(sana's My Oc Hehe) - Tumblr Posts

7 months ago

4... "Stay. Please stay."

RUBBING MY FUCKING HANDS TOGETHER sehnsucht spoilers and tw for slight slight ableism?

Everything was going great for Sana, so it was only a matter of time before it all fell apart again.

It was the sound of coins hitting the floor that alerted him to what was happening. There was a soft “Oh fuck”, and Sana threw the covers off of him and jumped out of bed. Even in the darkness he could see Eva's form hunching over to pick up a bag of coins they must have dropped; Sana had to appreciate how they at least left some gold on the dresser for him. It didn't stop him from barreling into them and pinning them against the door.

“What are you doing, Eva?” Sana whispered, even though he knew exactly what they were doing. They were abandoning him. Again.

“Sana,” Eva breathed. “I know this looks bad, but trust me, I'm doing this for you.” There was genuine pain in their eye - were there any the last time? Or were they glad to go, and leave everything they had together behind?

“No - no, you're not. You're leaving me again.” It felt like he was being stabbed in the heart. Oh, God, this pain, he hasn't felt this since he came back to find their hideout ransacked - was it this bad before? It had to be worse. “Why, Eva? I thought we worked this all out - why are you doing this to me again?”

“I - I'm not trying to -” The realization seemed to hit them, and Eva slumped against the door. “I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to - to do this to you again, I don't want to hurt you - it's just -”

“Just what?” Hot tears stung at the corners of Sana's eyes. “Just fucking what? What excuse do you have for me this time?”

“I - I - ” Eva's eyes began to water. “It's - it's because -”

Sana expected a grand confession, but what came from their lips was hardly a whimper.

“I'm cursed.”

“What… are you talking about?” Fucking what? He scanned their face desperately for any hint of sarcasm, but they were on the verge of sobbing. Eva was a good actor, but not that good. “What do you mean by that?” He swallowed, his grip on their cloak slowly beginning to loosen.

“If I - I l-l-love - someone,” Suddenly Eva burst into tears. They sunk to the floor and began heaving for air. “When I-I l-love… someone, they die.”

Sana stared down at them with wide eyes. He knew a lot about magic; there was no curse that could do that. They must have been lying, but then…

Eva was curled up in a fetal position, their long tail wrapped tightly around them. Each sob ripped a hole in Sana's heart, and he couldn't - he couldn't bring himself to be mad anymore.

“Why do you think that?” He whispered softly, settling on the floor next to them.

Eva lifted their head, just enough for Sana to see a glowing white eye narrow in frustration. “I d-don't think it,” Eva hiccuped. “I know it. It's - it happened before. And it's g-going to happen to y-you - if I stay -” They let out a wail. “I know y-you d-d-don't want - m-m-m-me to -” Sana gently, gently placed a hand on their shoulder as Eva desperately sucked in some air. “- leave but it's t-the only way - way I can keep you - s-safe…”

Sana… Sana was at a loss.

He hadn't seen Eva like this since when they first ran away together. He was more cruel back then, he had to admit; he remembered staring blankly as they wept and secretly hoping they would shut up. But now - he was still upset, but it was like a switch flipped in him.

“Okay.” Sana settled up beside them and pressed his side against theirs. “I understand.” He didn't fucking understand. His emotions were shut off, but distantly, under a layer of fog, there was some anger at the situation. Eva was either telling an incredible lie, or they were batshit fucking insane. Sana didn't know which was worse. “So, the curse makes it so the people you love die. Do you love me?”

Eva was dead silent. At the same time, their tail began to twitch, and the tips of their long ears darkened considerably.

In any other circumstance, Sana would be overjoyed. Instead he just felt hollow. “Why do you have to leave?” He wanted to sound calm, rational, but instead the words came out pitifully, as if he was a little kid.

“I have to -” Eva sniffled. “I have to. To k-keep you s-safe.”

You're hurting me! Sana took a deep breath. “And that's why you left before?”

Eva nodded, and looked up at him with a wet eye. It at least seemed like they were beginning to calm down, which was a relief to Sana, because he felt like he was going to crumble to pieces.

“It was so you'd stay alive.” They sounded so sure of themself, Sana wanted to punch them. “I'm sorry for taking your things. I thought - if you hated m-me… things would be better.”

“But you left me.” The shell around Sana was beginning to crack. “I saved you, and you left me. And now you're leaving again -”

“I have to,” Eva whispered. “I'm sorry -”

“You don't!” He exploded. “You don't have to leave, you - you can stay - you're - you're just - you can stay, please!” Now it was Sana's turn to gasp for air, to choke and flounder like a fish out of water, to start bawling like a dumb child who didn't get their way - “Eva you - you aren't cursed you don't have to leave please - please don't leave I'll do anything -”

“Sana,” Eva whispered, and they were looking up at him with shock and horror but Sana couldn't care because everything was falling apart and he was just trying to pick up the pieces -

“Please,” he sobbed, and grabbed onto their cloak tightly. “Stay. Please, stay. Please, Eva, I can't lose you again. Please stay.”

“I-I - I -” For a moment, there was silence, and then Sana felt their hand on his shoulder. “Okay.”


eva is arkris aka my dnd oc and sana is their boyfriend rival thing. they were in a thieves guild together but ran away. when they got captured again sana used magic to help get eva away before they were executed but when he managed to escape he found they were NOT waiting for him but they just kinda took everything and left. and when he finally finds them again they explain their "curse" (in otherwords this isnt technically canon sadly, because in canon they had this conversation already) and they kiss and makeup. then theyre together again but sana still has to deal with eva acting up.

eva has ocd and ptsd from watching someone they loved die in front of them and has the delusion that their love will make people die. so if they ever get a crush on or start caring for other people they just abandon them. which is very normal of them to do. unfortunately it left sana with huge abandonment issues and bpd. he also kind of minimizes his own trauma a lot so when he sees them breaking down he tries to act as a caretaker and push down his own feelings. its really cool

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