Samandmax - Tumblr Posts

3 years ago

I enjoy this.

A mash-up of Brodyquest and Brady Culture’s voice lines from Sam & Max Culture Shock. Kinda slaps.

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2 years ago


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2 years ago
Here Are All The Sam & Max Doodles Ive Done This Week. Some Obviously Took Longer Than Others And, As
Here Are All The Sam & Max Doodles Ive Done This Week. Some Obviously Took Longer Than Others And, As
Here Are All The Sam & Max Doodles Ive Done This Week. Some Obviously Took Longer Than Others And, As
Here Are All The Sam & Max Doodles Ive Done This Week. Some Obviously Took Longer Than Others And, As
Here Are All The Sam & Max Doodles Ive Done This Week. Some Obviously Took Longer Than Others And, As

here are all the Sam & Max doodles i’ve done this week. some obviously took longer than others and, as always, please click on the images for better quality cuz tumblr really likes to butcher my huge-ass files.

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2 years ago
This Is My Post-305 Fanfiction
This Is My Post-305 Fanfiction

this is my post-305 fanfiction

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2 years ago
Here Are Some Things Ive Been Working On Since The End Of September I Drew Most Of These During A Week-long
Here Are Some Things Ive Been Working On Since The End Of September I Drew Most Of These During A Week-long
Here Are Some Things Ive Been Working On Since The End Of September I Drew Most Of These During A Week-long

here are some things i’ve been working on since the end of September… i drew most of these during a week-long episode of art block. i’ve been trying to be more loose with my art style so hopefully it’s noticeable.

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2 years ago
Nothing Says Halloween Like A Good Old Zombie Hoard Fight! Though Having Been One Himself, I Think Sam

nothing says halloween like a good old zombie hoard fight! though having been one himself, I think Sam would be a little defensive about folk walking towards Max with the intent of eating his brain… then again, I’d still rather fight a six foot tall dog than one lagomorph armed with a spork

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1 year ago
The first page of a two page digitally painted comic of Sam and Max. In the first panel, Sam and Max stand in a small ice fishing hut with dozens of bottles of hot sauce stood behind them on the counters. Sam wears a heavy winter coat and hat, while Max wears a scarf. Sam says, "Hi folks! Welcome to Sam and Max's annual hot sauce tasting and ice fishing jamboree! We're Sam and Max, and today we're gonna be sampling some of these delightful hot sauces in order to further our ongoing piscatological pursuits!" Max replies, "Piss-catological...Sam, there's no way that's a real word." Sam simply responds, "Oh, hush, you. Now let's get started!" In the second panel, they both hold several different hot sauces, tasting them as they give commentary. Sam says, "Ooh, The Rambunctious Reaper. I'm getting some notes of citrus from this one." Max adds, "And this Bowel Wrangler has a light aroma of bleach!" Sam again, "Huh, Red forty?" Max, "Oh, I already tried that one. Tastes like what it says on the tin." In the third panel, Max sticks his tongue out thoughtfully, holding a bottle labeled 100 percent pure capsaicin. Sam says from offscreen, "What are you trying? Capsaicin? Sounds french." Max comments, "I'm getting light fruity and smoky notes as well as just a hint of lava." His tongue sizzles as he talks. In the fourth panel, Sam says, "Sounds like we've got a winner! Open up, little buddy!" as he opens up Max's head like a trash can lid and pours the capsaicin down his gaping maw. Max looks completely ok with this arrangement. In the next panel, Sam tosses the hot sauce away while Max slowly turns bright red, smoke pouring out of his mouth as he begins to emit a high pitched squeal. In the last panel, Sam grabs Max by the ankles and dunks him into the ice fishing hole, saying, "Yowch! Yep, that's effective, alright. Alrighty, in ya go! Get those fish, Max!" Max lets out a burbling yell as he hits the water, turning it to steam as he goes. To be continued on page two. END ID
The second page of the same comic. In the first panel, Max sinks slowly into the arctic waters, letting out a relieved sigh. Around him are three fish: a barreleye, a calm looking sleeper shark, and a small trout in the foreground who looks alarmed at Max's sudden appearance. In the second panel, Max suddenly lurches forward with a mad grin and gleaming eyes, reaching out toward the trout, who looks alarmed and tries to make a break for it. The barreleye looks on and quietly comments, "Oh, damn." In the third panel, Sam sits in a red folding chair holding on to Max's scarf like it's a fishing line. He says dreamily, "Oh, the things we'll make with these fish. Surströmming, fried boiled pickled herring on smørrebrød, fiskeboller..." Suddenly there's a tug on the scarf. Sam says, "Oop! That feels like a bite!" In the next panel, Sam pulls Max up and out of the water by his scarf. Max has the trout from the previous panel clutched in one hand and a long, bewildered-looking eel in the other, as well as a small goldfish stuck in the folds of his scarf. He grins triumphantly and crows, "Tada! I think I saw my great aunt Tilly down there!" Notably, Tilly is the sleeper shark. Sam grins brightly and says, "Wow! Nice going, little pal!" In the final panel, Sam now holds Max by the scruff of the neck. Max tosses the trout carelessly over his shoulder, where it probably lands in the ice fishing hole and mercifully escapes, never to be caught by these lunatics again. Good for him. Anyway, Sam says, "What a successful first outing! But don't forget, we've got around 20 more bottles to get through before the day is done." Max, holding a blobby bright red bottle, says, "I wanna try this one called Breath of Death next!" Sam responds, "Sure thing, little pal! Huh, sure is a good thing you don't usually obey the laws of thermodynamics. Otherwise, that cold water wouldn't have helped with the spiciness at all and you'd probably just be in a lot of pain." Max, completely nonchalantly and excited if anything, says, "Who says I'm not? Now set me back down and let's get to tasting!" END ID

BEHOLD!! I made an entry to Skunkape's 2023 Holiday Contest! :'Dc I worked so fuckin hard on it hhhrhrhrhgdhsjglshgjdjfh and let me tell you, I do not at all hope to win but I do hope it makes Steve snicker. Just the thought that he'll be seeing it is wild. Hope it makes y'all snicker too ehehehe!!

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1 year ago
Sam And Max: The Spoon Incident

sam and max: the spoon incident

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1 year ago

lousy golfer

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