say he implys a lot of time (if he doesn't just say it) that he is "on fire", with both his looks and his actions.

Leo: Leon’s on fire tonight boys.
This is why he is literally on fire as a result of the poison.
The poison also played with his love of puns. At one point he said, "I don't feel so hot," and then his head caught of fire almost immediately after.
As for meat sweats, we all know that he is (a little more than) a bit narcissistic.

Meat sweats: Look at me boat race. All sorts of handsome is me.
This is why, when he ate the poisoned pizza puffs, he had a bunch of himself on his body. This is because all he thinks about is himself.
Going off of this, what do you think Raph's side effect would have been if he had eaten some of the pizza puffs?
If you got here, thank you for reading.