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The Mononoke production team really went and fed Sakurai Takahiro to the Bakeneko. As much as the outcome may potentially result in complicated feelings in some, I MUST commend their guts and their decision to stand against mistreatment of women (shows how aware they are of the masterpiece they are working on). And it makes me respect and look forward to the movie even more.
For the past 2 days, the Mononoke team’s decision to recast the Medicine Seller has been living rent free in my head. And today I come to offer another perspective.
Because of the way animation in general does not allow for much appearance of the creators, much of the public credit and acknowledgement go to the only slither of humanity that can be seen or rather … heard. People equate their favorite characters with the providers of their voices. Kaji Yuki is literally Eren Jaeger. Dante Basco is literally Zuko. And Sakurai Takahiro is literally Shirokuma, Osomatsu, Makishima, Rohan, Kusuriuri, etc. Except this is a very reductive view because in truth, the voice actor does not, at all, play any part in the actual creation of a character or vision. They are the missing piece of a puzzle, but the other 99 pieces, the base, the frame, they’re the works of the writers, the designers, artists, animators, and directors. The voice actor simply HELPS bring that vision to life per directed, they are not creators.
In light of the recast decision, I have seen outcries saying that without Sakurai Takahiro, the Medicine Seller is no longer the Medicine Seller, which is a sentiment I can understand. I, too, have deep attachments to the characters voiced by him, and thus, indirectly, to his voice. But while his voice is perfect for such calm, mysterious, almost mystical character, consider this. Would you want a main character of a story that intentionally explores the lived reality of women in history (both pain and gain) through a humanizing lens, whose affiliation is neutral but with subtle acknowledgement and empathy for the victims of each crime (who are mostly women), to be voiced by a man who has, for a very long time, deceived and taken advantage of the women in his life? The compatibility between Sakurai Takahiro and the Medicine Seller is purely superficial, they stand for complete opposite things. And the team, while fully know the risks they are taking, sided with their creation.
With that decision, their creative interest is fully protected. By recasting the Medicine Seller, they are asserting their rightful claim to the credits of creating both the character, AND the series. THEY are the mysterious lines spoken in several intakes of breath, THEY are the glamorous kimono, THEY are the cheeky and mischievous actions that also imply a sense of misanthropy. The Medicine Seller is NOT, and never has been, Sakurai Takahiro. Secondly, with such cruel actions as his reputation, it is difficult for any production to continue working with Sakurai Takahiro, especially in a lead role where he would no doubt be involved in many promotional materials and inevitably be linked with its name. Hence, it is likely that, without any drastic action, upon finishing this movie, the Mononoke team, too, might close its door and try to move on. But by detaching him from the name, they are now able to look forward into the future and continue to conceptualize the universe that we all love and crave, without the weight of such an impactful and disrespectful scandal, that directly contradicts their stance, on their mind.
In all, with the single brave decision to recast one of the most recognizable traits of their central character, the Mononoke team has protected their character, their work, their creation. It is truly commendable.

This explains everything…
Ho-ly shit
*laughs In cheating scandal*

Sakurai Takahiro’s THE DARK ROAD – Teenage Sakurai Dark Stories
*Warning: Seiyuu are people. If you think that they are perfect even from the day they were born, you better don’t read this. Thank you*
When he was in grade school, he played with daytime firework (「昼花火」– hiru hanabi ) and – accidental or not we never know– burn down the field where he played. He fled because the fire spread, then pretended to be the first person that discover the fire. There was a fuss, but Sakurai acted so surprised and said “Its still noon, so its difficult to see the fire”
He burned the chemistry lab school desk with alcohol and then got kicked out from the Science club in Junior High school.
At his teens, Sakurai often went with his ‘not so good’ friend to camp deep inside Gifu’s mountain range by car, while bring the missile and rocket firework – they fired and shot the other camp nearby, also bombarded the person who go to toilet with missiles.
Ran Away – Realizing that the fuel inside their car wasn’t enough to go home, he stole the gasoline from other car nearby and put it in their car.
At Koganei City drug store, he purposely kicked the canned food display rack in the front store. He then proceed to hide at nearby building until the fuss gone.
He stole vegetable from unguarded farm. Not specify how many times.
At his first part time job at izakaya (Japanese bar) he used the beer jug to hit one of the customer’s neck and got fired after that.
On his part time job as insect terminator, he was so disgusted by the sight of actual worms… and quit after one day (he ran away)
There was tenant who moved from his apartment building, Sakurai attempted to steal TV from the mover’s truck and got caught by the neighbor’s aunty.
When he was a student, he threw his porn magazine out from train’s window. Panic occurred and the train was stopped after that.
At Atami. He ordered chocolate ice cream while his companion wanted vanilla. The waitress then repeated the order, “So, its two vanilla right?” Sakurai straight away stormed out, glared at the waitress then kicked the front counter! Again and again…. thats the way he used to complain.
Funny story, now whenever Sakurai looks upset, his close friends will teased him with “Sakurai, please don’t kick the counter~”
Pyromania. Lying. Stealing. Violence. Attempted Crime. Irresponsible. And very very short temper….
All that he used to be, gone with time, grow up and became an amazing person that a lot of people love, respect and adore.
13/06/14. Happy 40th Birthday, Sakurai san, all the best for you :)