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5 min tutorial for trcelyne, hope it helps!
Can we add you guys on SP? /notforced
Yeah, go ahead! :]

More art tutorials by Disney artists Griz and Norm Lemay
OOOO! Scraton has three fnaf songs (that i know of). Theres Frenzy (which is also known as FNaf security breach frenzy), theres Revision (with a similar longer name), and Astray (also with a longer version). I dunno why the names of their songs are so long. So yeah, I hope that helps! And you can just tag us as '🎤 ' :]
AAAAAAAA I JUST REALIZED I FORGOT TO SUBMIT ONE OF OUR FAVORITE SONGS. FUCK. In case you're wondering its Frenzy by Scraton and I might just resort to creating propaganda for it if it gets into the bracket since we forgot to submit it :[ - 🎤
OH YOU MAY BE THE PERFECT PERSON TO ASK THEN going through the form has been a NIGHTMARE of figuring out what some of these people called these songs. Scraton has entries listed as "fnaf security breach frenzy", "revision", "security breach: revision", "security breach frenzy", just. Just "five nights at Freddy's security breach"???? And "frenzy".
Are. Are they just two songs???? Is it just frenzy and revision?? Or is revision a revision OF frenzy????? Please please please help I am so confused
No problem! You can ask any of us poll participants for help when you need it! You KNOW how many songs we all know hehe. ^^
AAAAAAAA I JUST REALIZED I FORGOT TO SUBMIT ONE OF OUR FAVORITE SONGS. FUCK. In case you're wondering its Frenzy by Scraton and I might just resort to creating propaganda for it if it gets into the bracket since we forgot to submit it :[ - 🎤
OH YOU MAY BE THE PERFECT PERSON TO ASK THEN going through the form has been a NIGHTMARE of figuring out what some of these people called these songs. Scraton has entries listed as "fnaf security breach frenzy", "revision", "security breach: revision", "security breach frenzy", just. Just "five nights at Freddy's security breach"???? And "frenzy".
Are. Are they just two songs???? Is it just frenzy and revision?? Or is revision a revision OF frenzy????? Please please please help I am so confused
this is probably a frothing hot take but if you, as a minimum wage employee, get pissed about recreational shoplifters (i.e.: people not stealing for survival) because you think that shoplifting has any impact on your wage or job security
guess what! it's actually the corporation you work for that is threatening you. if they tell you wages are low because people are stealing, not only are they lying to you, the only reason they're telling you that is to make clear to you how precarious your employment is and how they see you as financially interchangeable to a tube of lipgloss. if your employer in any way telegraphs to you, explicitly or implicitly, that your livelihood is somehow tied to someone stealing something, this is a direct attempt to make you feel powerless, small and disposable
i hate that every time i look for color studies and tips to improve my art and make it more dynamic and interesting all that comes up are rudimentary explanations of the color wheel that explain it to me like im in 1st grade and just now discovering my primary colors