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Classic Greek black metallers Rotting Christ released a "Best Of" album last year to celebrate 30 years as a band, and it's been finding heavy rotation in my listening of late. I've always enjoyed the band, but they've really struck a whole new cord with me over the past year or so.
I've really found them to sort of transcend black metal into a wholly spiritual realm. They do get some flak for their modern releases not keeping the classic raw black metal sound, which is a shame. The atmosphere they've learned to build and maintain is exceptional, and one of my favorite aspects of their music. And their growing experimentation with folk elements, world music, and inversions of traditional Christian music traits creates a powerful listening experience. I've never tended to feel very spiritual, but these days I'm finding more and more black metal that challenges that. And this band is at the top of that list.
Dare I call them "magical"? They certainly invoke some ethereal force within me, and I am most grateful for it.
I look forward to finally sitting down with their newest album in the coming week, once I wrap up my Master's Thesis, which has been a serious distraction. The singles I've heard are promising and I'm quite excited.
Rotting Christ
The Heretics
Greek black metallers Rotting Christ released their newest album earlier this year. Interestingly, perhaps due to their Best Of album from last year, I feel The Heretics harkens back to the melodies of some of their bigger hits. This album is fire and brimstone but with an anthemic bent, and it maintains the atmospheric approach they've taken with their latest releases.

One of my favorite elements of this album is the vocal work. Sakis Tolis continues his grandiose growling screeches we've come to expect, but also capitalizes on some fantastic guest vocalists. Dayal Patterson's spoken narrations are moody and evocative, and a lovely inclusion. Irina Zybina's vocals on the second track recall Russian blackened folk metal band Arkona, and make the track one of my favorites.
The melodies and rythym recall some of my favorite songs such as In-Yumen -Xilbalba, careful whispers dancing around chants, tribal drumming, and atmospheric riffs. Songs like "Heaven and Hell and Fire" and "Fire, God, and Fear" take their titles literally, auditory infernos blistering your ears with an intense roar. The album also maintains that magical, spiritual element I love about their music, invoking beings of the abyss with utter gusto.
Overall, this is a solid album, and I thoroughly enjoy it. You can pick it up from Season of Mist, Bandcamp, Amazon, etc.