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Why Metamorphosis haunts so many readers

Every few years there comes a hentai that breaks the Internet and this manga is no exception. Titles like Bible Black and Euphoria disgusted many with the levels of depravity they indulged in. Metamorphosis is much tamer by comparison but it is still a tale that will leave readers shocked.
Metamorphosis feels like a story that could happen anywhere. Saki Yoshida is an average girl who desperately wants to be loved. Her naive perception of what true love is sends her on a downward spiral of sex, drugs, and abuse. Her boyfriend Hayato only used her for her body and the money she brought in. Her friends slut-shame and ditch her at the drop of a hat. Even her parents end up doing the worst to her. Everyone in Saki's life exists only to drag her deeper into depravity.
ShindoL captured the hearts of readers in a way thag most hentai can't. Many simply accept the problematic misogyny of hentai to be a staple of the genre and don't think twice about it. Metamorphosis is unique in that most readers have expressed sympathy for the trauma Saki suffered and condemned all of her abusers; a far cry from the usual response hentai readers have. Metamorphosis is viewed as more than just porn and is treated with the same level of maturity as any other story.
In essence, Metamorphosis is a grim coming of age story that highlights how drugs and naivety can lead to someone's downfall. The pain Saki endured was so visceral that many argue that the manga is torture porn and it's hard to refute that. If you're in the mood for a manga that takes a bitter look at the darkness of humanity, this is for you.

Metamorphosis/ Henshin Emergence/177013
Saki Yoshida in my style.
She deserves so much better.