Said Dealing With Them Is Giving Them Their Own Room And Putting Them Back Together - Tumblr Posts

9 months ago

There's a boy in shards that just crashed through the kitchen window.

Normally Alfred would be on the defensive at an intruder, much less one that shattered the glass of the kitchen window and got glass everywhere. But he was caught off guard by how young the intruder looked and the fact that he had two crystal-like breaks where his legs and one arm used to be, with even more hairline and large cracks and breaks on the rest of him.

The boy(?) had tumbled into the polished floor and a bag of what looked to be green and black crystals fell out of his remaining arm, the boy himself looking around the kitchen almost frantically before stopping on Alfred.

"Help- please-" Was all the boy said before passing out on the floor, definitely injured but not bleeding. Alfred went over to the boy without much thought, assessing the amount of damage the boy had sustained.

It was bad given that the boy seemed to be made of the crystals and his three broken off limbs were in the bag of crystals just in multiple sections- Alfred thinks that he could see a pinkie finger and an index in the mess of shards.

After the quick assessment, Alfred got to work. He knew that Master Bruce and the children would be more concerned about where the crystal boy had come from before even attempting to piece him back together, but Alfred didn't think he would have to worry about that- so taking him to the servant quarters that were mostly unused except for his own room was the option he chose. Going into the laundry room to grab one of the clean sheets was the first thing he did, in order to gather the boy's pieces to easily transport them- Alfred could deal with putting him together once he got the boy to a better spot than the kitchen floor.

(During this time, Alfred wonders if the boy minded doing some housework or gardening- he seemed desperate to get away from something so maybe?)

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9 months ago

Alfred was just about finished putting the boy’s arm back together and was working on connecting it back to his body when the boy woke up with a start. The old butler stopped his movements to put the arm back on as the boy seemed to take note of his surroundings before focusing on Alfred sat to the side of him.

“Where am I?” The boy was hesitant when speaking, almost as if he was unsure that he was supposed to speak. This set off a few more alarms in Alfred’s head if the broken off limbs and shattered window weren’t alarms enough.

“You’re at Wayne Manor, young man.” Alfred spoke as he put down the arm in his hands. “Would you like to tell me why you crashed through the kitchen window in pieces?” The boy froze slightly at his question and Alfred raised an eyebrow as he moved to the bedside table that held the bonding agent that he had been using to put the shards of crystal together.

The boy hesitated for a moment, before answering the butler, “I was running from the GIW-” That was a name that Alfred wasn’t familiar with, even with his vast knowledge of organizations thanks to the batcomputer.

“The GIW? Could you tell me more about them? Are they dangerous?” Alfred spoke calmly as he began to apply the bonding agent to the broken off arm in preparation to put the arm back into place, with the boy watching his every move with cautious eyes.

“They’re the Guys In White- or Ghost Investigation Ward. They’re a government organization that are hunting down ghosts-” The boy was still hesitant to speak, though he allowed Alfred to carefully lift his broken arm in order to connect the broken off part of his arm back on, bandages soon following to hold the reattached arm in place.

Arm down, legs to go.

Alfred got to work getting the shards in the right places as the boy looked at him doing so. “That seems very illegal, even if ghosts are speculated to be merely tales” Alfred spoke in a calm tone as he began to apply a bonding agent to the shards, carefully putting pieces together to form one of the broken apart legs.

“It isn’t, it’s a law letting them hunt us without any consequences.” The boy spat out the words like they personally offended him, and to be frank Alfred would have done the same in his youth

“I am truly sorry for what has happened to you” Alfred looked up at the boy who was now sat up on the bed, his good arm being the one used to push himself up.

“It isn’t your fault though- just, could you please not tell the GIW that I’m here?” The boy seemed almost hesitant as he spoke, as if Alfred would contact them when he was done putting him back together. “I can leave as soon as you’re done helping me back together if you want-”

Alfred held up his hand for the boy to stop, which the boy thankfully did so. “Young man, I wouldn’t expect you to leave after being put back together. You are free to stay if you wish.” He smiled warmly at the boy, who looked skeptical of his response. “You may even help me around the manor if you would like to do something. I’m getting on in my years and would appreciate the extra pair of hands.”

The boy looked at him for a moment before giving Alfred a small smile, “I’d like that… If you’ll have me”.

Alfred sighed in relief at the boy’s acceptance of his offer before clapping his hands together, “Alright then. Now, let's get your legs back in one piece and onto you.”

There's a boy in shards that just crashed through the kitchen window.

Normally Alfred would be on the defensive at an intruder, much less one that shattered the glass of the kitchen window and got glass everywhere. But he was caught off guard by how young the intruder looked and the fact that he had two crystal-like breaks where his legs and one arm used to be, with even more hairline and large cracks and breaks on the rest of him.

The boy(?) had tumbled into the polished floor and a bag of what looked to be green and black crystals fell out of his remaining arm, the boy himself looking around the kitchen almost frantically before stopping on Alfred.

"Help- please-" Was all the boy said before passing out on the floor, definitely injured but not bleeding. Alfred went over to the boy without much thought, assessing the amount of damage the boy had sustained.

It was bad given that the boy seemed to be made of the crystals and his three broken off limbs were in the bag of crystals just in multiple sections- Alfred thinks that he could see a pinkie finger and an index in the mess of shards.

After the quick assessment, Alfred got to work. He knew that Master Bruce and the children would be more concerned about where the crystal boy had come from before even attempting to piece him back together, but Alfred didn't think he would have to worry about that- so taking him to the servant quarters that were mostly unused except for his own room was the option he chose. Going into the laundry room to grab one of the clean sheets was the first thing he did, in order to gather the boy's pieces to easily transport them- Alfred could deal with putting him together once he got the boy to a better spot than the kitchen floor.

(During this time, Alfred wonders if the boy minded doing some housework or gardening- he seemed desperate to get away from something so maybe?)

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